Class Index



ActiveTrackMode Different modes of the ActiveTrack Mission. 


BaseRange<T> Base class for all RangeValue like CameraISORange, CameraApertureRange etc, there are two types of RangeValue,the one is List type range with TYPE_LIST, the other is Max-Min type value with TYPE_MAX_MIN. 


CameraLensFocusAssistant The lens focus assistant is enabled or not. 
CameraLensFocusTargetPoint The lens focus Target point. 
CameraLensState This class contains information about the lens' current state, including lens type, focus status, focus mode, focus assistant state, and Auto Focus (AF) switch state. 
CameraLiveView CameraLiveView provides a simplified FPV live view. 
CameraParamRangeManager aim to setup Range Paramaters' key when DJICameraAbstration init, and trigger the onValueChange logic to notify the key listener  
CameraPhotoTimeLapseParam The TimeLapse parameters including interval, duration and file format when saving. 
CameraPurchasedLicense CinemaDNG and Apple ProRes license key Only supported by Inspire 2 X5S camera. 
CameraSDCardState This class provides the SD card's general information and current status. 
CameraSpotMeteringArea The spot metering area index. 
CameraSSDCapacity SSD Capacity. 
CameraSSDOperationState SSD state information for currently executing operations. 
CameraSSDRawVideoResolutionAndFrameRate Supported only by X5R camera
Set Raw Video Resolution and Frame Rate of the SSD. 
CameraSSDState This class contains the information about camera's Solid State Drive (SSD) information, including state, whether it is connected, its capacity, video size and rate, etc. 
CameraSystemState This class provides general information and current status of the camera. 
CameraTapZoomTargetPoint Tap Zoom Target Point. 
CameraThermalVersion There is a standard version and version with Advanced Radiometry capabilities of the Zenmuse XT thermal camera. 
CameraVideoResolutionAndFrameRate The camera's video resolution and frame rate. 
CameraWhiteBalanceAndColorTemperature The camera’s white balance (color temperature). 
ChannelInterference The interference power of a LBAirLink channel. 
ChannelSelectionMode Downlink channel selection mode (manual or automatic) for the wireless link. 
ConvertKeyUtil This class will map the external keys to internal keys (Specially for the flight controller keys and gimbal internal keys). 


DJIActiveTrackMission ActiveTrack Mission allows an aircraft to track a moving subject using the vision system and without a GPS tracker on the subject. 
DJIActiveTrackMission.DJIActiveTrackMissionExecutionState Current ActiveTrack Mission execution state. 
DJIActiveTrackMission.DJIActiveTrackMissionProgressStatus This class provides the real-time status of an executing ActiveTrack Mission. 
DJIAircraft This class contains the components of an aircraft. 
DJIAircraftRemainingBatteryState Remaining battery life state. 
DJIAircraftYawStep This class represents an aircraft yaw rotation step for a custom mission. 
DJIAirLink This class contains different wireless links between the product (aircraft, handheld), the remote controller (for aircraft products) and the mobile device. 
DJIAirLinkError Defines all AirLink related errors  
DJIAttitude The attitude of the aircraft where the pitch, roll, and yaw values will be in the range of [-180, 180]. 
DJIAuxLink Phantom 3 Standard and 4K products have two wireless links between the remote controller and aircraft. 
DJIAuxLink.DJIAuxLinkUpdatedRemoteControllerSignalInformationCallback Callback method to receive updated signal information for wireless Auxiliary Control Link between remote controller and aircraft. 
DJIBaseComponent Class for components in a DJI Product. 
DJIBaseComponent.DJICommandSentAckCallback This callback is used by the playback feature to acknowledge developers: the command has been sent. 
DJIBaseComponent.DJIComponentListener Receives notifications of component connectivity changes. 
DJIBaseProduct Class for all DJI Products that allows the user to get an instance of various components. 
DJIBaseProduct.DJIBaseProductListener Receives notifications of component and product connectivity changes. 
DJIBaseProduct.DJIComponentGroupKey Specifies all the components. 
DJIBaseProduct.DJIComponentKey Specifies all the components. 
DJIBaseProduct.DJIVersionCallback Callback interface for product version change. 
