class IMUState
@EXClassNullAway class IMUState
This class provides the inertial measurement unit's (IMU) state information.
Class Members:
method getIndex
Package: dji.common.flightcontroller.imu
The IMU's ID. Starts at 0.
method getGyroscopeState
SensorState getGyroscopeState ()
Package: dji.common.flightcontroller.imu SDK Key: IMU_STATE_GYROSCOPE_STATE
Returns the gyroscopic sensor's state value.
method getAccelerometerState
SensorState getAccelerometerState ()
Package: dji.common.flightcontroller.imu SDK Key: IMU_STATE_ACCELEROMETER_STATE
Returns the accelerometers sensor state value.
method getCalibrationProgress
int getCalibrationProgress ()
Package: dji.common.flightcontroller.imu SDK Key: IMU_STATE_CALIBRATION_PROGRESS
Returns the IMU's calibration progress, its range being [1, 100]. If the IMU is not calibrating, the value of the calibration progress will be -1.
method getCalibrationState
CalibrationState getCalibrationState ()
Package: dji.common.flightcontroller.imu
Returns the status of the IMU's calibration.
method getMultipleOrientationCalibrationHint
MultipleOrientationCalibrationHint getMultipleOrientationCalibrationHint ()
Package: dji.common.flightcontroller.imu
For products that require the user to orient the aircraft during the IMU calibration, this method can be used to inform the user when each orientation is done. It is supported by flight controller firmware or above.
enum SensorState
@EXClassNullAway enum SensorState
Package: dji.common.flightcontroller.imu SDK Key: IMU_STATE_ACCELEROMETER_STATE, IMU_STATE_GYROSCOPE_STATE
Enum for IMU calibration Status.
Enum Members:
DISCONNECTEDThe IMU sensor is disconnected from the flight controller. CALIBRATINGThe IMU sensor is calibrating CALIBRATION_FAILEDCalibrate of the IMU sensor failed. DATA_EXCEPTIONThe IMU sensor has a data exception. Calibrate the IMU and restart the aircraft. If afterwards the status still exists, you may need to contact DJI for further assistance. WARMING_UPThe IMU sensor is warming up. IN_MOTIONThe IMU sensor is not static; the aircraft may not be stable enough to calculate sensor data correctly. NORMAL_BIASThe IMU's bias value is normal; the aircraft can safely take off. MEDIUM_BIASThe IMU's bias value is medium; the aircraft can safely take off. LARGE_BIASThe IMU's bias value is large; the aircraft cannot take off. IMU calibration is needed. UNKNOWNThe IMU sensor's status is unknown.
Class Members:
enum CalibrationState
@EXClassNullAway enum CalibrationState
Package: dji.common.flightcontroller.imu
Enum for IMU calibration Status.
Enum Members:
NONEIMU not in calibration; no calibration is executing. CALIBRATINGIMU calibration is in progress. SUCCESSFULIMU calibration succeeded. FAILEDIMU calibration failed. UNKNOWNUnknown calibration status.
Class Members:
enum CalibrationOrientation
@EXClassNullAway enum CalibrationOrientation
Package: dji.common.flightcontroller
The different orientations the aircraft needs for a multi-orientation IMU calibration.
Enum Members:
NOSE_DOWNThe front/nose of the aircraft should be pointed down. TAIL_DOWNThe back/tail of the aircraft should be pointed down. RIGHT_DOWNThe right/starboard side of the aircraft should be pointed down. LEFT_DOWNThe left/port side of the aircraft should be pointed down. BOTTOM_DOWNThe bottom/underbelly of the aircraft should be pointed down. TOP_DOWNThe top of the aircraft should be pointed down.
Class Members:
enum OrientationCalibrationState
@EXClassNullAway enum OrientationCalibrationState
Package: dji.common.flightcontroller.imu
IMU calibration status for the current aircraft orientation.
Enum Members:
CALIBRATINGCalibration of current aircraft orientation is in progress. COMPLETEDCalibration of current aircraft orientation is done. The orientation will be added to getOrientationsCalibrated
. The aircraft should be rotated to a remaining orientation in getOrientationsToCalibrate
. UNKNOWNUnknown. Used by products that do not require IMU multi-orientation calibration.
Class Members: