
@interface DJIHandheldControllerLEDColorPattern : NSObject

Pattern used to control a single color (red, green or blue) of the handheld controller’s LED.

  • Pattern to control the time varying behaviour of the LED color. Each element of pattern is a boolean NSNumber representing the LED on/off state for 0.125 seconds where YES means the LED is on. The length of the pattern cannot exceed 32. By default, the array is empty, which will turn the LED color off.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic) NSArray<NSNumber *> *_Nonnull pattern;
  • The number of times to repeat the sequence with range [1,255]. A value of 255 will repeat the sequence indefinitely until a new command is sent. The default value is 255.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic) uint8_t repeatTimes;