▼NDJI | |
▼NOSDK | |
►NTelemetry | This namespace encapsulates all available telemetry topics through either Broadcast or Subscribe |
CBattery | Struct for TOPIC_BATTERY_INFO and data broadcast, return battery status |
CCompass | Struct for data broadcast, return compass reading |
CEscData | Struct for TOPIC_ESC_DATA |
CESCStatusIndividual | Struct for status of each individual esc |
CFlightAnomaly | Struct for TOPIC_FLIGHT_ANOMALY |
CGimbal | Struct for data broadcast, return gimbal angle |
CGimbalDualData | Struct for TOPIC_DUAL_GIMBAL_DATA |
CGimbalStatus | Struct for TOPIC_GIMBAL_STATUS |
CGimbalThreeData | Struct for TOPIC_THREE_GIMBAL_DATA |
CGlobalPosition | Struct for data broadcast, return GPS data |
CGPSDetail | Struct for TOPIC_GPS_DETAILS and sub struct for GPSInfo of data broadcast |
CGPSFused | Struct for TOPIC_GPS_FUSED |
CGPSInfo | Struct for GPSInfo of data broadcast |
CHardSyncData | Struct for TOPIC_HARD_SYNC |
CHomeLocationData | Struct for TOPIC_HOME_POINT_INFO |
CHomeLocationSetStatus | Struct for TOPIC_HOME_POINT_SET_STATUS |
CLB2RcFullRawData | Struct for the light bridge 2 part of TOPIC_RC_FULL_RAW_DATA |
CLegacyGPSInfo | Struct for GPSInfo of data broadcast |
CLegacyTimeStamp | Matrice 100 Timestamp data, available in Broadcast telemetry (only for M100) |
CLegacyVelocity | Matrice 100 Velocity struct, returned in Broadcast telemetry (only for M100) |
CLocalPositionVO | Struct for TOPIC_POSITION_VO |
CMag | Struct for data broadcast, return magnetometer reading |
CPositionData | Struct for TOPIC_RTK_POSITION and sub struct for RTK of data broadcast |
CPositionFrame | Sub struct for RTK of data broadcast |
CPositionTimeStamp | Timestamp for GPS and RTK |
CQuaternion | Struct for TOPIC_QUATERNION |
CRC | Struct for data broadcast and data subscription, return RC reading |
CRCFullRawData | Union for TOPIC_RC_FULL_RAW_DATA Only support A3/N3/M600 |
CRCWithFlagData | Struct for TOPIC_RC_WITH_FLAG_DATA |
CRelativePosition | Struct for data broadcast and subscription, return obstacle info around the vehicle |
CRTK | Struct for data broadcast, return RTK info |
CRTKConnectStatus | Struct indicating RTK GPS Connection |
CSBUSFullRawData | Struct for the sbus part of TOPIC_RC_FULL_RAW_DATA |
CSDKInfo | Struct for TOPIC_CONTROL_DEVICE and data broadcast, return SDK info |
CStatus | Struct for data broadcast, return flight status |
CSyncStamp | Struct for data broadcast, software sync timestamp from local cache |
CSyncTimestamp | Sub struct for TOPIC_HARD_SYNC |
CTimeStamp | Struct for data broadcast, timestamp from local cache |
CTopicInfo | Struct for TopicInfo data used to subscribe packages from the FC |
CTypeMap | Template struct maps a topic name to the corresponding data type |
CVector3d | Struct for multiple Topics |
CVector3f | Struct for multiple Topics |
CVelocity | Struct for TOPIC_VELOCITY |
CVelocityInfo | Struct indicates the signal level of GPS velocity info
►NVehicleStatus | Info about vehicle |
►CACK | Class for handling acknowledgements from the aircraft |
CDroneVersion | This struct is returned from the DJI::OSDK::Vehicle::getDroneVersion blocking API |
CErrorCode | This struct is returned from all blocking calls, except certain mission calls that have explicit types defined later in this file |
CFCTimeInUTC | This struct captures PushData when subscribe to UTC & FC time in hardware sync |
CHotPointRead | This struct is returned from the DJI::OSDK::HotpointMission::readData blocking API |
CHotPointStart | This struct is returned from the DJI::OSDK::HotpointMission::start blocking API |
CImageMeta | Sub-struct for stereo image with raw data and camera name |
CMFIOGet | This struct is returned from the DJI::OSDK::MFIO::getValue blocking API |
CParamAck | This struct is returned from the DJI::OSDK::Control::writeParameterByHash blocking API |
CStereoImgData | This struct captures PushData when subscribe to QVGA images |
CStereoVGAImgData | This struct captures PushData when subscribe to VGA images |
CWayPointAddPoint | This struct is returned from the DJI::OSDK::WaypointMission::uploadIndexData blocking API |
