DJI Mobile SDK Documentation

      class Gimbal

      class Gimbal extends BaseComponent
      Inherits From:BaseComponent

      This class provides multiple methods to control the gimbal. These include setting the gimbal work mode, rotating the gimbal with angle, starting the gimbal auto calibration, etc. This object is available from the Aircraft or HandHeld object which is a subclass of BaseProduct.

      Class Members:

      State Updates

      method setStateCallback
      void setStateCallback(@Nullable GimbalState.Callback callback)

      Sets up the gimbal state update callback.

      Input Parameters:
      @Nullable GimbalState.Callback callbackThe execution callback.
      method setMovementSettingsCallback
      void setMovementSettingsCallback(@Nullable MovementSettings.Callback callback)

      Sets up the gimbal advanced setting state update callback.

      Input Parameters:
      @Nullable MovementSettings.Callback callbackThe execution callback.
      method setBatteryChargeRemainingCallback
      void setBatteryChargeRemainingCallback(@Nullable BatteryChargeRemainingCallback callback)

      Sets the gimbal remaining energy callback. The unit is percentage.

      Input Parameters:
      @Nullable BatteryChargeRemainingCallback callbackThe execution callback.


      Gimbal Capability
      method getCapabilities
      Map<CapabilityKey, DJIParamCapability> getCapabilities()
      SDK Key:GimbalKey.CAPABILITIES

      Returns the gimbal's features and possible range of settings. Each key is a possible gimbal feature and is in CapabilityKey enum. The value for each key is an instance of DJIParamCapability or its sub-classes. The isSupported property can be used to query if a feature is supported by the gimbal and the getMin and getMax properties of DJIParamMinMaxCapability can be used to query the valid range for the setting. When a feature is not supported, the values for getMin and getMax are undefined.

      Map<CapabilityKey, DJIParamCapability>A Map<CapabilityKey, DJIParamCapability> instance.

      Operation Mode

      Set Work Mode
      method setMode
      void setMode(@NonNull final GimbalMode mode, @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)
      SDK Key:GimbalKey.MODE

      Sets the gimbal's work mode.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull final GimbalMode modeGimbal work mode to be set.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      Reset Gimbal
      method reset
      void reset(@Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)
      SDK Key:GimbalKey.RESET_GIMBAL

      Resets the gimbal. The behaviors are product-dependent. Osmo series (e.g. Osmo, Osmo Pro): The gimbal's pitch and yaw will be set to the origin, which is the standard position for the gimbal. Phantom series (e.g. Phantom 3 Professional, Phantom 4 series): The first call sets gimbal to point down vertically to the earth. The second call sets gimbal to the standard position. Other products (e.g. Inspire 1): Only the gimbal's pitch will the set to the origin.

      Input Parameters:
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      method reset
      void reset(Axis axis, ResetDirection resetDirection, @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Resets the gimbal. The behaviors are dependent on the selected axis and reset direction.
      Supported by:
      Zenmuse H20 and Zenmuse H20T (firmware version v01.00.06.98 and above)
      DJI X-port (firmware version v02.00.07.60 and above)
      Zenmuse Z30 (firmware version v01.01.03.00 and above)
      Zenmuse X5S (firmware version v01.01.03.00 and above)
      Zenmuse X7 (firmware version v00.02.05.68 and above)
      Zenmuse XT2 (firmware version v00.02.06.46 and above)
      Zenmuse XTS (firmware version v00.02.32.82 and above)

      Input Parameters:
      Axis axisThe axis to reset.
      ResetDirection resetDirectionThe direction on axis to reset.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.

      Moving the Gimbal

      Rotate Gimbal
      method rotate
      void rotate(@NonNull final Rotation rotation, @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)
      SDK Key:GimbalKey.ROTATE

      Rotate gimbal's pitch, roll, and yaw with DJIGimbalRotation. For X5S, X4S and X7, rotating the gimbal with mode RELATIVE_ANGLE or ABSOLUTE_ANGLE, will reset the gimbal mode to FREE.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull final Rotation rotationAn instance of Rotation.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe callback of CompletionCallback.
      Look At
      method lookAt
      void lookAt(LocationCoordinate3D locationCoordinate3D, LookAtMode mode, final CompletionCallback callback)

      The aircraft will look at the GPS point you set up,it is only supported by Zenmuse H20 Series.

      Input Parameters:
      LocationCoordinate3D locationCoordinate3DThe GPS location you want to look at. you could get the location from getTargetLocation or get the location with map.
      LookAtMode modeThe look at mode.
      final CompletionCallback callbackThe callback of CompletionCallback.

      enum LookAtMode
      enum LookAtMode

      Gimbal LookAt mode. include gimbal free mode and gimbal following mode.

      Enum Members:
      LOOK_AT_GIMBAL_FREEGimbal free mode, only control the gimbal to look at the target, it will automatically exit after completion.
      LOOK_AT_GIMBAL_FOLLOWINGGimbal following mode, control gimbal and aircraft to look at the target, it will automatically exit after completion.
      Class Members:
      enum DetectionResultOnAxis
      enum DetectionResultOnAxis

      Gimbal's balance or coaxiality detection result on axis.

      Enum Members:
      GREATBalance or coaxiality detection result is great.
      GOODBalance or coaxiality detection result is good.
      BADBalance or coaxiality detection result is bad. Please adjust gimbal's balance or coaxiality according to corresponding result.
      UNKNOWNThe gimbal detection result is unknown.
      Class Members:
      enum BalanceDetectionProgressStatus
      enum BalanceDetectionProgressStatus

      Current balance detection progress status of balance detection.

      Enum Members:
      IN_PROCESSGimbal's balance detection is in process.
      FINISHEDGimbal's balance detection has finished.
      ERRORGimbal's balance balance detection has stopped with error.
      UNKNOWNGimbal's balance detection status is unknown.
      Class Members:
      enum CoaxialityDetectionProgressStatus
      enum CoaxialityDetectionProgressStatus

      Current coaxiality detection progress status of balance detection.

