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Flight controller API: set or get parameter, execute flight actions. More...

#include <dji_flight_controller.hpp>

Public Types

typedef Telemetry::HomeLocationData HomeLocation
typedef FlightAssistant::RtkEnableData RtkEnabled
typedef FlightAssistant::AvoidEnable AvoidEnable
typedef FlightAssistant::UpwardsAvoidEnable UpwardsAvoidEnable
typedef FlightAssistant::GoHomeAltitude GoHomeHeight
typedef FlightJoystick::ControlCommand JoystickCommand
typedef enum FlightJoystick::HorizontalLogic HorizontalLogic
typedef enum FlightJoystick::VerticalLogic VerticalLogic
typedef enum FlightJoystick::YawLogic YawLogic
typedef enum FlightJoystick::HorizontalCoordinate HorizontalCoordinate
typedef enum FlightJoystick::StableMode StableMode
typedef enum FlightActions::KillSwitch KillSwitch
typedef struct DJI::OSDK::FlightController::JoystickMode JoystickMode

Public Member Functions

 FlightController (Vehicle *vehicle)
void obtainJoystickCtrlAuthorityAsync (void(*userCB)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType, UserData userData), UserData userData, int timeout, int retryTime)
Obtain the control authority of the api (non-blocking call) More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType obtainJoystickCtrlAuthoritySync (int timeout)
Obtain the control authority of the api (blocking call) More...
void releaseJoystickCtrlAuthorityAsync (void(*userCB)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType, UserData userData), UserData userData, int timeout, int retryTime)
Release the control authority of the api (non-blocking call) More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType releaseJoystickCtrlAuthoritySync (int timeout)
Release the control authority of the api (blocking call) More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType setRtkEnableSync (RtkEnabled rtkEnable, int timeout)
Set RTK enable or disable, blocking calls. More...
void setRtkEnableAsync (RtkEnabled rtkEnable, void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Set RTK enable or disable, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType getRtkEnableSync (RtkEnabled &rtkEnable, int timeout)
Get rtk enable or disable, blocking calls. More...
void getRtkEnableAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, RtkEnabled rtkEnable, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Get RTK enable or disable, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType setGoHomeAltitudeSync (GoHomeHeight altitude, int timeout)
Set go home altitude, blocking calls. More...
void setGoHomeAltitudeAsync (GoHomeHeight altitude, void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Set go home altitude, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType getGoHomeAltitudeSync (GoHomeHeight &altitude, int timeout)
Get go home altitude, blocking calls. More...
void getGoHomeAltitudeAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, GoHomeHeight altitude, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Get go home altitude, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType setCollisionAvoidanceEnabledSync (AvoidEnable avoidEnable, int timeout)
Set collision avoidance enable or disable, blocking calls. More...
void setCollisionAvoidanceEnabledAsync (AvoidEnable avoidEnable, void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Set collision avoidance enable or disable, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType getCollisionAvoidanceEnabledSync (AvoidEnable &avoidEnable, int timeout)
Get collision avoidance enable or disable, blocking calls. More...
void getCollisionAvoidanceEnabledAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, AvoidEnable avoidEnable, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Get collision avoidance enable or disable, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType setUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledSync (UpwardsAvoidEnable upwardsAvoidEnable, int timeout)
Set upwards avoidance enable or disable, blocking calls. More...
void setUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledAsync (UpwardsAvoidEnable upwardsAvoidEnable, void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Set upwards avoidance enable or disable, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType getUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledSync (UpwardsAvoidEnable &upwardsAvoidEnable, int timeout)
