
@interface DJIPanoramaMission : DJIMission

During a Panorama Mission, the user can rotate the camera 360 or 180 degrees to take several photos, and then download the photos to render a panorama. In full circle mode, 8 photos are taken. In half circle mode, 5 photos are taken. Commands cannot be sent to the camera until the mission is finished. The Panorama Mission does not support the image stitching feature, so the images must be stitched manually. All the images will be stored on the SD card.

Panorama Mission is only supported by Osmo with X3 camera and Z3 camera.

  • Returns the current panorama mode of this mission.



    @property (readonly, nonatomic) DJIPanoramaMode panoramaMode;
  • Initializer for the Panorama mission object with panorama mode.



    - (nonnull id)initWithPanoramaMode:(DJIPanoramaMode)mode;
  • Retrieves the DJIMedia object for the recently finished panorama mission. Call the fetchSubMediaFileListWithCompletion: method on the retrieved DJIMedia to retrieve the panorama photos.



    - (void)getPanoramaMediaFileWithCompletion:
        (nonnull void (^)(DJIMedia *_Nullable, NSError *_Nullable))block;