      Enum Members:
      IN_PROCESSGimbal's coaxiality detection is in process.
      FINISHEDGimbal's coaxiality detection has finished.
      ERRORGimbal's coaxiality detection has stopped with error.
      UNKNOWNGimbal's coaxiality detection status is unknown.
      Class Members:
      enum DirectionAdjustmentResult
      enum DirectionAdjustmentResult

      Gimbal's direction adjustment result.

      Enum Members:
      GOODThe direction check result is good.
      BADGimbal's direction adjustment result is bad.
      UNKNOWNGimbal's direction adjustment result is unknown.
      Class Members:
      enum SuggestedDirectionAdjustment
      enum SuggestedDirectionAdjustment

      The suggested direction adjustment of gimbal.

      Enum Members:
      NONENo need to adjust.
      LEFTManually adjust the camera to the corresponding direction on axis.
      RIGHTManually adjust the camera to the corresponding direction on axis.
      UPWARDSManually adjust the camera to the corresponding direction on axis.
      DOWNWARDSManually adjust the camera to the corresponding direction on axis.
      FORWARDSManually adjust the camera to the corresponding direction on axis.
      BACKWARDSManually adjust the camera to the corresponding direction on axis.
      Class Members:
      enum ControlParametersAutoTuningStatus
      enum ControlParametersAutoTuningStatus

      The control parameters auto tuning status of the gimbal.

      Enum Members:
      IN_PROCESSControl parameters auto-tuning is in progress.
      FINISHEDControl parameters auto-tuning is finished.
      ERRORThe control parameters auto tuning occurs error.
      UNKNOWNUnknown control parameters auto-tuning state.
      Class Members:
      enum RotationalInertiaState
      enum RotationalInertiaState

      Gimbal's rotational inertia state.

      Enum Members:
      NORMALThe rotational inertia of axis is normal.
      SMALLERThe rotational inertia is too small. PayLoad need to be added.
      TOO_LARGERThe rotational inertia is too large. Payload need to be reduced.
      Class Members:
      enum AxialStiffnessState
      enum AxialStiffnessState

      Gimbal's stiffness on axis.

      Enum Members:
      NORMALNormal stiffness on axis.
      LOWLow stiffness on axis.
      UNKNOWNThe stiffness on axis is unknown.
      Class Members:
      enum ResetDirection
      enum ResetDirection

      Gimbal reset direction.

      Enum Members:
      UP_OR_DOWNThe standard position for the upper gimbal is pointing up vertically to the sky. The standard position for the downward gimbal is pointing down vertically to the earth.
      CENTERApplies only to the yaw. The standard position is pointing to the center.
      Class Members:
      enum Axis
      enum Axis

      Gimbal Axis.

      Enum Members:
      YAWGimbal's yaw axis.
      PITCHGimbal's pitch axis.
      ROLLGimbal's roll axis. Not available in DJIGimbal_resetWithAxisAndResetDirection.
      YAW_AND_PITCHGimbal's yaw and pitch axis.
      Class Members:
      enum GimbalMode
      enum GimbalMode
      SDK Key:GimbalKey.MODE

      Gimbal work modes.

      Enum Members:
      FREEThe gimbal can move independently of the aircraft's yaw. In this mode, even if the aircraft yaw changes, the camera will continue pointing in the same world direction. This mode is only available for the Ronin-MX when the M600 or M600 Pro landing gear is retracted.
      FPVThe gimbal's work mode is FPV mode. In this mode, the gimbal yaw will follow the aircraft's heading, and the gimbal roll will follow the RC's roll channel value. The pitch will be available to move. This mode is only available for the Ronin-MX when the M600 landing gear is retracted.
      YAW_FOLLOWThe gimbal's work mode is such that it will follow the yaw. In this mode, the gimbal yaw will be fixed, while pitch and roll will be available to move.
      UNKNOWNThe gimbal's work mode is unknown.
      Class Members:
      enum BalanceTestResult
      enum BalanceTestResult

      For gimbals that allow payloads to be changed, a balance test should be performed to ensure the camera is mounted correctly.

      Enum Members:
      PASSThe balance test result is great.
      MARGINALThe balance test result is good. When this result is returned, it is possible there was some noise in the balance measurement. For best results, it is recommended to run the balance test again and adjust the payload position until the result becomes great.
      FAILThe balance test result is bad. The payload should be adjusted when this result is returned.
      UNKNOWNThe balance test result is unknown.
      Class Members:
      enum MovementSettingsProfile
      enum MovementSettingsProfile

      The Movement Settings Profile contains presets for SmoothTrack and the Physical Controller sensitivity. SmoothTrack and Controller settings can only be manually changed if Custom1 or Custom2 profiles are selected.

      Enum Members:
      FASTThe gimbal's SmoothTrack and Controller sensitivity is high. When the gimbal is using this profile, user cannot change the Movement Settings manually.
      MEDIUMThe gimbal's SmoothTrack and Controller sensitivity is medium. When the gimbal is using this profile, user cannot change the Movement Settings manually.
      SLOWThe gimbal's SmoothTrack and Controller sensitivity is slow. When the gimbal is using this profile, user cannot change the Movement Settings manually.
      CUSTOM_1The gimbal uses a custom configuration in memory slot 1 where the yaw and pitch speed, deadband, and acceleration can be defined.
      CUSTOM_2The gimbal uses a custom configuration in memory slot 2 where the yaw and pitch speed, deadband, and acceleration can be defined.
      UNKNOWNThe gimbal's user config type is unknown.
      Class Members:
      enum MotorControlPreset
      enum MotorControlPreset

      Different cameras have different preset parameters for gimbal motor stiffness, strength, gyro filtering and pre-control.