Get upwards avoidance enable or disable, blocking calls. More...
void getUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UpwardsAvoidEnable upwardsEnable, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Get upwards avoidance enable or disable, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType setHomeLocationSync (HomeLocation homeLocation, int timeout)
Set customized GPS(not RTK) home location, blocking calls. More...
void setHomeLocationAsync (HomeLocation homeLocation, void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Set customized GPS(not RTK) home location, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType setHomeLocationUsingCurrentAircraftLocationSync (int timeout)
Set home location using current aircraft GPS(not RTK) location, blocking calls. More...
void setHomeLocationUsingCurrentAircraftLocationAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Set home location using current aircraft GPS(not RTK) location, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType turnOnMotorsSync (int timeout)
Wrapper function for turn on motors, blocking calls. More...
void turnOnMotorsAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Wrapper function for turn on motors, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType turnOffMotorsSync (int timeout)
Wrapper function for turn off motors, blocking calls. More...
void turnOffMotorsAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Wrapper function for turn off motors, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType startTakeoffSync (int timeout)
Wrapper function for aircraft takeoff, blocking calls. More...
void startTakeoffAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Wrapper function for aircraft takeoff, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType startLandingSync (int timeout)
Wrapper function for aircraft landing, blocking calls. More...
void startLandingAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Wrapper function for aircraft landing, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType cancelLandingSync (int timeout)
Wrapper function for cancel aircraft landing, blocking calls. More...
void cancelLandingAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Wrapper function for cancel aircraft landing, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType startForceLandingSync (int timeout)
Wrapper function for aircraft force landing, blocking calls. More...
void startForceLandingAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Wrapper function for aircraft force landing, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType startConfirmLandingSync (int timeout)
Wrapper function for aircraft confirm landing and avoid ground, blocking calls. More...
void startConfirmLandingAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Wrapper function for aircraft confirm landing and avoid ground, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType startGoHomeSync (int timeout)
Wrapper function for go home action, blocking calls. More...
void startGoHomeAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Wrapper function for go home action, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType cancelGoHomeSync (int timeout)
Wrapper function for stop go home action, blocking calls. More...
void cancelGoHomeAsync (void(*UserCallBack)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData), UserData userData)
Wrapper function for stop go home action, non-blocking calls. More...
void setJoystickMode (const JoystickMode &joystickMode)
Wrapper function for set joystick mode, non-blocking calls. More...
void setJoystickCommand (const JoystickCommand &JoystickCommand)
Wrapper function for set joystick command, non-blocking calls. More...
void joystickAction ()
Wrapper function for set joystick action, non-blocking calls. More...
void getJoystickMode (FlightJoystick::ControlMode &joystickMode)
Wrapper function for get joystick mode, non-blocking calls. More...
void getJoystickCommand (JoystickCommand &joystickCommand)
Wrapper function for get joystick command, non-blocking calls. More...
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType killSwitch (KillSwitch cmd, int wait_timeout, char debugMsg[10])
Turn on or off the kill switch. More...
void emergencyBrakeAction (void)
Stop the vehicle in horiz velocity, vert velocity, yaw rate mode (body frame) More...

