A rectangle in the live video view image that represents the target being tracked. The rectangle is normalized to [0,1] where (0,0) is the top left of the video preview and (1,1) is the bottom right.
Reason why the target cannot be confirmed by the user. It is useful when getState is CANNOT_CONFIRM. Otherwise, it is NONE. Not supported by Mavic Air 2, DJI Air 2S.
The state of the target being tracked by the aircraft.
Enum Members:
The aircraft has recognized the target but the user is not allowed to confirm the target. Check getReason to get more information.
The aircraft has recognized the target and is waiting for user's confirmation. If this state, the aircraft will hover in the current position while the camera is tracking the target (by rotating aircraft's yaw or gimbal's altitude). If user confirms the target, the aircraft will start to following the movement of the target.
The aircraft has recognized the target with high confidence.
The ActiveTrack Mission is tracking a target with low confidence. This is only an indication that either the aircraft will soon ask for confirmation that the target is correct, or may loose tracking the target entirely if confidence doesn't improve.