The X coordinate of the object position measured by the lidar, using the NED(North East Down) coordinate system. The position of lidar when starting to record the point cloud is the origin of the coordinate system(0, 0, 0).
The XYcoordinate of the object position measured by the lidar, using the NED(North East Down) coordinate system. The position of lidar when starting to record the point cloud is the origin of the coordinate system(0, 0, 0).
The Z coordinate of the object position measured by the lidar, using the NED(North East Down) coordinate system. The position of lidar when starting to record the point cloud is the origin of the coordinate system(0, 0, 0).
Intensity is a measurement index (collected for each point) that reflects the intensity of the lidar pulse echo generated at a certain point. This value is based in part on the reflectivity of the object swept by the lidar pulse.
RGB data of the object measured by the lidar. If you set visible light pixel mode to DJILidarPointCloudVisibleLightPixelOff, the Data will be (0, 0, 0).
RGB data of the object measured by the lidar. If you set visible light pixel mode to DJILidarPointCloudVisibleLightPixelOff, the Data will be (0, 0, 0).
RGB data of the object measured by the lidar. If you set visible light pixel mode to DJILidarPointCloudVisibleLightPixelOff, the Data will be (0, 0, 0).