Supported by both smart and non-smart batteries, this class keeps track of the real-time state of the battery. Non-smart batteries only support the following properties:
Returns the total amount of energy, in mAh (milliamp hours), stored in the battery when the battery is fully charged. The energy of the battery at full charge changes over time as the battery continues to get used. Over time, as the battery continues to be recharged, the value of getFullChargeCapacity will decrease.
true if only one battery is inserted on the the right or starboard side of the aircraft. The aircraft can still take off but the flight time will be shorter. It is only supported by Inspire 2: Inspire 2 must always have a battery in the right/starboard slot.
Get self-heating state of the battery. When the temperature of the battery is below 6 celsius degrees, it will warm up automatically. It is only supported by Mavic 2 Enterprise.
Returns the design capacity of the battery in mAh (milliamp hours). It is the ideal capacity when the battery is new. This value will not change over time. It is only supported by smart battery.
Returns the real time current draw of the battery (mA). A negative value means the battery is being discharged, and a positive value means it is being charged.
Returns the battery's remaining lifetime as a percentage, with range [0, 100]. A new battery will be close to 100%. As a battery experiences charge/discharge cycles, the value will go down. In unsupported products, this value will always be 0. These products are Phantom 4 Pro, Inspire 2, and Phantom 4 Advanced.
Returns the total number of discharges the battery has gone through over its lifetime. The total number of discharges includes discharges that happen through normal use and discharges that are manually set.
Battery cell voltage level threshold. Different thresholds will initiate different aircraft behaviors or operations. Level 3 is the lowest level. It is only supported when the connected product is stand-alone A3 and N3.
Enum Members:
The cell voltage is at a safe level; the aircraft can fly normally.
The cell voltage is equal to or lower than threshold Level 1. At this level the Level 1 operation will be executed. The threshold value and operation for Level 1 can be configured by the user.
The cell voltage is equal to or lower than threshold Level 2. At this level the Level 2 operation will be executed. The threshold value and operation for Level 2 can be configured by the user.
The cell voltage is equal to or lower than Level 3. At this level, the aircraft will start landing. The threshold for Level 3 cannot be configured by the user and is fixed at 3400mV.