Altitude of the aircraft in meters when it reaches waypoint. The altitude of the aircraft is relative to the ground at the take-off location, has a range of [-200,500], and should not be larger than the aircraft's maximum altitude. If two adjacent waypoints have different altitudes, the altitude will gradually change as the aircraft flies between waypoints.
Property is used when headingMode is DJIWaypointV2HeadingModeTowardPointOfInterest. The altitude of the aircraft is relative to the ground at the take-off location, has a range of [-200,500], and should not be larger than the aircraft's maximum altitude.
The heading to which the aircraft will rotate by the time it reaches the waypoint. The aircraft heading will gradually change between two waypoints with different headings if the waypoint mission's DJIWaypointV2HeadingMode is set to DJIWaypointV2HeadingModeWaypointCustom. A heading has a range of [-180, 180] degrees, where 0 represents True North.
Determines whether the aircraft using waypoint max flight speed executing waypoint mission. If YES, the aircraft will use waypoint max flight speed between two waypoints. Otherwise, will use maxFlightSpeed as max flight speed.
While the aircraft is travelling between waypoints, you can offset its speed by using the throttle joystick on the remote controller. maxFlightSpeed is this offset when the joystick is pushed to maximum deflection. For example, If maxFlightSpeed is 10 m/s, then pushing the throttle joystick all the way up will add 10 m/s to the aircraft speed, while pushing down will subtract 10 m/s from the aircraft speed. If the remote controller stick is not at maximum deflection, then the offset speed will be interpolated between "[0, maxFlightSpeed]"" with a resolution of 1000 steps. If the offset speed is negative, then the aircraft will fly backwards to previous waypoints. When it reaches the first waypoint, it will then hover in place until a positive speed is applied. maxFlightSpeed has a range of [2,15] m/s.
Determines whether the aircraft using waypoint auto flight speed executing waypoint mission. If YES, the aircraft will use waypoint auto flight speed between two waypoints. Otherwise, will use autoFlightSpeed as max flight speed.
The base automatic speed of the aircraft as it moves between waypoints with range [-15, 15] m/s. The aircraft's actual speed is a combination of the base automatic speed, and the speed control given by the throttle joystick on the remote controller. If "autoFlightSpeed >0": Actual speed is autoFlightSpeed + Joystick Speed (with combined max of maxFlightSpeed) If "autoFlightSpeed =0": Actual speed is controlled only by the remote controller joystick. If "autoFlightSpeed <0" and the aircraft is at the first waypoint, the aircraft will hover in place until the speed is made positive by the remote controller joystick. In flight controller firmware or above, different speeds between individual waypoints can also be set in waypoint objects which will overwrite autoFlightSpeed.
Corner radius of the waypoint. When the flight path mode is DJIWaypointV2FlightPathModeCoordinateTurn the flight path near a waypoint will be acurve (rounded corner) with radius [0.2,1000]. When there is a corner radius, the aircraft will never pass the waypoint. By default, the radius is 0.2 m. If the corner is made of three adjacent waypoints (Short for A,B,C). Then the radius of A(short for Ra) plus radius of B(short for Rb) must be smaller than the distance between A and B. The radius of the first and the last waypoint in a mission does not affect the flight path and it should keep the default value (0.2m). When the flight path mode is DJIWaypointV2FlightPathModeGoToFirstPointAlongAStraightLine When aircraft reaches the first waypoint, The flight path will be a straight flight with this distance. When the flight path mode is DJIWaypointV2FlightPathModeStraightOut The flight path will be a straight flight with this distance before until last waypoint.
In the mission, the aircraft will go to the waypoint along a straight line and stop at the waypoint.
In the mission, the aircraft will fly from the previous waypoint to the next waypoint along a smooth curve without stopping at this waypoint. the next in a curved motion, adhering to the dampingDistance, which is set in DJIWaypointV2.
Represents current aircraft's heading mode on current waypoint.
Enum Members:
Aircraft's heading will always be in the direction of flight.
Aircraft's heading will be set to the heading when reaching the first waypoint. Before reaching the first waypoint, the aircraft's heading can be controlled by the remote controller. When the aircraft reaches the first waypoint, its heading will be fixed.
The aircraft's heading in the mission can be controlled by the remote controller.
In the mission, the aircraft's heading will change dynamically and adapt to the heading set at the next waypoint. See heading to preset the heading.
After the first waypoint has been reached, aircraft heading will always toward to the point of interest. Using pointOfInterest and pointOfInterestAltitude to set the coordinate of point of interest.