DJIBattery This class manages the battery's information and real-time status of the connected product. 
DJIBattery.DJIBatteryAggregationStateUpdatedCallback This protocol provides a delegate method for you to update the battery's current state. 
DJIBattery.DJIBatteryStateUpdateCallback This interface is for updating the battery state. 
DJIBatteryAggregationState Provides a real time summary of the aggregated battery system. 
DJIBatteryCell Class that contains battery cell voltage data. 
DJIBatteryError Defines all battery related errors  
DJIBatteryLowCellVoltageOperation Defines aircraft operation when the cell voltage is low. 
DJIBatteryOverview Provides an overview of a battery - used when multiple batteries are deployed on one product. 
DJIBatteryPairStatus Battery pairing state for batteries that can be paired. 
DJIBatteryState DJIBatteryState is used to keep track of the real-time state of the battery. 
DJIBatteryStatus Created by petyrzhan on 6/28/16. 
DJIBatteryWarningInformation This class is used to keep a record of any unusual status for the battery in the past 30 discharge. 
DJIBluetoothDevice This class contains information for DJI bluetooth device. 
DJIBluetoothProductConnector This class contains methods to find DJI products around the mobile device that can be connected using Bluetooth and connect product with SDK. 
DJIBluetoothProductConnector.BluetoothProductConnectorListener Delegate that receives the product list found by the connector. 
DJICamera This class provides methods to change camera settings and perform camera actions. 
DJICamera.CameraGeneratedNewMediaFileCallback Tells that a new media file (photo or video) is generated. 
DJICamera.CameraGeneratedTimeLapsePreviewCallback Supported only by the Osmo camera
Tells the callback that a preview image for the Time-lapse is generated. 
DJICamera.CameraReceivedVideoDataCallback Video data update callback. 
DJICamera.CameraUpdatedCurrentExposureValuesCallback Called whenever the camera parameters change. 
DJICamera.CameraUpdatedLensStateCallback Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera. 
DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSDCardStateCallback This interface provides general information and current statuses on the SD card. 
DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSSDStateCallback Supported only by X5R camera
This interface provides general information and current status of the SSD. 
DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSystemStateCallback Updates the camera's current state. 
DJICamera.ThermalCameraAreaTemperatureAggregationsUpdatedCallback This interface provides information about the aggregate temperature of metering area. 
DJICamera.ThermalCameraExternalSceneSettingsUpdatedCallback This interface provides information about the external scene settings. 
DJICamera.ThermalCameraUpdateTemperatureDataCallback Received temperature in degrees Celsius of image. 
DJICameraError Defines all camera-related errors. 
DJICameraExposureParameters This class contains current values for some camera parameters. 
DJICameraParameters Some of the camera's parameters have dynamic ranges. 
DJICameraParameters.DJICameraParametersListener Notified when the the camera parameters' range changes. 
DJICameraParameters.VideoResolutionFps Defines video resolution and frame rate as a type. 