      Enum Members:
      REDThe gimbal's motor control configuration is optimized for RED cameras.
      DSLRThe gimbal's motor control configuration is optimized for most DSLR cameras.
      MIRRORLESSThe gimbal's motor control configuration is optimized for most mirrorless cameras.
      Class Members:
      enum EndpointDirection
      enum EndpointDirection

      Gimbal endpoint setting.

      Enum Members:
      PITCH_UPPitch (also called tilt) endpoint setting in the upwards direction.
      PITCH_DOWNPitch (also called tilt) endpoint setting in the downwards direction.
      YAW_LEFTYaw (also called pan) endpoint setting in the left direction.
      YAW_RIGHTYaw (also called pan) endpoint setting in the right direction.
      Class Members:
      enum BalanceState
      enum BalanceState
      SDK Key:GimbalKey.BALANCE_STATE

      The loading balance status of the gimbal. The gimbal loading is changeable for Osmo Mobile. When the mounted mobile device is changed, in order to optimize the gimbal performance, user can adjust the gimbal physically based on the status.

      Enum Members:
      BALANCEDThe gimbal is balanced.
      TILTING_LEFTThe gimbal is tilting left. Adjust the photo to the right hand side to balance the gimbal.
      TILTING_RIGHTThe gimbal is tilting right. Adjust the photo to the left hand side to balance the gimbal.
      UNKNOWNThe balance status is unknown.
      Class Members:
      enum CapabilityKey
      enum CapabilityKey

      These enums are keys for gimbal capability map.

      Enum Members:
      ADJUST_PITCHKey enum in the getCapabilities dictionary that holds the complete capability of the gimbal. The value is capability range of the gimbal is placed downwards, A negative value in the valid range represents counter-clockwise rotation. A positive value in the valid range represents clockwise rotation.
      ADJUST_PITCH_UPWARDSKey enum in the getCapabilities dictionary that holds the complete capability of the gimbal. The value is capability range of the gimbal is placed upwards, A negative value in the valid range represents counter-clockwise rotation. A positive value in the valid range represents clockwise rotation.
      ADJUST_YAWKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal supports yaw axis adjustment. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range in degrees is returned. A negative value in the valid range represents counter-clockwise rotation. A positive value in the valid range represents clockwise rotation. For Gimbal's that allow a pitch range extension (see PITCH_RANGE_EXTENSION, the range will be representative of the extended range whether it is enabled or not.
      ADJUST_ROLLKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal supports roll axis adjustment. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range in degrees is returned. A negative value in the valid range represents counter-clockwise rotation. A positive value in the valid range represents clockwise rotation.
      MOVEMENT_SETTINGSKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal supports Advanced Settings Profiles. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamCapability.
      PITCH_RANGE_EXTENSIONKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal supports a range extension in pitch. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range in degrees is returned.
      PITCH_CONTROLLER_SPEED_COEFFICIENTKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's pitch axis response speed to manual control can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      YAW_CONTROLLER_SPEED_COEFFICIENTKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's yaw axis response speed to manual control can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      PITCH_CONTROLLER_SMOOTHING_FACTORKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's pitch axis smoothing can be adjusted when using manual control. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      YAW_CONTROLLER_SMOOTHING_FACTORKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's yaw axis smoothing can be adjusted when using manual control. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      PITCH_CONTROLLER_DEADBANDKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's manual control pitch axis deadband can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      YAW_CONTROLLER_DEADBANDKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's manual control yaw axis deadband can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      PITCH_CONTROLLER_MAX_SPEEDKey in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's manual control pitch axis max speed can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      YAW_CONTROLLER_MAX_SPEEDKey in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's manual control yaw axis max speed can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      PITCH_SMOOTH_TRACK_ENABLEDKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's pitch axis SmoothTrack can be toggled. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamCapability. Ronin-MX cannot toggle the SmoothTrack functionality and it is always enabled.
      YAW_SMOOTH_TRACK_ENABLEDKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's yaw axis SmoothTrack can be toggled. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamCapability. Ronin-MX cannot toggle the SmoothTrack functionality and it is always enabled.
      PITCH_SMOOTH_TRACK_ACCELERATIONKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's pitch axis SmoothTrack acceleration can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      YAW_SMOOTH_TRACK_ACCELERATIONKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's yaw axis SmoothTrack acceleration can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      PITCH_SMOOTH_TRACK_SPEEDKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's pitch axis SmoothTrack speed can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      YAW_SMOOTH_TRACK_SPEEDKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's yaw axis SmoothTrack speed can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      PITCH_SMOOTH_TRACK_DEADBANDKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's pitch axis SmoothTrack deadband can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      YAW_SMOOTH_TRACK_DEADBANDKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's yaw axis SmoothTrack deadband can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      PITCH_UP_ENDPOINTKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's pitch up endpoint can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      PITCH_DOWN_ENDPOINTKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's pitch down endpoint can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      YAW_LEFT_ENDPOINTKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's yaw left endpoint can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      YAW_RIGHT_ENDPOINTKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's yaw right endpoint can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      PITCH_MOTOR_CONTROL_STIFFNESSKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's pitch axis motor control stiffness can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      YAW_MOTOR_CONTROL_STIFFNESSKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's yaw axis motor control stiffness can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      ROLL_MOTOR_CONTROL_STIFFNESSKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's roll axis motor control stiffness can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      PITCH_MOTOR_CONTROL_STRENGTHKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's pitch axis motor control strength can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      YAW_MOTOR_CONTROL_STRENGTHKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's yaw axis motor control strength can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      ROLL_MOTOR_CONTROL_STRENGTHKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's roll axis motor control strength can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      PITCH_MOTOR_CONTROL_GYRO_FILTERING_FACTORKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's pitch axis motor control gyro filtering can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      YAW_MOTOR_CONTROL_GYRO_FILTERING_FACTORKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's yaw axis motor control gyro filtering can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      ROLL_MOTOR_CONTROL_GYRO_FILTERING_FACTORKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's roll axis motor control gyro filtering can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      PITCH_MOTOR_CONTROL_PRE_CONTROLKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's pitch axis motor control "precontrol" can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      YAW_MOTOR_CONTROL_PRE_CONTROLKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's yaw axis motor control "precontrol" can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      ROLL_MOTOR_CONTROL_PRE_CONTROLKey enum in getCapabilities associated with whether the gimbal's roll axis motor control "precontrol" can be adjusted. The corresponding value in getCapabilities is an instance of DJIParamMinMaxCapability meaning both the feature's existence as well as its possible range (unitless) is returned.
      Class Members:


      method startCalibration
      void startCalibration(@Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Starts calibrating the gimbal. The product should be stationary (not flying, or being held) and horizontal during calibration. For gimbal's with adjustable payloads, the payload should be present and balanced before doing a calibration. For Osmo Mobile series, user should double-click the trigger (or mode button on Osmo Mobile 2) or restart the device to re-center the gimbal after the calibration.

