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Class providing APIs & data structures for acting as a MOP server. More...

#include <dji_mop_server.hpp>

Inherits DJI::OSDK::MopPipelineManagerBase.

Public Member Functions

MopErrCode accept (PipelineID id, PipelineType type, MopPipeline *&p)
Accept the connecting request from target device with properties of a pipelineid and pipeline type. If success, a pipeline object will be created. More...
MopErrCode close (PipelineID id)
Close the target pipeline by a pipelineid. More...

Detailed Description

Class providing APIs & data structures for acting as a MOP server.

Member Function Documentation

◆ accept()

MopErrCode DJI::OSDK::MopServer::accept ( PipelineID  id,
PipelineType  type,
MopPipeline *&  p 

Accept the connecting request from target device with properties of a pipelineid and pipeline type. If success, a pipeline object will be created.

Supported Platforms : M300
This is a blocking api
idThe pipeline id which to be connected, ref to DJI::OSDK::MOP::PipelineID
typeThe pipeline type. It can be set to be RELIABLE or UBRELIABLE ref to the enum DJI::OSDK::MOP::PipelineType
pThe pointer of pipeline. If success, it will be pointed to be the target pipeline object.
ref to the enum DJI::OSDK::MOP::MopErrCode

◆ close()

MopErrCode DJI::OSDK::MopServer::close ( PipelineID  id)

Close the target pipeline by a pipelineid.

Supported Platforms : M300
This is a blocking api
idThe pipeline id which to be connected, ref to DJI::OSDK::MOP::PipelineID
ref to the enum DJI::OSDK::MOP::MopErrCode

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