Detailed Description

Flight controller API: set or get parameter, execute flight actions.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ GoHomeHeight

typedef FlightAssistant::GoHomeAltitude DJI::OSDK::FlightController::GoHomeHeight

unit:meter, range 20~500

◆ RtkEnabled

typedef FlightAssistant::RtkEnableData DJI::OSDK::FlightController::RtkEnabled

0: disable, 1: enable

Member Function Documentation

◆ cancelGoHomeAsync()

void FlightController::cancelGoHomeAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Wrapper function for stop go home action, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ cancelGoHomeSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::cancelGoHomeSync ( int  timeout)

Wrapper function for stop go home action, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ cancelLandingAsync()

void FlightController::cancelLandingAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Wrapper function for cancel aircraft landing, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ cancelLandingSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::cancelLandingSync ( int  timeout)

Wrapper function for cancel aircraft landing, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ emergencyBrakeAction()

void FlightController::emergencyBrakeAction ( void  )

Stop the vehicle in horiz velocity, vert velocity, yaw rate mode (body frame)

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300

◆ getCollisionAvoidanceEnabledAsync()

void FlightController::getCollisionAvoidanceEnabledAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, AvoidEnable avoidEnable, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Get collision avoidance enable or disable, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode the OSDK ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • avoidEnable AvoidEnable, AVOID_DISABLE: disable, AVOID_ENABLE: enable
  • userData the interface to pass userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ getCollisionAvoidanceEnabledSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::getCollisionAvoidanceEnabledSync ( AvoidEnable &  avoidEnable,
int  timeout 

Get collision avoidance enable or disable, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
avoidEnableAvoidEnable, AVOID_DISABLE: disable, AVOID_ENABLE: enable
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
OSDK ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ getGoHomeAltitudeAsync()

void FlightController::getGoHomeAltitudeAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, GoHomeHeight altitude, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Get go home altitude, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • altitude go home altitude
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ getGoHomeAltitudeSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::getGoHomeAltitudeSync ( GoHomeHeight altitude,
int  timeout 

Get go home altitude, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
altitudego home altitude
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ getJoystickCommand()

void FlightController::getJoystickCommand ( JoystickCommand joystickCommand)

Wrapper function for get joystick command, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
JoystickCommandFlightController::JoystickCommand include x, y, z and yaw's command.

◆ getJoystickMode()

void FlightController::getJoystickMode ( FlightJoystick::ControlMode &  joystickMode)

Wrapper function for get joystick mode, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
JoystickModeFlightController::JoystickMode include horizontal logic,vertical logic,yaw logic, horizontal coordinate, stable mode.

◆ getRtkEnableAsync()

void FlightController::getRtkEnableAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, RtkEnabled rtkEnable, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Get RTK enable or disable, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • rtkEnable reference in RtkEnabled, RTK_DISABLE: disable, RTK_ENABLE: enable
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ getRtkEnableSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::getRtkEnableSync ( RtkEnabled rtkEnable,
int  timeout 

Get rtk enable or disable, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
rtkEnablereference in RtkEnabled, RTK_DISABLE: disable, RTK_ENABLE: enable
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ getUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledAsync()

void FlightController::getUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UpwardsAvoidEnable upwardsEnable, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Get upwards avoidance enable or disable, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode the OSDK ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • upwardsEnable UpwardsAvoidEnable, UPWARDS_AVOID_DISABLE: disable, UPWARDS_AVOID_ENABLE: enable
  • userData the interface to pass userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ getUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::getUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledSync ( UpwardsAvoidEnable &  upwardsAvoidEnable,
int  timeout 

Get upwards avoidance enable or disable, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
upwardsAvoidEnableUpwardsAvoidEnable UPWARDS_AVOID_DISABLE: disable, UPWARDS_AVOID_ENABLE: enable
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
OSDK ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ joystickAction()

void FlightController::joystickAction ( )

Wrapper function for set joystick action, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
User must set the joystick mode and command before using this function to execute the command.

◆ killSwitch()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::killSwitch ( KillSwitch  cmd,
int  wait_timeout,
char  debugMsg[10] 

Turn on or off the kill switch.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
cmdenable or disable the kill switch
wait_timeouttimeout for blocking call
debugMsginject debug message to flight control FW for logging, size limit: 10 bytes
ACK::ErrorCode struct with the acknowledgement from the FC

◆ obtainJoystickCtrlAuthorityAsync()

void FlightController::obtainJoystickCtrlAuthorityAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType, UserData userData)  userCB,
UserData  userData,
int  timeout,
int  retryTime 

Obtain the control authority of the api (non-blocking call)

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
callbackcallback function
userDatauser data (void ptr)

◆ obtainJoystickCtrlAuthoritySync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::obtainJoystickCtrlAuthoritySync ( int  timeout)

Obtain the control authority of the api (blocking call)

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
timeouttime(s) to wait for ACK

◆ releaseJoystickCtrlAuthorityAsync()

void FlightController::releaseJoystickCtrlAuthorityAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType, UserData userData)  userCB,
UserData  userData,
int  timeout,
int  retryTime 