      Input Parameters:
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      Fine Tune Roll
      method fineTuneRollInDegrees
      void fineTuneRollInDegrees(@FloatRange(from = -2.0f, to = 2.0f) float offset,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      The gimbal roll can be fine tuned with a custom offset. The range for the custom offset is [-2.0, 2.0] degrees. If the offset is negative, the gimbal will be fine tuned the specified number of degrees in the counterclockwise direction.

      Input Parameters:
      @FloatRange(from = -2.0f, to = 2.0f) float offsetFine-tuned offset, in degrees, to be tuned.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      Fine Tune Pitch
      method fineTunePitchInDegrees
      void fineTunePitchInDegrees(@FloatRange(from = -2.0f, to = 2.0f) float offset,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      The gimbal pitch can be fine tuned with a custom offset. The range for the custom offset is [-2.0, 2.0] degrees. If the offset is negative, the gimbal will be fine tuned the specified number of degrees in the counterclockwise direction. It is only supported by Spark, Mavic 2 Series and Mavic Air 2, DJI Air 2S.

      Input Parameters:
      @FloatRange(from = -2.0f, to = 2.0f) float offsetFine-tuned offset, in degrees, to be tuned.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      Fine Tune Yaw
      method fineTuneYawInDegrees
      void fineTuneYawInDegrees(@FloatRange(from = -2.0f, to = 2.0f) float offset,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      The gimbal yaw can be fine tuned with a custom offset. The range for the custom offset is [-2.0, 2.0] degrees. If the offset is negative, the gimbal will be fine tuned the specified number of degrees in the counterclockwise direction. It is only supported by Mavic Air and Mavic 2 Series.

      Input Parameters:
      @FloatRange(from = -2.0f, to = 2.0f) float offsetFine-tuned offset, in degrees, to be tuned.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      Balance Test
      method startBalanceTest
      void startBalanceTest(@Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Starts testing the balance of the gimbal payload. For gimbals that allow payloads to be changed, a balance test should be performed to ensure the camera is mounted correctly. The product should be stationary (not flying, or being held) and horizontal during testing. See GimbalState for the test result.

      Input Parameters:
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned value(s). The callback will execute when the balance test is successfully started.

      Movement Setting

      Gimbal Movement Setting
      method setMovementSettingsProfile
      void setMovementSettingsProfile(@NonNull MovementSettingsProfile profile,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets the movement settings profile. The movement settings profile has options for both preset and custom profiles for SmoothTrack and Controller settings. Settings for SmoothTrack and Controller can only be set manually when using a custom profile.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull MovementSettingsProfile profileProfile to set.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned value(s).
      method getMovementSettingsProfile
      void getMovementSettingsProfile(
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<MovementSettingsProfile> callback)

      Gets the advanced settings profile. Use MovementSettingsProfile to check if it is supported by the gimbal.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<MovementSettingsProfile> callbackcallback that receives the execution result.
      Load Factory Settings
      method restoreFactorySettings
      void restoreFactorySettings(@Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Restores the gimbal's settings to factory settings.

      Input Parameters:
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.

      Range Extension

      Enable Pitch Range Extension
      method setPitchRangeExtensionEnabled
      void setPitchRangeExtensionEnabled(boolean isEnabled,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Extends the pitch range of gimbal. If extended, The range of the pitch angle should be gotten from the ADJUST_PITCH or ADJUST_PITCH_UPWARDS. Otherwise, the angle will be limited to avoid seeing the arm. Use PITCH_RANGE_EXTENSION to check if it is supported by the gimbal.

      Input Parameters:
      boolean isEnabledWhether the pitch range should be extended.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method getPitchRangeExtensionEnabled
      void getPitchRangeExtensionEnabled(@NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)

      Get the extend gimbal pitch range state. Use PITCH_RANGE_EXTENSION to check if it is supported by the gimbal.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.