CWayPointIndex | This struct is returned from the DJI::OSDK::WaypointMission::waypointIndexDownload blocking API |
CWayPointInit | This struct is used in the readInitData non-blocking API callback |
CWayPointReachedData | This struct captures PushData while ground-station is enabled on Assistant's SDK Page, CMD: 0x02, 0x04 |
CWayPointStatusPushData | This struct captures PushData while ground-station is enabled on Assistant's SDK Page, CMD: 0x02, 0x03 |
CWayPointVelocity | This struct is returned from the DJI::OSDK::WaypointMission::updateIdleVelocity blocking API |
►CAdvancedSensing | |
CImageSelection | This struct provides an interface for user to determine what images to subscribe to |
CBatteryWholeInfo | |
CBatteryWholeInfoImpl | |
CCamera | Camera class for controlling camera-related functions available through open protocol |
CCameraManager | The manager of camera module |
►CCameraModule | CameraModule of PayloadNode |
CApertureAck | Response data struct of aperture, used in internal link layer |
CApertureReq | Requesting to set aperture parameter, used in internal link layer |
CCaptureParamAck | Response data of take photo mode |
CCaptureParamData | Take photo mode parameters |
CCaptureParamReq | Request data to take photo mode |
CCommonAck | It is the common ack of Open Protocol CMD DJI::OSDK::CameraModule::FunctionID. All the ack data from this CMD will include the ack struct |
CExposureCompensationAck | Response data struct of exposure compensation, used in internal link layer |
CExposureCompensationReq | Requesting to set Exposure compensation, used in internal link layer |
CExposureModeAck | Response data struct of exposure mode, used in internal link layer |
CExposureModeReq | Requesting exposure mode, used in internal link layer |
CFloatPoint | 2D float point data struct |
CFloatPointReq | Requesting to set the target point of some functions , used in internal link layer |
CFocusModeAck | Response data struct of focus mode, used in internal link layer |
CFocusModeReq | Requesting focus mode, used in internal link layer |
CISOParamAck | Response data struct of ISO parameter, used in internal link layer |
CISOParamReq | Requesting to set ISO parameter, used in internal link layer |
CPhotoIntervalData | Interval take photo mode setting |
CRecordVideoReq | Request data to record video mode |
CShootPhotoReq | Requesting take photo mode, used in internal link layer |
CShutterAck | Response data struct of shutter, used in internal link layer |
CShutterParamType | Shutter data struct |
CShutterReq | Requesting to set shutter parameter, used in internal link layer |
CTapFocusPosAck | Response data struct of tap focus target parameter, used in internal link layer |
CTapZoomEnableAck | Response data struct of tap zoom enable parameter, used in internal link layer |
CTapZoomEnableReq | Requesting to set tap zoom enable, used in internal link layer |
CUCBRetCodeHandler | Type of callback only deal the retCode for user |
CUCBRetParamStruct | Struct of callback deal the param and retCode for user |
CWorkModeAck | Responsing CameraModule working mode data, used in internal link layer |
CWorkModeReq | Requesting CameraModule working mode data, used in internal link layer |
CzoomOptiParamReq | Requesting optical zoom, used in internal link layer |
CzoomOptiParamType | Data struct of optical zoom parameters |
CCGPoint | |
CCMD_SETSupportMatrix | Define CMD_SET support matrix |
CCommonCallBackHandler | The CallBackHandler struct allows users to encapsulate callbacks and data in one struct. This is a more common method |
►CControl | Flight control API: high-level actions and low-level control modes |
CAdvancedCtrlData | AdvancedCtrlData |
CCtrlData | CtrlData used for flight control |
CFlightCommand | Flight control commands |
CDataBroadcast | Telemetry API through asynchronous "Broadcast"-style messages |
CDataSubscription | Telemetry API through asynchronous "Subscribe"-style messages |
CDispatchInfo | Dispatch info |
CDJIGimbalRotation | |
CDJIHMS | DJI health manager system of drone |