Release the control authority of the api (non-blocking call)

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
callbackcallback function
userDatauser data (void ptr)

◆ releaseJoystickCtrlAuthoritySync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::releaseJoystickCtrlAuthoritySync ( int  timeout)

Release the control authority of the api (blocking call)

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
timeouttime(s) to wait for ACK

◆ setCollisionAvoidanceEnabledAsync()

void FlightController::setCollisionAvoidanceEnabledAsync ( AvoidEnable  avoidEnable,
void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Set collision avoidance enable or disable, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
avoidEnableAvoidEnable, AVOID_DISABLE: disable, AVOID_ENABLE: enable
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ setCollisionAvoidanceEnabledSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::setCollisionAvoidanceEnabledSync ( AvoidEnable  avoidEnable,
int  timeout 

Set collision avoidance enable or disable, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
avoidEnableAvoidEnable, AVOID_DISABLE: disable, AVOID_ENABLE: enable
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ setGoHomeAltitudeAsync()

void FlightController::setGoHomeAltitudeAsync ( GoHomeHeight  altitude,
void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Set go home altitude, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
If aircraft's current altitude is higher than the setting value of go home altitude, aircraft will go home using current altitude. Otherwise, it will climb to setting of go home altitude ,and then execute go home action. The details could be find in the documentation. Go home altitude setting is between MIN_GO_HOME_HEIGHT to MAX_FLIGHT_HEIGHT.
altitudego home altitude settings, unit: meter
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ setGoHomeAltitudeSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::setGoHomeAltitudeSync ( GoHomeHeight  altitude,
int  timeout 

Set go home altitude, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
If aircraft's current altitude is higher than the setting value of go home altitude, aircraft will go home using current altitude. Otherwise, it will climb to setting of go home altitude ,and then execute go home action. The details could be find in the documentation. Go home altitude setting is between MIN_GO_HOME_HEIGHT to MAX_FLIGHT_HEIGHT.
altitudego home altitude settings, unit: meter
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ setHomeLocationAsync()

void FlightController::setHomeLocationAsync ( HomeLocation  homeLocation,
void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Set customized GPS(not RTK) home location, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
Set customized home location failed reasons may as follows:
  1. The distance between new home location and last home location is larger than MAX_FLY_RADIUS(20km)
  2. Set init home location failed after start aircraft.
homeLocationHomeLocation include latitude and longitude
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ setHomeLocationSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::setHomeLocationSync ( HomeLocation  homeLocation,
int  timeout 

Set customized GPS(not RTK) home location, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
Set customized home location failed reason may as follows:
  1. The distance between new home location and last home location is larger than MAX_FLY_RADIUS(20km).
  2. Set init home location failed after start aircraft.
homeLocationHomeLocation include latitude and longitude
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ setHomeLocationUsingCurrentAircraftLocationAsync()

void FlightController::setHomeLocationUsingCurrentAircraftLocationAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Set home location using current aircraft GPS(not RTK) location, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
Set home location failed reasons may as follows:
  1. Aircraft's gps level can't reach the condition of recording home location.
  2. There's no init home location before you set.
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ setHomeLocationUsingCurrentAircraftLocationSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::setHomeLocationUsingCurrentAircraftLocationSync ( int  timeout)

Set home location using current aircraft GPS(not RTK) location, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
Set home location failed reasons may as follows:
  1. Aircraft's gps level can't reach the condition of recording home location.
  2. Set init home location failed after start aircraft.
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds

◆ setJoystickCommand()

void FlightController::setJoystickCommand ( const JoystickCommand JoystickCommand)

Wrapper function for set joystick command, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
JoystickCommandFlightController::JoystickCommand include x, y, z and yaw's command.

◆ setJoystickMode()

void FlightController::setJoystickMode ( const JoystickMode &  joystickMode)

Wrapper function for set joystick mode, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
JoystickModeFlightController::JoystickMode include horizontal logic,vertical logic,yaw logic, horizontal coordinate, stable mode.