DJICameraSettingsDef This class contains all the enums and setting classes for the DJI Camera. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAntiFlicker Camera anti-flicker values. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAperture Camera aperture values. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraContrast Camera contrast. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraCustomSettings Camera user settings. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraDeletePhotoOperation Camera Delete Photo Operation Define (Support Lists: Inspire1)  
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraDigitalFilter Camera digital filters. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureCompensation Camera exposure compensation values. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureMode Camera exposure modes. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraFileIndexMode File index modes. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraISO Camera ISO values. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode Supported only by X5 Camera
Camera focus mode. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusStatus Supported only by X5 Camera
The focusing status of the camera's lens. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensType Supported only by X5 Camera
The enum type camera lens. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMediaFileDeleteStatus The file deletion status when deleting a file as the camera is in Playback MODE. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMediaFileType Showing media file types when the camera is in Playback mode. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMeteringMode Camera exposure metering values. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMode Camera modes. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraOpticalZoomSpec Zoom lens profile. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraOrientation Physical orientation of the camera. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAEBParam AEB continue capture parameter values. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAspectRatio Camera's photo ratios, where the first value is the width and the second value is the height. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoBurstCount The amount of photos taken in one burst shot (shooting photo in burst mode). 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoFileFormat Camera photo storage formats. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoIntervalParam Sets the number of pictures, and the time interval between pictures for the Interval capture shoot photo mode. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoQuality Photo quality of the JPEG image. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoTimeLapseFileFormat File format for camera when it is in time-lapse mode. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPlaybackMode A playback mode represents a task that the Playback manager is executing. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraSharpness Camera sharpness values. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShootPhotoMode The camera work mode for ShootPhoto has several modes within its definition. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShutterSpeed Camera's shutter speed options. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraSSDVideoDigitalFilter Camera digital filters for videos that will be stored in SSD with Apple ProRes codecs. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalDigitalZoomScale Supported only by thermal Camera
The digital zoom. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalExternalParamProfile User defined parameters. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalFFCMode Supported only by thermal Camera
The FFC mode. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalFrameRateUpperBound Supported only by thermal Camera
The frame rate upper bound. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalGainMode Supported only by thermal Camera
The gain mode. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalIsothermUnit Supported only by thermal Camera
The unit for Isotherm. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalLensFocalLength Supported only by thermal Camera
The lens model. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalPalette Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Different color palettes can be used to show different temperatures in the thermal image. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalProfile Supported only by thermal Camera
The profile of thermal imaging camera, which includes information about resolution, frame rate and focal length. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalResolution Supported only by thermal Camera
The resolution of thermal imaging camera. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalROI Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Region of interest. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalScene Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Use the Scene option to instantly enhance your image. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFileFormat Video storage formats. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFrameRate Camera video frame rate values. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoPlaybackOperation Camera Video Playback Operation Define (Support Lists: Inspire1)  
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolution Camera video resolution values. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoStandard Video standard values. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraWhiteBalance Camera white balance values. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.OpticalZoomDirection The direction to adjust the camera zoom (camera focal length). 
DJICameraSettingsDef.OpticalZoomSpeed The speed of lens to zoom. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.VideoFileCompressionStandard The compression standard used to store the video files. 
DJICameraThermalMeasurementMode Thermal measurement mode. 
DJICodecManager Class that handles encoding and decoding of media  
DJICommonCallbacks Created by dji on 5/25/16. 
DJICommonCallbacks.DJICompletionCallback Completion callback for asynchronous operations. 
DJICommonCallbacks.DJICompletionCallbackWith<T> DJI completion callback with parameter T, the T will be defined where it is called. 
DJICommonCallbacks.DJICompletionCallbackWithThreeParam<X, Y, Z> DJI completion callback with parameters X, Y, Z, which will be defined where it is called. 
DJICommonCallbacks.DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<X, Y> DJI completion callback with parameters X, Y, which will be defined where it is called. 
DJICompass This class contains important status for the compass of the product, and provides methods to calibrate the compass. 
DJICompassCalibrationStatus An enum class representing compass calibration. 
DJICustomMission In a custom mission, you can create multiple kinds of mission steps to control the aircraft to execute a series of complex tasks. 
DJICustomMission.DJICustomMissionProgressStatus This class contains real-time status of the executing custom mission. 
DJIDiagnostics Product Diagnostics. 
DJIDiagnostics.UpdateDiagnosticsListCallback Callback interface that updates the product's current diagnostics information. 
DJIError Class that handles all errors that are not handled by individual components. 
DJIFlightController This class contains components of the flight controller and provides methods to send different commands to the flight controller. 
DJIFlightControllerAdvancedGoHomeState Created by changjian.xu on 2016/8/11. 
DJIFlightControllerControlMode Control mode of the flight controller. 
DJIFlightControllerCurrentState true if the clearance between the aircraft and the ground is less than 0.3m and confirmation from the user is needed to continue the landing. 
DJIFlightControllerDataType This class provides the data type for flight controller. 
DJIFlightControllerDelegate This class provides delegate methods to update flight controller's current state. 
DJIFlightControllerDelegate.FlightControllerIMUStateChangedCallback Callback interface that is used to receive IMU state from flight controller. 
DJIFlightControllerDelegate.FlightControllerReceivedDataFromExternalDeviceCallback Callback function that updates the data received from an external device (e.g.the onboard device). 