      Motor Control Configuration

      method applyMotorControlPreset
      void applyMotorControlPreset(@NonNull MotorControlPreset preset,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Configures gimbal's motor control with a preset configuration applicable for most popular cameras. In order to the optimize the performance, motor control tuning is still required.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull MotorControlPreset presetThe preset configuration to set.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method setMotorControlStiffness
      void setMotorControlStiffness(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int stiffness,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets the coefficient of speed error control. It can be seen as the coefficient for the proportional term in the PID controller. Use PITCH_MOTOR_CONTROL_STIFFNESS, YAW_MOTOR_CONTROL_STIFFNESS and ROLL_MOTOR_CONTROL_STIFFNESS with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis that the setting is applied to.
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int stiffnessThe stiffness value to set.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method getMotorControlStiffness
      void getMotorControlStiffness(@NonNull final Axis axis,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets the coefficient of speed error control. It can be seen as the coefficient for the proportional term in the PID controller. Use PITCH_MOTOR_CONTROL_STIFFNESS, YAW_MOTOR_CONTROL_STIFFNESS and ROLL_MOTOR_CONTROL_STIFFNESS with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull final Axis axisThe axis to query.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method setMotorControlStrength
      void setMotorControlStrength(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int strength,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets the coefficient of attitude accuracy control. It can be seen as the coefficient for the integral term in the PID controller. Use PITCH_MOTOR_CONTROL_STRENGTH, YAW_MOTOR_CONTROL_STRENGTH and ROLL_MOTOR_CONTROL_STRENGTH with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis that the setting is applied to.
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int strengthThe strength value to set.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method getMotorControlStrength
      void getMotorControlStrength(@NonNull final Axis axis,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets the coefficient of attitude accuracy control. It can be seen as the coefficient for the integral term in the PID controller. Use PITCH_MOTOR_CONTROL_STRENGTH, YAW_MOTOR_CONTROL_STRENGTH and ROLL_MOTOR_CONTROL_STRENGTH with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull final Axis axisThe axis to query.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method setMotorControlGyroFilteringFactor
      void setMotorControlGyroFilteringFactor(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int filteringFactor,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets the coefficient of denoising the output. Use PITCH_MOTOR_CONTROL_GYRO_FILTERING_FACTOR, YAW_MOTOR_CONTROL_GYRO_FILTERING_FACTOR and ROLL_MOTOR_CONTROL_GYRO_FILTERING_FACTOR with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int filteringFactorThe gyro filtering value to set.
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis that the setting is applied to.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackAsynchronous execution result.
      method getMotorControlGyroFilteringFactor
      void getMotorControlGyroFilteringFactor(@NonNull final Axis axis,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets the coefficient of denoising the output. Use PITCH_MOTOR_CONTROL_GYRO_FILTERING_FACTOR, YAW_MOTOR_CONTROL_GYRO_FILTERING_FACTOR and ROLL_MOTOR_CONTROL_GYRO_FILTERING_FACTOR with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull final Axis axisThe axis to query.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method setMotorControlPreControl
      void setMotorControlPreControl(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int preControl,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets the value for pre-adjust. It can be seen as the coefficient for the derivative term in the PID controller. Use PITCH_MOTOR_CONTROL_PRE_CONTROL, YAW_MOTOR_CONTROL_PRE_CONTROL and ROLL_MOTOR_CONTROL_PRE_CONTROL with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis that the setting is applied to.
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int preControlThe Precontrol value to set.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackAsynchronous execution result.
      method getMotorControlPreControl
      void getMotorControlPreControl(@NonNull final Axis axis,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets the value for pre-adjust. It can be seen as the coefficient for the derivative term in the PID controller. Only supported by Ronin-MX. Use PITCH_MOTOR_CONTROL_PRE_CONTROL, YAW_MOTOR_CONTROL_PRE_CONTROL and ROLL_MOTOR_CONTROL_PRE_CONTROL with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull final Axis axisThe axis to query.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.

      Controller Setting

      method setControllerDeadband
      void setControllerDeadband(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 90) int deadband,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets physical controller (e.g. the joystick on Osmo or the remote controller of the aircraft) deadband on an axis. A larger deadband requires more controller movement to start gimbal motion. Use YAW_CONTROLLER_DEADBAND and PITCH_CONTROLLER_DEADBAND with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 90) int deadbandThe deadband value to be set.
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis that the setting will be applied to.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method getControllerDeadband
      void getControllerDeadband(@NonNull final Axis direction,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets physical controller deadband value on an axis. A larger deadband requires more controller movement to start gimbal motion. Use YAW_CONTROLLER_DEADBAND and PITCH_CONTROLLER_DEADBAND with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull final Axis directionThe axis to query.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method setControllerSpeedCoefficient
      void setControllerSpeedCoefficient(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int speedCoefficient,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets physical controller (e.g. the joystick on Osmo or the remote controller of the aircraft) speed on an axis. Speed setting controls the mapping between the movement of the controller and the gimbal speed. Use YAW_CONTROLLER_SPEED_COEFFICIENT and PITCH_CONTROLLER_SPEED_COEFFICIENT with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int speedCoefficientThe speed value to be set.
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis that the setting will be applied to.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackAsynchronous execution result.
      method getControllerSpeedCoefficient
      void getControllerSpeedCoefficient(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets physical controller speed value on an axis. Speed setting controls the mapping between the movement of the controller and the gimbal speed. Use YAW_CONTROLLER_SPEED_COEFFICIENT and PITCH_CONTROLLER_SPEED_COEFFICIENT with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis to query.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe completion block that receives the execution result.
      method setControllerSmoothingFactor
      void setControllerSmoothingFactor(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 30) int smoothingFactor,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets physical controller (e.g. the joystick on Osmo or the remote controller of the aircraft) smoothing on an axis. Smoothing controls the deceleration of the gimbal. Use YAW_CONTROLLER_SMOOTHING_FACTOR and PITCH_CONTROLLER_SMOOTHING_FACTOR with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 30) int smoothingFactorThe smoothing value to be set.
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis that the setting will be applied to.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe completion block that receives the execution result.
      method setControllerSmoothingFactor
      void setControllerSmoothingFactor(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @NonNull HardwareState.FlightModeSwitch mode,
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 30) int smoothingFactor,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets physical controller (e.g. the joystick on Osmo or the remote controller of the aircraft) smoothing on an axis. Smoothing controls the deceleration of the gimbal. Use YAW_CONTROLLER_SMOOTHING_FACTOR and PITCH_CONTROLLER_SMOOTHING_FACTOR with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless). Only supported by Mavic Air 2, DJI Air 2S.