◆ setRtkEnableAsync()

void FlightController::setRtkEnableAsync ( RtkEnabled  rtkEnable,
void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Set RTK enable or disable, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
rtkEnablereference in RtkEnabled, RTK_DISABLE: disable, RTK_ENABLE: enable
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ setRtkEnableSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::setRtkEnableSync ( RtkEnabled  rtkEnable,
int  timeout 

Set RTK enable or disable, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
rtkEnablereference in RtkEnabled, RTK_DISABLE: disable, RTK_ENABLE: enable
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ setUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledAsync()

void FlightController::setUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledAsync ( UpwardsAvoidEnable  upwardsAvoidEnable,
void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Set upwards avoidance enable or disable, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
upwardsAvoidEnableUpwardsAvoidEnable UPWARDS_AVOID_DISABLE: disable, UPWARDS_AVOID_ENABLE: enable
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ setUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::setUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledSync ( UpwardsAvoidEnable  upwardsAvoidEnable,
int  timeout 

Set upwards avoidance enable or disable, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
UpwardsAvoidEnableUpwardsAvoidEnable UPWARDS_AVOID_DISABLE: disable, UPWARDS_AVOID_ENABLE: enable
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ startConfirmLandingAsync()

void FlightController::startConfirmLandingAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Wrapper function for aircraft confirm landing and avoid ground, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
When the clearance between the aircraft and the ground is less than 0.7m, the aircraft will pause landing and wait for user's confirmation.This api use for confirm landing. If the ground is not suitable for landing ,user must use RC to control it landing manually or force landing.
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ startConfirmLandingSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::startConfirmLandingSync ( int  timeout)

Wrapper function for aircraft confirm landing and avoid ground, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
When the clearance between the aircraft and the ground is less than 0.7m, the aircraft will pause landing and wait for user's confirmation.This api use for confirm landing. If the ground is not suitable for landing ,user must use RC to control it landing manually or force landing.
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ startForceLandingAsync()

void FlightController::startForceLandingAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Wrapper function for aircraft force landing, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
This api will ignore the smart landing function, when use this api, it will landing directly (would not stop at 0.7m and wait user's command),it may make the aircraft crash.
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ startForceLandingSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::startForceLandingSync ( int  timeout)

Wrapper function for aircraft force landing, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
This api will ignore the smart landing function, when use this api, it will landing directly (would not stop at 0.7m and wait user's command),it may make the aircraft crash.
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ startGoHomeAsync()

void FlightController::startGoHomeAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Wrapper function for go home action, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ startGoHomeSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::startGoHomeSync ( int  timeout)

Wrapper function for go home action, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ startLandingAsync()

void FlightController::startLandingAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Wrapper function for aircraft landing, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ startLandingSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::startLandingSync ( int  timeout)

Wrapper function for aircraft landing, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ startTakeoffAsync()

void FlightController::startTakeoffAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Wrapper function for aircraft takeoff, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ startTakeoffSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::startTakeoffSync ( int  timeout)

Wrapper function for aircraft takeoff, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ turnOffMotorsAsync()

void FlightController::turnOffMotorsAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Wrapper function for turn off motors, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ turnOffMotorsSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::turnOffMotorsSync ( int  timeout)

Wrapper function for turn off motors, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

◆ turnOnMotorsAsync()

void FlightController::turnOnMotorsAsync ( void(*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode, UserData userData)  UserCallBack,
UserData  userData 

Wrapper function for turn on motors, non-blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
UserCallBackcallback function defined by user
  • retCode ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code
  • userData the interface to transfer userData in when the callback is called
userDatawhen UserCallBack is called, used in UserCallBack

◆ turnOnMotorsSync()

ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType FlightController::turnOnMotorsSync ( int  timeout)

Wrapper function for turn on motors, blocking calls.

Supported Platforms : M210V2, M300
timeoutblocking timeout in seconds
ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType error code

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