DJIFlightControllerDelegate.FlightControllerUpdateSystemStateCallback Callback function that updates the flight controller's current state data. 
DJIFlightControllerDelegate.ReceivedNoFlyZoneFromFlightControllerCallback Callback interface that is used to receive no fly zone information from the flight controller  
DJIFlightControllerError Defines all flight controller errors. 
DJIFlightControllerFlightMode Flight controller flight modes. 
DJIFlightControllerNoFlyStatus This will return the status of the aircraft whether the aircraft is near the no fly zone or not. 
DJIFlightControllerRemoteControllerFlightMode Flight modes that map to the flight mode switch on the remote controller. 
DJIFlightControllerSmartGoHomeStatus Class for smart go home status. 
DJIFlightControlState This is an enum for notification of flight control state. 
DJIFlightError Created by Shirley.Yang on 2016/8/5. 
DJIFlightErrorInformation Created by Shirley.Yang on 2016/8/5. 
DJIFlightFailsafeOperation Defines aircraft failsafe action when signal between the remote controller and the aircraft is lost. 
DJIFlightLimitation This class contains the flight status of the aircraft related to the flight limitation, and provides methods to configure the flight limitation. 
DJIFlightOrientationMode Tells the aircraft how to interpret flight commands for forward, backward, left and right. 
DJIFlyZoneInformation The geospatial information in GEO is categorized in one of the three ways which are Warning Zone, Authorization Zone and Restricted Zone). 
DJIFlyZoneManager This class manages the Geospatial Environment Online (GEO) system which provides warning, enhanced warning, authorization and restricted fly zone information. 
DJIFlyZoneManager.FlyForbidStatusUpdatedCallback An interface for obtaining FlyForbidStatus
DJIFoldingDroneFlightController Created on 16/9/27. 
DJIFollowMeMission The class represents a follow-me mission. 
DJIFollowMeMission.DJIFollowMeHeading Aircraft's heading during a follow me mission. 
DJIFollowMeMission.DJIFollowMeMissionExecutionState All possible follow me mission execution states. 
DJIFollowMeMission.DJIFollowMeMissionStatus This class provides the real-time status of the executing follow-me mission. 
DJIFollowmeMissionStep This class represents a follow-me step for a custom mission. 
DJIGeoError This class contains the error type for GEO feature. 
DJIGeoError This class contains the error type for GEO feature. 
DJIGimbal DJIGimbal is the class for controlling the view of the drone. 
DJIGimbal.GimbalAdvancedSettingsStateUpdateCallback Supported only by Osmo
This interface provides the method to receive the updated state and user configuration. 
DJIGimbal.GimbalBatteryRemainingEnergyUpdateCallback Gimbal energy remaining of Ronin MX in percent. 
DJIGimbal.GimbalStateUpdateCallback Callback for updating the gimbal's current state. 
DJIGimbalAdvancedSettingsProfile The Advanced Settings Profile contains presets for SmoothTrack and the Physical Controller sensitivity. 
DJIGimbalAdvancedSettingsState The current advanced settings of the gimbal. 
DJIGimbalAngleRotation This is used to enable the gimbal rotation in pitch, roll and yaw direction. 
DJIGimbalAttitude Created by Robert.Liu on 6/2/16. 
DJIGimbalAttitudeStep Subclass of DJIMission Step: you can control gimbal attitude using this mission step. 
DJIGimbalAxis Gimbal Axis. 
DJIGimbalBalanceTestResult The balance test result. 
DJIGimbalCalibrationState Created by dji on 6/2/16. 
DJIGimbalCapabilityKey These enums are keys for gimbal capability map. 
DJIGimbalControllerMode Supported only by Osmo. 
DJIGimbalEndpointDirection Gimbal endpoint setting. 
DJIGimbalError Defines all gimbal related errors. 
DJIGimbalLoadingBalanceStatus The loading balance status of the gimbal. 
DJIGimbalMotorControlPreset Different cameras have different preset parameters for gimbal motor stiffness, strength, gyro filtering and pre-control. 
DJIGimbalRotateAngleMode The rotation angle of gimbal can be defined as either Absolute (relative to heading), or Relative (relative to it's current angle). 