      Input Parameters:
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 30) int smoothingFactorThe smoothing value to be set.
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis that the setting will be applied to.
      @NonNull HardwareState.FlightModeSwitch modeThe mode that the setting will be applied to.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback that receives the execution result.
      method getControllerSmoothingFactor
      void getControllerSmoothingFactor(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets physical controller smoothing value on an axis. Smoothing controls the deceleration of the gimbal. Use YAW_CONTROLLER_SMOOTHING_FACTOR and PITCH_CONTROLLER_SMOOTHING_FACTOR with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis to query.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe completion block that receives the execution result.
      method getControllerSmoothingFactor
      void getControllerSmoothingFactor(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @NonNull HardwareState.FlightModeSwitch mode,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets physical controller smoothing value with axis and mode. Smoothing controls the deceleration of the gimbal. Use YAW_CONTROLLER_SMOOTHING_FACTOR and PITCH_CONTROLLER_SMOOTHING_FACTOR with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless). Only supported by Mavic Air 2, DJI Air 2S.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis to query.
      @NonNull HardwareState.FlightModeSwitch modeThe mode to query.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe execution callback that receives the execution result.
      Max Speed
      method setControllerMaxSpeed
      void setControllerMaxSpeed(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int maxSpeed,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets physical controller max speed value on an axis. It controls the mapping between the movement of the controller and the gimbal speed. Use PITCH_CONTROLLER_MAX_SPEED and YAW_CONTROLLER_MAX_SPEED with "capabilities" to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis that the setting will be applied to.
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int maxSpeedThe maximum speed to set for one axis.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method setControllerMaxSpeed
      void setControllerMaxSpeed(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @NonNull HardwareState.FlightModeSwitch mode,
      @IntRange(from = 1, to = 100) int maxSpeed,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets physical controller max speed value on an axis. It controls the mapping between the movement of the controller and the gimbal speed. Use PITCH_CONTROLLER_MAX_SPEED and YAW_CONTROLLER_MAX_SPEED with "capabilities" to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless). Only supported by Mavic Air 2, DJI Air 2S.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis that the setting will be applied to.
      @NonNull HardwareState.FlightModeSwitch modeThe mode that the setting will be applied to.
      @IntRange(from = 1, to = 100) int maxSpeedThe maximum speed to set for one axis.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method getControllerMaxSpeed
      void getControllerMaxSpeed(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets physical controller max speed value on an axis. It controls the mapping between the movement of the controller and the gimbal speed. Use PITCH_CONTROLLER_MAX_SPEED and YAW_CONTROLLER_MAX_SPEED with "capabilities" to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis to query.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method getControllerMaxSpeed
      void getControllerMaxSpeed(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @NonNull HardwareState.FlightModeSwitch mode,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets physical controller max speed value on an axis. It controls the mapping between the movement of the controller and the gimbal speed. Use PITCH_CONTROLLER_MAX_SPEED and YAW_CONTROLLER_MAX_SPEED with "capabilities" to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless). Only supported by Mavic Air 2, DJI Air 2S.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis to query.
      @NonNull HardwareState.FlightModeSwitch modeThe mode to query.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.

      Smooth Track Setting

      method setSmoothTrackEnabled
      void setSmoothTrackEnabled(@NonNull Axis axis,
      boolean enabled,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Enables SmoothTrack for the axis. Only supported by Osmo. Ronin-MX supports SmoothTrack but it is always enabled for both pitch axis and yaw axis. Use PITCH_SMOOTH_TRACK_ENABLED and YAW_SMOOTH_TRACK_ENABLED with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature.

      Input Parameters:
      boolean enabledtrue to enable SmoothTrack on the axis.
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis that the setting will be applied to.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method getSmoothTrackEnabled
      void getSmoothTrackEnabled(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)

      Gets whether an axis has SmoothTrack enabled. Only supported by Osmo. Ronin-MX supports SmoothTrack but it is always enabled for both pitch axis and yaw axis. Use PITCH_SMOOTH_TRACK_ENABLED and YAW_SMOOTH_TRACK_ENABLED with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis to query.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      method setSmoothTrackSpeed
      void setSmoothTrackSpeed(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int speed,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets gimbal SmoothTrack catch up speed on an axis. SmoothTrack speed determines how fast the gimbal will catch up with a large, translated handle movement. Use PITCH_SMOOTH_TRACK_SPEED and YAW_SMOOTH_TRACK_SPEED with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisGimbal axis.
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int speedSmoothTrack speed.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      method getSmoothTrackSpeed
      void getSmoothTrackSpeed(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets gimbal SmoothTrack speed on an axis. SmoothTrack speed determines how fast the gimbal will catch up with a large, translated handle movement. Use PITCH_SMOOTH_TRACK_SPEED and YAW_SMOOTH_TRACK_SPEED with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisGimbal axis.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe execution callback with the returned value(s).
      method setSmoothTrackDeadband
      void setSmoothTrackDeadband(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 90) int deadband,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets SmoothTrack deadband on an axis. A larger deadband requires more handle movement to translate into gimbal motion. Use PITCH_SMOOTH_TRACK_DEADBAND and YAW_SMOOTH_TRACK_DEADBAND with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values in degrees.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisGimbal axis.
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 90) int deadbandSmoothTrack deadband [0,90].
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      method getSmoothTrackDeadband
      void getSmoothTrackDeadband(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets SmoothTrack deadband on an axis. A larger deadband requires more handle movement to translate into gimbal motion. Use PITCH_SMOOTH_TRACK_DEADBAND and YAW_SMOOTH_TRACK_DEADBAND with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values in degrees.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisGimbal axis.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      method setSmoothTrackAcceleration
      void setSmoothTrackAcceleration(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 30) int acceleration,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets SmoothTrack acceleration on an axis. Acceleration determines how closely the camera will follow the translated yaw handle movement. Use PITCH_SMOOTH_TRACK_ACCELERATION and YAW_SMOOTH_TRACK_ACCELERATION with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisGimbal axis.
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 30) int accelerationSmoothTrack acceleration [0,30].
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      method getSmoothTrackAcceleration
      void getSmoothTrackAcceleration(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets SmoothTrack acceleration on an axis. Acceleration determines how closely the camera will follow the translated yaw handle movement. Use PITCH_SMOOTH_TRACK_ACCELERATION and YAW_SMOOTH_TRACK_ACCELERATION with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and the range of possible values (unitless).

