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This namespace encapsulates all available telemetry topics through either Broadcast or Subscribe. More...


typedef enum DJI::OSDK::MOP::MopErrCode MopErrCode
typedef enum DJI::OSDK::MOP::SlotType SlotType
typedef uint16_t PipelineID


enum  MopErrCode {
enum  PipelineType {
enum  SlotType {
  SLOT_0 = 0,
  SLOT_1 = 1,
  SLOT_2 = 2


MopErrCode getMopErrCode (int ret)

Detailed Description

This namespace encapsulates all available telemetry topics through either Broadcast or Subscribe.

Typedef Documentation

◆ PipelineID

typedef uint16_t DJI::OSDK::MOP::PipelineID

User define the pipeline in the range of uint16_t