DJI Mobile SDK Documentation

      class WaypointV2Action

      class WaypointV2Action

      This class represents an action for WaypointV2Mission. It determines how action is performed when a waypoint mission is executed.

      Class Members:
      Action ID
      method getActionID
      int getActionID()

      The ID of Action.

      intAn int value of Action ID.
      method getTrigger
      WaypointTrigger getTrigger()

      The trigger of action.

      WaypointTriggerAn object of WaypointTrigger.
      method getActuator
      WaypointActuator getActuator()

      The actuator of action.

      WaypointActuatorAn object of WaypointActuator.
      Make Waypoint V2 Action
      Download Progress
      Execution Progress
      enum ActionIntervalType
      enum ActionIntervalType

      The type of WaypointIntervalTriggerParam, Determines the interval type of how action repeats.

      Enum Members:
      DISTANCEThe action will be repeated after a particular distance.
      TIMEThe action will be repeated after a particular period of time.
      UNKNOWNUnknown action trigger type.
      Class Members:
      enum ActionTriggerType
      enum ActionTriggerType

      Possible types of action trigger.

      Enum Members:
      REACH_POINTThe action will be trigger when the aircraft reach the waypoint point. The parameters should be setting by WaypointReachPointTriggerParam.
      ASSOCIATEThe action will be triggered when action associated executes. The parameters should be defined by WaypointV2AssociateTriggerParam.
      TRAJECTORYThe action will be triggered when the aircraft flies from one waypoint to the next. This trigger applies only to AIRCRAFT_CONTROL_GIMBAL. When this is triggered, the gimbal will rotate at a constant speed from the start waypoint index to the end waypoint index. The parameters should be defined by WaypointTrajectoryTriggerParam.
      SIMPLE_INTERVALThe action will be triggered when the aircraft flies between two waypoints The parameters should be defined by WaypointIntervalTriggerParam.
      Class Members:
      enum ActionActuatorType
      enum ActionActuatorType

      Possible types of action actuator.

      Enum Members:
      CAMERAThe action will be executed by the camera. The parameters should be defined by WaypointCameraActuatorParam.
      GIMBALThe action will be executed by the gimbal. The parameters should be defined by WaypointGimbalActuatorParam.
      AIRCRAFT_CONTROLThe action will executes by controlling aircraft. The parameters should be defined by WaypointAircraftControlParam.
      LIDARThe action will executes by the lidar. The parameters should be defined by WaypointLidarActuatorParam.
      UNKNOWNUnknown actuator type.
      Class Members:
      enum GimbalOperationType
      enum GimbalOperationType

      The type of gimbal actuator operation.

      Enum Members:
      ROTATE_GIMBALRotates the gimbal. The range of the pitch angle should be gotten from ADJUST_PITCH or ADJUST_PITCH_UPWARDS. Only valid when the trigger type is REACH_POINT.
      AIRCRAFT_CONTROL_GIMBALRotates the gimbal. Only valid when the trigger type is TRAJECTORY.
      PATH_SHOOTINGRotates the gimbal then take photos. This type is only Supported by Zenmuse P1. You can use this type to achieve Smart Oblique Capture. Elevate the efficiency of your oblique photography mission using Smart Oblique Capture, where the gimbal automatically rotates to take photos at the different angles needed. Only photos essential to the reconstruction will be taken at the edge of the flight area, increasing the efficiency of post processing by 20% to 50%. Only valid when the trigger types are REACH_POINT and ASSOCIATE.
      Class Members:
      enum CameraOperationType
      enum CameraOperationType

      Possible types of camera actuator operation.