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisGimbal axis.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.

      Endpoint Setting

      Set Endpoint
      method setEndpoint
      void setEndpoint(@NonNull EndpointDirection direction,
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 179) int endpoint,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Endpoint settings determine the farthest points to which the gimbal will rotate during manual controller input. Only supported by Ronin-MX. Use PITCH_UP_ENDPOINT, PITCH_DOWN_ENDPOINT, YAW_LEFT_ENDPOINT and YAW_RIGHT_ENDPOINT in getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature and what the valid range of endpoints are.

      Input Parameters:
      @IntRange(from = 0, to = 179) int endpointThe endpoint value to set.
      @NonNull EndpointDirection directionThe direction that the setting will be applied to.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.
      Get Endpoint
      method getEndpoint
      void getEndpoint(@NonNull final EndpointDirection direction,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

      Gets the farthest points to which the gimbal will rotate during manual controller input. Use PITCH_UP_ENDPOINT, PITCH_DOWN_ENDPOINT, YAW_LEFT_ENDPOINT and YAW_RIGHT_ENDPOINT with getCapabilities to check if the gimbal supports this feature.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull final EndpointDirection directionThe endpoint direction.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callbackThe completion callback that receives the execution result.

      Other Settings

      Enable Motor
      method setMotorEnabled
      void setMotorEnabled(boolean enabled, @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)
      SDK Key:GimbalKey.MOTOR_ENABLED

      Turns on and off the gimbal motors. false means the gimbal power remains on, however the motors will not work.

      Input Parameters:
      boolean enabledtrue to enable the motor.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      method getMotorEnabled
      void getMotorEnabled(@NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)
      SDK Key:GimbalKey.MOTOR_ENABLED

      Determines whether the gimbal motors are enabled to work or not.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callbackThe execution callback with the returned value(s).
      Toggle Gimbal Selfie
      method toggleSelfie
      void toggleSelfie(@Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)
      SDK Key:GimbalKey.TOGGLE_SELFIE

      Resets gimbal position to selfie setup. If the gimbal yaw is not at 180 degrees, then calling this method will rotate the gimbal yaw to 180 degrees (effectively pointing the camera to the person holding the gimbal). If the gimbal yaw is at 180 degrees, then the gimbal will rotate in yaw to 0 degrees. It's only supported by DJI OSMO, OSMO Pro and OSMO Raw.

      Input Parameters:
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      Gimbal Controller Mode
      method setControllerMode
      void setControllerMode(@NonNull ControllerMode mode,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Sets the gimbal's controller mode. The control mode for the gimbal controller (joystick for Osmo). The total controller deflection is a combination of horizontal and vertical deflection. This translates to gimbal movement around the yaw and pitch axes. The gimbal can be set to either move in both yaw and pitch simultaneously based on horizontal and vertical deflection of the controller, or move in only yaw or pitch exclusively based on whether horizontal or vertical deflection is larger.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull ControllerMode modeSee enum named ControllerMode in DJIGimbal to find details on different gimbal stick control modes.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      method getControllerMode
      void getControllerMode(@NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<ControllerMode> callback)

      Gets the gimbal's controller mode.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<ControllerMode> callbackThe execution callback with the returned value(s).
      Inverted Control
      method setInvertedControlEnabled
      void setInvertedControlEnabled(@NonNull Axis axis,
      boolean enabled,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Inverts the physical control for gimbal movement on an axis. The setting can only be applied to the pitch or yaw axis.

      Input Parameters:
      boolean enabledtrue to enable inverted control.
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis that the setting will be applied to.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned execution result.
      method getInvertedControlEnabled
      void getInvertedControlEnabled(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)

      Determines whether the physical control is inverted for gimbal movement on an axis. The setting can only be applied to the pitch or yaw axis.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisThe axis to query.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callbackThe execution callback with the returned value(s).
      Attitude Synchronization
      method setAttitudeSynchronizationEnabled
      void setAttitudeSynchronizationEnabled(boolean enabled,
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Synchronizes the attitude of port (left) gimbal and starboard (right) gimbal. It is only valid when both gimbals are connected. If only 1 gimbal is connected, this setting will be reset to false. Enables this setting will reset getControllingGimbalIndex to index 0. It is only supported by M210 and M210 RTK, not supported by DJI X-Port.

      Input Parameters:
      boolean enabledtrue to enable the synchronization.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned value(s).
      method getAttitudeSynchronizationEnabled
      void getAttitudeSynchronizationEnabled(@NonNull Axis axis,
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)

      Determines whether both gimbals' attitudes are synchronized. If only 1 gimbal is connected, this setting will be reset to false. It is only supported by M210 and M210 RTK.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull Axis axisAn enum value of Axis.
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callbackThe execution callback with the returned value(s).
      Multi Gimbal Attitude Sync
      method startMultiGimbalAttitudeSynchronization
      void startMultiGimbalAttitudeSynchronization(int[] gimbals, final CompletionCallback callback)

      Selects two to three gimbals to run with Multi-Gimbal Connection, which can be controlled by a single user. Please check if payloads have been connected with gimbal. The left gimbal, the right gimbal and the upper gimbal can be chosen. You should call setControllingGimbalIndex to set the control of the remote controller to the gimbal you want to synchronize. It is only supported by Matrice 300 RTK.

      Input Parameters:
      int[] gimbalsArray of gimbal indexes, in which 0 represents the left gimbal, 1 represents the right gimbal and 2 stands for the upper one. nil if this function is disabled.
      final CompletionCallback callbackThe completion block that receives the execution result.
      method stopMultiGimbalAttitudeSynchronization
      void stopMultiGimbalAttitudeSynchronization(final CompletionCallback callback)

      Stops the gimbals to run with Multi-Gimbal Connection. Please check if payloads have been connected with gimbal. It is only supported by Matrice 300 RTK.