DJIGimbalRotateDirection Gimbal rotate direction. 
DJIGimbalSpeedRotation This is used to set the gimbal's rotation speed (angular velocity). 
DJIGimbalState This class provides the current state of the gimbal. 
DJIGimbalWorkMode Gimbal work modes. 
DJIGoHomeStatus A class used to identify the different stage of go home process. 
DJIGoHomeStep This class represents a go-home step for a custom mission. 
DJIGoToStep This class represents a go-to step for a custom mission. 
DJIGPSSignalStatus A enum class representing GPS signal levels, which are used to measure the signal quality. 
DJIHandHeld This class contains the components of a handheld device. 
DJIHandheldButtonStatus The status of the shutter button and record button on the handheld controller. 
DJIHandheldController This class contains interfaces to control a handheld device. 
DJIHandheldController.DJIHandheldPowerModeListener Callback to receive the updated power mode of the handheld controller. 
DJIHandheldController.DJIUpdateHardwareStateCallback Callback for the handheld controller's current hardware state (e.g. 
DJIHandheldControllerHardwareState Handheld controller's current state. 
DJIHandheldControllerLEDColorPattern Pattern used to control a single color (red, green or blue) of the handheld controller's LED. 
DJIHandheldControllerLEDCommand Command used to control different colors (red, green and blue) of the handheld controller's LED. 
DJIHandheldPowerMode Created by hai on 5/26/16. 
DJIHandheldTriggerStatus The status of the shutter button and record button on the handheld controller. 
DJIHotPointMission The class represents a hotpoint mission, which can be executed by the mission manager. 
DJIHotPointMission.DJIHotPointHeading Heading of the aircraft while orbiting the hot point. 
DJIHotPointMission.DJIHotpointMissionExecutionState All possible hot point mission execution states. 
DJIHotPointMission.DJIHotPointMissionStatus This class provides the real-time status of the executing hot-point mission. 
DJIHotPointMission.DJIHotPointStartPoint Aircraft start point relative to the hot point. 
DJIHotpointStep This class represents a hot-point step for a custom mission. 
DJIIMUCalibrationOrientation The different orientations the aircraft needs for a multi-orientation IMU calibration. 
DJIIMUCalibrationStatus Enum for IMU calibration  
DJIIMUMultiOrientationCalibrationHint This class is used to lead the user through an IMU calibration for products that require calibration at multiple orientations. 
DJIIMUMultiOrientationCalibrationStatus IMU calibration status for the current aircraft orientation. 
DJIIMUSensorState Enum for IMU sensor status  
DJIIMUState This class contains current state of the DJI Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU) State. 
DJIInspire2Battery Created by dji on 16/11/2. 
DJIInspire2FlightController Created by dji on 16/11/2. 
DJIInspire2Gimbal Created by dji on 16/11/2. 
DJIIntelligentFlightAssistant This class contains components of the Intelligent Flight Assistant and provides methods to change the settings of Intelligent Flight Assistant. 
DJIIntelligentFlightAssistant.VisionDetectionStateUpdatedCallback This protocol provides a interface to update the Intelligent Flight Assistant current state. 
DJILandingGear This class contains the state of the landing gear. 
DJILandingGearMode Current Mode of the Landing Gear  
DJILandingGearStatus The current state/position of the landing gear. 
DJILBAirLink This class contains methods to change the settings of the Lightbridge Air Link. 
DJILBAirLink.DJILBAirLinkFPVBandwidthPercentChangedCallback Callback for when the FPV video bandwidth percentage has changed. 
DJILBAirLink.DJILBAirLinkUpdatedAllChannelInterferenceCallback Callback of signal strength of all signals present on all available downlink channels. 
DJILBAirLink.DJILBAirLinkUpdatedLightbridgeModuleSignalInformationCallback Signal quality and strength information for the current downlink channel on each air link module antenna. 
DJILBAirLink.DJILBAirLinkUpdatedRemoteControllerSignalInformationCallback Signal quality and strength information for the current uplink channel on each Remote Controller (or ground station) antenna. 
DJILBAirLink.DJIOnReceivedVideoCallback Callback for when updated video data is received. 
DJILensFeatureUtils Created by Shirley.Yang on 2016/11/16. 