      Enum Members:
      SHOOT_SINGLE_PHOTOStarts to shoot a photo.
      START_RECORD_VIDEOStarts to record a video.
      STOP_RECORD_VIDEOStops to record a video.
      CUSTOM_NAMECustom Expand File or directory name. You can use this actuator type to customize the file name and folder name of photos during the flight route, it is convenient for users to manage the files after exporting media files from camera. This type should be set in setCameraOperationType. meanwhile you should set the param for setCustomNameParam which used to determine whether you need to customize the file name or folder.
      FOCUSYou can use this type to point focus or rectangle focus.
      ZOOMAdjust the camera focal length. Only support those support zoom cameras.
      FOCUS_MODESet the camera focus mode. We currently support auto and manual modes.
      Class Members:
      enum GimbalPathShootingType
      enum GimbalPathShootingType

      Possible types of gimbal path shootting operation.

      Enum Members:
      START_PATH_SHOOTINGStart path shooting.
      STOP_PATH_SHOOTINGStop path shooting.
      UNKNOWNUnknown type.
      Class Members:
      enum GimbalPathCycleMode
      enum GimbalPathCycleMode

      Possible types of gimbal path cycle mode operation.

      Enum Members:
      ONCEPath shooting will be executed once.
      UNLIMITEDPath shooting will be executed countless times.
      Class Members:
      enum LidarOperationType
      enum LidarOperationType

      Possible types of lidar operation.

      Enum Members:
      RECORD_POINT_CLOUDPoint cloud record opration. You can use this type to start,stop,pause,resume record point cloud when a waypoint mission is executing.
      Class Members:
      enum PointCloudRecordType
      enum PointCloudRecordType

      Possible types of point cloud record operation.

      Enum Members:
      STOP_RECORD_POINT_CLOUDStop point cloud recording.
      START_RECORD_POINT_CLOUDStart point cloud recording.
      PAUSE_RECORD_POINT_CLOUDPause point cloud recording.
      RESUME_RECORD_POINT_CLOUDResume point cloud recording.
      Class Members:
      enum AircraftControlType
      enum AircraftControlType

      Possible types of aircraft control actuator operation.

      Enum Members:
      ROTATE_YAWRotates the aircraft's yaw.
      START_STOP_FLYKeeps the aircraft stop flying or start flying.
      Class Members:
      enum CameraCustomNameType
      enum CameraCustomNameType

      Possible types of custom expand name actuator operation.

      Enum Members:
      FILECustom expand file name. When your set this type in waypoint action, after aircraft trigger the action, the name of next media file (video or photo) which would be stored in camera will be appended by the custom file name you set. For example, the default photo name is "DJI_2020012091415_999_WIDE.JPG", you could append "Waypoint1" after the default photo name, so the new photo's name will be "DJI_2020012091415_999_WIDE_Waypoint1.JPG". This action will only take effect once, if you want to append the same name for all photos in one mission, you need to set this action before taking each photo. Only Supported by Zenmuse P1, Zenmuse H20 Series.
      DIRCustom expand directory name. When your set this type in waypoint action, after aircraft trigger the action, the newly generated media files (videos or photos) will be stored in the new folder when taking photo or record video, this new folder's name will be appended by your custom directory name. for example by default, the default folder name is "DJI_202001012359_01", you could append "Mission1" after it, so the new folder's name will be "DJI_202001012359_01_Mission1". Please notice that the default folder's name also would be updated automatically when the drone completes the landing, the camera will update the last two digits in "DJI_202001012359_01" to "DJI_202001012359_02", so before your drone taking off again, if you need to append the same custom folder name, you need to set the same name with the action again. This type is only Supported by Zenmuse P1, Zenmuse L1, Zenmuse H20 Series.
      Class Members:
      enum CameraFocusMode
      enum CameraFocusMode

      Possible types of camera focus mode.

      Enum Members:
      MANUALManual focus mode
      AUTOAuto focus mode
      Class Members:
      enum CameraFocusRegionType
      enum CameraFocusRegionType

      Possible types of camera focus region.

      Enum Members:
      POINTThe focus region is a point.
      RECTANGLEThe focus region is a prectangle.
      Class Members: