
struct {}

The Flight Controller Smart Go Home Status

  • The estimated remaining time, in seconds, it will take the aircraft to go home with a 10% battery buffer remaining. This time includes landing the aircraft.



    NSUInteger remainingFlightTime
  • The estimated time, in seconds, needed for the aircraft to go home from its current location.



    NSUInteger timeNeededToGoHome
  • The estimated time, in seconds, needed for the aircraft to land from its current height. The time calculated will be for the aircraft to land, moving straight down, from its current height.



    NSUInteger timeNeededToLandFromCurrentHeight
  • The estimated battery percentage, in the range of [0 - 100], needed for the aircraft to go home and have 10% battery remaining. This includes landing of the aircraft.



    NSUInteger batteryPercentageNeededToGoHome
  • The battery percentage, in the range of [0 - 100], needed for the aircraft to land from its current height. The battery percentage needed will be for the aircraft to land, moving straight down, from its current height.



    NSUInteger batteryPercentageNeededToLandFromCurrentHeight
  • The maximum radius, in meters, an aircraft can fly from its home location and still make it all the way back home based on certain factors including altitude, distance, battery, etc. If the aircraft goes out farther than the max radius, it will fly as far back home as it can and land.



    float maxRadiusAircraftCanFlyAndGoHome
  • Returns whether the aircraft is requesting to go home. If the value of aircraftShouldGoHome is YES and the user does not respond after 10 seconds, the aircraft will automatically go back to its home location. This can be cancelled at any time with the cancelGoHome method (which will also clear aircraftShouldGoHome). It is recommended that an alert view is shown to the user when aircraftShouldGoHome returns YES. During this time, the Remote Controller will beep.

    The flight controller calculates whether the aircraft should go home based on the aircraft’s altitude, distance, battery, etc.

    The two main situations in which aircraftShouldGoHome will return YES are if the aircraft’s battery is too low or if the aircraft has flown too far away.



    BOOL aircraftShouldGoHome