      Input Parameters:
      final CompletionCallback callbackThe callback that receives the execution result.
      Multi Gimbal Attitude Sync Status
      method getMultiGimbalAttitudeSynchronizationStatus
      MultiGimbalConnectionWorkingStatus getMultiGimbalAttitudeSynchronizationStatus()

      Gets the working status of Multi-Gimbal Connection. It is only supported by Matrice 300 RTK.

      MultiGimbalConnectionWorkingStatusMultiple gimbal synchronization status.
      Yaw Simultaneous Follow
      method setYawSimultaneousFollowEnabled
      void setYawSimultaneousFollowEnabled(boolean isEnabled, @Nullable final CompletionCallback callback)

      Enables this to make the gimbal respond to the controller command to rotate aircraft's heading. Enabling this setting makes gimbal rotate simultaneously with aircraft's heading when the user is controlling the aircraft's heading with the remote controller.

      Input Parameters:
      boolean isEnabledtrue to enable yaw simultaneous follow.
      @Nullable final CompletionCallback callbackThe execution callback with the returned value(s).
      method getYawSimultaneousFollowEnabled
      void getYawSimultaneousFollowEnabled(@NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)

      Determines whether yaw simultaneous follow is enabled. Enabling this setting makes gimbal rotate simultaneously with aircraft's heading when the user is controlling the aircraft's heading with the remote controller.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull final CompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callbackThe execution callback with the returned value(s).
      Start Balance Detection
      method startBalanceDetection
      void startBalanceDetection(final CompletionCallback callback)

      Starts the balance detection.
      Please DO NOT turn on the motors. The tilt angle of the pitch and roll axis should be between -30 and -20 degrees. Please fit the screw on the auxiliary arm after the balance detection. Invoked before startConcentricityDetection and startControlParametersAutoTuning. Or start balance detection with default control parameters.
      This can only be invoked during DEVELOPMENT phase.

      Input Parameters:
      final CompletionCallback callbackThe callback that receives the execution result.
      Stop Balance Detection
      method stopBalanceDetection
      void stopBalanceDetection(final CompletionCallback callback)

      Stops the balance detection. This can only be invoked during DEVELOPMENT phase.

      Input Parameters:
      final CompletionCallback callbackThe callback that receives the execution result.
      Start Coaxiality Detection
      method startConcentricityDetection
      void startConcentricityDetection(final CompletionCallback callback)

      Starts the coaxiality detection.
      Please DO NOT turn on the motors. The tilt angle of the pitch and roll axis cannot be greater than 5 degrees. Please start coaxiality detection after gimbal's balance detection and fitting the screw on the auxiliary arm. This can only be invoked during DEVELOPMENT phase.

      Input Parameters:
      final CompletionCallback callbackThe callback that receives the execution result.
      Stop Coaxiality Detection
      method stopConcentricityDetection
      void stopConcentricityDetection(final CompletionCallback callback)

      Stops the coaxiality detection. This can only be invoked during DEVELOPMENT phase.

      Input Parameters:
      final CompletionCallback callbackThe callback that receives the execution result.
      Start Control Parameters Auto Tuning
      method startControlParametersAutoTuning
      void startControlParametersAutoTuning(final CompletionCallback callback)

      Starts the control parameters auto tuning.
      Please DO NOT turn on the motors. The tilt angle of the pitch and roll axis cannot be greater than 5 degrees. This can only be invoked during DEVELOPMENT phase.

      Input Parameters:
      final CompletionCallback callbackThe callback that receives the execution result.
      Stop Control Parameters Auto Tuning
      method stopControlParametersAutoTuning
      void stopControlParametersAutoTuning(final CompletionCallback callback)

      Stops the control parameters auto tuning. This can only be invoked during DEVELOPMENT phase.

      Input Parameters:
      final CompletionCallback callbackThe callback that receives the execution result.
      method resetControlParameters
      void resetControlParameters(final CompletionCallback callback)

      Restores gimbal's control parameters coefficient.
      Please DO NOT turn on the motors. This can only be invoked during DEVELOPMENT phase.

      Input Parameters:
      final CompletionCallback callbackThe callback that receives the execution result.
      Inherited Methods:
      method setComponentListener
      void setComponentListener(ComponentListener listener)

      Sets the listener for the DJI component.

      Input Parameters:
      ComponentListener listenerThe callback of ComponentListener.
      method getIndex
      int getIndex()

      Returns the component index. Index is zero based. A component will have an index greater than zero when there are multiple components of the same type on the DJI product, and one of the components already has the index 0. For instance, M210 can have two gimbal mounted cameras, and will therefore have two gimbal components with indices 0 and 1, and two camera components with indices 0 and 1. For Matrice 600, there are printed numbers on the battery boxes. The Battery component instance with index 0 corresponds to battery compartment number 1. For Inspire 2 and M200 series, Battery with index 0 corresponds to the battery on the port (left hand) side of the aircraft. For M210, M210 RTK, M300 RTK and M350 RTK, Camera and Gimbal with index 0 corresponds to the camera and gimbal on the port (left hand) side of the aircraft. Lidar with index 0 corresponds to the lidar(Zenmuse L1) on the port (left hand) side of the aircraft.

      intAn int value of index.
      method isConnected
      boolean isConnected()

      true if the component is connected.

      booleantrue if the component is connected.
      method getSerialNumber
      void getSerialNumber(@NonNull CompletionCallbackWith<String> callback)

      Gets the serial number of the component. Depending on the component, this serial number might not match the serial number found on the physical component.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull CompletionCallbackWith<String> callbackThe execution callback with the value returned.
      method getFirmwareVersion
      void getFirmwareVersion(@NonNull CompletionCallbackWith<String> callback)

      Returns the firmware version of the component. Each component will have a different firmware version, the combination of which will form the package firmware version getFirmwarePackageVersion found in BaseProduct.

      Input Parameters:
      @NonNull CompletionCallbackWith<String> callbackThe execution callback with the value(s) returned.