CDJIWaypointV2Action | |
CDJIWaypointV2Actuator | |
CDJIWaypointV2AircraftControlFlyingParam | |
CDJIWaypointV2AircraftControlParam | |
CDJIWaypointV2AircraftControlRotateHeadingParam | |
CDJIWaypointV2AssociateTriggerParam | |
CDJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam | |
CDJIWaypointV2CameraFocalLengthParam | |
CDJIWaypointV2CameraFocusParam | |
CDJIWaypointV2GimbalActuatorParam | |
CDJIWaypointV2IntervalTriggerParam | |
CDJIWaypointV2TrajectoryTriggerParam | |
CDJIWholeBatteryState | |
CDJIWholeBatteryStateImpl | |
CDownloadMissionAck | |
CDownloadMissionRsp | |
CErrList | |
►CErrorCode | |
CActivationACK | CMDSet: Activation ACK Error Codes |
CCameraCommonErr | Camera api error code |
CCommonACK | Common ACK Error Codes |
►CControlACK | CMDSet: Control ACK Error Codes |
CSetArm | CMDID: SetArm supported in products with firmware version < 3.3 |
CSetControl | CMDID: SetControl |
CTask | CMDID: Task |
CErrorCodeMsg | Releated messages about error codes |
CGimbalCommonErr | Gimbal api error code |
Cget | CMDID: get |
Cinit | CMDID: init |
Cset | CMDID: set |
►CMissionACK | Mission ACK Error Codes |
CCommon | Common Mission ACK codes |
CFollow | Follow Mission ACK Error Code |
CHotPoint | HotPoint Mission ACK Error Code |
CIOC | IOC ACK Mission Error Code |
CWayPoint | WayPoint Mission ACK Error Code |
CPSDKCommonErr | Camera api error code |
CSubscribeACK | CMDSet: Subscribe |
CSysCommonErr | System releated error code |
CEventdata | |
CFlightController | Flight controller API: set or get parameter, execute flight actions |
CGetGlobalCruiseVelAck | |
CGetRemainRamAck | |
CGetWaypontStartEndIndexAck | |
►CGimbal | For controlling gimbal-related functions |
CAngleData | The Angle Data struct for gimbal control |
CSpeedData | The Speed Data struct for gimbal control |
CGimbalManager | The manager of gimbal module |
►CGimbalModule | Gimbal module |
CcallbackWarpperHandler | |
CHardwareSync | APIs for controlling Hardware Sync |
CHMSErrCodeInfo | |
CHMSPushData | |
CHMSPushPacket | |
CHotpointMission | APIs for Hotpoint (Point of Interest) Missions |
CHotPointSettings | HotPoint Mission Initialization settings |
CMFIO | APIs for Multi-Function Input-Output functionality |
CMissionBase | Mission Base class for commonality between SDK Missions |
CMissionEventPushAck | |
CMissionManager | MissionManager class for chaining/managing missions |
CMissionStateCommanData | |
CMissionStatePushAck | |
CMobileDevice | APIs for Mobile-Onboard SDK Communication |
CMopClient | Class providing APIs & data structures for acting as a MOP client |
CMopPipeline | Class providing APIs & data structures MOP pipeline operations |
CMopServer | Class providing APIs & data structures for acting as a MOP server |
COpenHeader | The Header struct is meant to handle the open protocol header |
CPayloadBase | PayloadBase |
CPayloadDevice | APIs for Payload-Onboard SDK Communication |
CPSDKManager | The manager of psdk module |
►CPSDKModule | PSDK module |
CPSDKWidgetValuesData | Capturing PushData of PSDK widget values, CMD: 0x00, 0x07 |
CRecvContainer | Received info |
CRelativePosition | |
CSubscriptionPackage | Package class to support Subscribe-style telemetry |
CUploadActionsRawAck | |
CUploadMissionRawAck | |
CVehicleCallBackHandler | The CallBackHandler struct allows users to encapsulate callbacks and data in one struct |
CVirtualRCData | Virtual RC data (supported only on Matrice 100) |
CVirtualRCSetting | Virtual RC Settings (supported only on Matrice 100) |
CWayPointFinishData | Waypoint Mission Finish Event Push Data |
CWayPointInitSettings | Waypoint Mission Initialization settings |
CWaypointMission | APIs for GPS Waypoint Missions |
CWayPointSettings | Waypoint settings for individual waypoints being added to the mission |
CWaypointV2 | |
CWaypointV2Config | |
CWayPointV2InitSettings | Waypoint V2 Mission Initialization settings |
CWayPointV2InitSettingsInternal | Waypoint V2 Mission Initialization Settings Internal User have no need to use it |
CWaypointV2Internal | |
CWaypointV2MissionOperator | |