
@interface DJIActiveTrackMission : DJIMission

ActiveTrack Mission allows an aircraft to track a moving subject using the vision system and without a GPS tracker on the subject. To use an ActiveTrack mission: - prepareMission with the rectangle that best represents the target to track - startMission to initiate tracking of the object and begin the state updates (DJIMissionProgressStatus) - At this point, the aircraft will track the target while hovering in place. - Give confirmation that the tracked target is correct with acceptConfirmationWithCompletion and the aircraft will begin flying relative to the target. - If the tracking algorithm looses sufficient confidence in tracking the target, then the aircraft will stop flying relative to the object and either notify the user (through execution state) that the target is lost or it needs another confirmation that the target is correct. - If the mission is paused, the aircraft will hover in place, but continue tracking the target by adjusting gimbal pitch and aircraft yaw. - If mission is resumed, confirmation of tracking rectangle will need to be sent through to start flying relative to target. - Mission can be canceled with stopMission at any time, or with rejectConfirmationWithCompletion if confirmation of tracking rectangle is being asked. - The main camera is used to track the target, so gimbal cannot be adjusted during an ActiveTrack mission. - During the mission the aircraft can be manually flown with pitch, roll and throttle. Yaw and gimbal are automatically controlled to continue tracking the target. - If the mission is executing, and after confirmation of the tracking rectangle has been sent, the aircraft can be manually controlled horizontally similar to a DJIFlightOrientationModeHomeLock where the home is the tracked target. If aircraft is manually controlled upward, the aircraft will lift and retreat, and if it is controlled downward, it will go down and get closer to the target.

  • ActiveTrack Mission mode. Defaults to DJIActiveTrackModeTrace, adjust to a different mode before starting mission. Use the asynchronous class methods once the mission has started.

    Additional modes only supported by the Mavic Pro.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic) DJIActiveTrackMode activeTrackMode;
  • A bounding box for the target. The rectangle is normalized to [0,1] where (0,0) is the top left of the video preview and (1,1) is the bottom right. The size parameter of CGRect can be set to 0 to initialize the mission with a point instead of a rectangle. If the mission is initialized with a point, the vision system will try to recognize object around the point and return the representative rect in the status delegate.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic) CGRect rect;
  • YES if the aircraft can retreat (fly backwards) when the target comes toward it. If no, the aircraft will not retreat and instead rotate the gimbal pitch down to track the target as it goes underneath. If the target goes beyond the gimbal’s pitch stop, the target will be lost and the mission will stop. Default is NO.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic) BOOL isRetreatEnabled;
  • YES to enable gesture mode. In gesture mode: - A human subject can be automatically detected if they are moving a little (instead of requiring a defining rectangle) - The human subject can accept the confirmation to track them by waving their arms. - The tracked human can make the camera shoot a photo by showing a rectangle with their thumbs and index fingers to the aircraft. Gesture mode can only be enabled when in trace mode (DJIActiveTrackModeTrace). Default is NO.

    Only supported by Mavic Pro.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic) BOOL isGestureModeEnabled;
  • Sets the active track mode on the currently executing mission. This method should be used when the ActiveTrack mission is executing. The property activeTrackMode is used before the mission starts. The active track mode can only be set when gesture mode is not enabled for the currently executing mission

    Only supported by Mavic Pro.



    + (void)setActiveTrackMode:(DJIActiveTrackMode)activeTrackMode



    Active track mode to set.


    Completion block that receives the setter result.

  • Gets the active track mode on currently executing mission. This method should be used when the ActiveTrack mission is executing. The property activeTrackMode is used before the mission starts. Will return DJIActiveTrackModeUnknown if mission hasn’t started.

    Only supported by Mavic Pro.



    + (void)getActiveTrackModeWithCompletion:



    Completion block that receives the getter result.

  • Setting a non-zero speed starts the aircraft circling the target. Speed can be set within the range [-5, 5] m/s where a positive speed is a counter-clockwise movement (when viewing from the top). Reverting the speed to 0 m/s ends the circling movement. This method can only be called when executing an ActiveTrack mission with DJIActiveTrackModeTrace mode. Only supported by Mavic Pro.



    + (void)setCircularSpeed:(float)speed



    Circular speed to set in m/s.


    Completion block that receives the setter result.

  • In an ActiveTrack mission, the aircraft can be set to circle the target while following it. This method returns the circular speed of the aircraft in m/s. Only supported by Mavic Pro.



    + (void)getCirclarSpeedWithCompletion:(DJIFloatCompletionBlock)completion;



    Completion block that receives the getter result.

  • When the vision system is not sure the tracking rectangle is around the user’s desired target, it will need confirmation before starting to fly relative to the target. The vision system will need confirmation whenever the ActiveTrack mission execution state is DJIActiveTrackMissionExecutionStateWaitingForConfirmation. The trackingRect property of DJIActiveTrackMissionExecutionState can be used to show the user the rectangle the vision system is using. If the user agrees the rectangle represents the target they want to track, this method can be called to start flying relative to the target.





    + (void)acceptConfirmationWithCompletion:(DJICompletionBlock)completion;



    Completion block that receives the execution result.

  • When the vision system is not sure the tracking rectangle is around the user’s desired target, it will need confirmation before starting to fly relative to the target. The vision system will need confirmation whenever the ActiveTrack mission execution state is DJIActiveTrackMissionExecutionStateWaitingForConfirmation. The trackingRect property of DJIMissionProgressStatus can be used to show the user the rectangle the vision system is using. If the user does not agree the rectangle represents the target they want to track, this method can be used to stop the Mission.





    + (void)rejectConfirmationWithCompletion:(DJICompletionBlock)completion;



    Completion block that receives the execution result.

  • Sets the recommended camera and gimbal configuration that optimizes performance for the ActiveTrack Mission in most environments.



    + (void)setRecommendedConfigurationWithCompletion:



    Completion block that receives the execution result.