Builder maxFlightSpeed( @FloatRange(from = MIN_FLIGHT_SPEED, to = MAX_FLIGHT_SPEED)float maxFlightSpeed)
While the aircraft is travelling between waypoints, you can offset its speed by using the throttle joystick on the remote controller. getMaxFlightSpeed is this offset when the joystick is pushed to maximum deflection. For example, If maxFlightSpeed is 10 m/s, then pushing the throttle joystick all the way up will add 10 m/s to the aircraft speed, while pushing down will subtract 10 m/s from the aircraft speed. If the remote controller stick is not at maximum deflection, then the offset speed will be interpolated between [0, getMaxFlightSpeed] with a resolution of 1000 steps. If the offset speed is negative, then the aircraft will fly backwards to previous waypoints. When it reaches the first waypoint, it will then hover in place until a positive speed is applied. getMaxFlightSpeed has a range of [2,15] m/s.
Input Parameters:
@FloatRange(from = MIN_FLIGHT_SPEED, to = MAX_FLIGHT_SPEED) float maxFlightSpeed
While the aircraft is travelling between waypoints, you can offset its speed by using the throttle joystick on the remote controller. getMaxFlightSpeed is this offset when the joystick is pushed to maximum deflection. For example, If maxFlightSpeed is 10 m/s, then pushing the throttle joystick all the way up will add 10 m/s to the aircraft speed, while pushing down will subtract 10 m/s from the aircraft speed. If the remote controller stick is not at maximum deflection, then the offset speed will be interpolated between [0, getMaxFlightSpeed] with a resolution of 1000 steps. If the offset speed is negative, then the aircraft will fly backwards to previous waypoints. When it reaches the first waypoint, it will then hover in place until a positive speed is applied. getMaxFlightSpeed has a range of [2,15] m/s.
Builder autoFlightSpeed( @FloatRange(from = MIN_AUTO_FLIGHT_SPEED, to = MAX_AUTO_FLIGHT_SPEED)float autoFlightSpeed)
The base automatic speed of the aircraft as it moves between waypoints with range [-15, 15] m/s. The aircraft's actual speed is a combination of the base automatic speed, and the speed control given by the throttle joystick on the remote controller. If getAutoFlightSpeed >0: Actual speed is getAutoFlightSpeed + Joystick Speed (with combined max of getMaxFlightSpeed) If getAutoFlightSpeed =0: Actual speed is controlled only by the remote controller joystick. If getAutoFlightSpeed <0 and the aircraft is at the first waypoint, the aircraft will hover in place until the speed is made positive by the remote controller joystick.
Input Parameters:
@FloatRange(from = MIN_AUTO_FLIGHT_SPEED, to = MAX_AUTO_FLIGHT_SPEED) float autoFlightSpeed
The base automatic speed of the aircraft as it moves between waypoints with range [-15, 15] m/s. The aircraft's actual speed is a combination of the base automatic speed, and the speed control given by the throttle joystick on the remote controller. If getAutoFlightSpeed >0: Actual speed is getAutoFlightSpeed + Joystick Speed (with combined max of getMaxFlightSpeed) If getAutoFlightSpeed =0: Actual speed is controlled only by the remote controller joystick. If getAutoFlightSpeed <0 and the aircraft is at the first waypoint, the aircraft will hover in place until the speed is made positive by the remote controller joystick.
The path the aircraft follows between waypoints. The aircraft can either fly directly between waypoints in a straight line, or turn near a waypoint in the curve where the waypoint location defines a part of the curve.
The path the aircraft follows between waypoints. The aircraft can either fly directly between waypoints in a straight line, or turn near a waypoint in the curve where the waypoint location defines a part of the curve.
Builder repeatTimes(@IntRange(from = MIN_REPEAT_TIME, to = MAX_REPEAT_TIME)int repeatTimes)
Mission execution can be repeated more than once. The value range is [1, 255]. If 255 is selected, then the mission will continue to be executed until stopMission is called or any error occurs. Other values represent the exact execution times of the mission.
Input Parameters:
@IntRange(from = MIN_REPEAT_TIME, to = MAX_REPEAT_TIME) int repeatTimes
Number of times to repeat mission, the value should be larger than 0.
When downloading a waypoint mission, the number of waypoints in getWaypointList will be less than getWaypointCount until the download is complete. This property is true when all the information in the waypoint mission is downloaded, and complete in this object.