DJILocationCoordinate2D A class representing 2 dimensional location coordinate. 
DJILocationCoordinate3D This is a structure for presenting the location, latitude, longitude, altitude. 
DJIMedia This class contains the information about a multi-media file in the SD card. 
DJIMedia.MediaType Media types. 
DJIMedia.VideoPlaybackStatus The playback status. 
DJIMediaManager The media manager is used to interact with the file system in the SD card. 
DJIMediaManager.CameraDownloadListener<E> This callback will notify the app when the media download executed. 
DJIMediaManager.MediaUpdatedVideoPlaybackStateCallback Updates the video playback state of the media manager. 
DJIMediaManager.VideoPlaybackState The playback state of the media manager. 
DJIMission The class is an abstract class representing a mission that can be executed by the mission manager. 
DJIMission.DJIMissionProgressHandler Returns the progress status from 0.0 to 1.0. 
DJIMission.DJIMissionProgressStatus A class representing the progress of an executing mission. 
DJIMission.DJIMissionType This enum is deprecated. An enum class representing the mission type.  
DJIMissionManager This class manages the execution cycle for a mission. 
DJIMissionManager.MissionProgressStatusCallback This interface provides the method to update mission progress status. 
DJIMissionManagerError Defines all mission manager related errors. 
DJIMissionManagerError Defines all mission manager related errors. 
DJIMissionStep Abstract class for all mission steps. 
DJIMobileRemoteController A simulated remote controller on the mobile device to control the aircraft when the physical remote controller is absent. 
DJINoFlyZone No fly zone. 
DJIOcuSyncLink This class is for handling the logic of SDRLink, which is the special Airlink that presents in Folding Drone. 
DJIOcuSyncLink.FrequencyInterferenceUpdatedCallback Updated power for interference signals with frequencies in the 2.4 GHz (2400MHz to 2482 MHz) frequency band incident on the remote controller. 
DJIOcuSyncLink.ReceivedWarningMessageCallback Updated OcuSync link warning messages. 
DJIOcuSyncLink.VideoDataRateUpdatedCallback Updated data rate in Mbps for the wireless downlink (from aircraft to remote controller). 
DJIP4PFlightController Created by Shirley.Yang on 2016/11/8. 
DJIPanoramaMission During a Panorama Mission, the user can rotate the camera 360 or 180 degrees to take several photos, and then download the photos to render a panorama. 
DJIPanoramaMission.DJIPanoramaMissionStatus Supported only by the Osmo camera
This class provides the real-time status of an executing panorama mission. 
DJIPanoramaMission.DJIPanoramaMode Supported only by the Osmo camera
Defines options for different types of modes for a panorama mission. 
DJIParamCapability DJIParamCapability represents the capability of a parameter of a component or product. 
DJIParamMinMaxCapability DJIParamCapabilityMinMax adds the maximum and minimum possible values of the parameter to the base class property of whether the parameter is supported by the component or product. 
DJIParamMinMaxCapability DJIParamCapabilityMinMax adds the maximum and minimum possible values of the parameter to the base class property of whether the parameter is supported by the component or product. 
DJIPlaybackManager The playback manager is used to interact with the playback system of the camera. 
DJIPlaybackManager.CameraFileDownloadCallback This callback will notify the process of downloading selected files. 
DJIPlaybackManager.DJICameraPlaybackState This class provides general information and current status of Camera Playback State. 
DJIPlaybackManager.DJICameraPlayBackStateCallBack The interface provides the method to receive the updated state of the playback manager. 
DJIRCBatteryInfo Remote Controller's battery information. 
DJIRCChargeMobileMode Modes to charge the iOS mobile device. 
DJIRCControlChannel Remote controller's channel. 
DJIRCControlChannelName Remote Controller control channels. 
DJIRCControlMode The control mode of a Remote Controller, it can be a Chinese, or Japanese, or American style. 
DJIRCControlPermission Class for RC control permission. 
DJIRCControlStyle Remote controller's control style. 
DJIRCGimbalControlDirection Defines what the Gimbal Dial (upper left wheel on the Remote Controller) will control. 
DJIRCGimbalControlSpeed DJI RC gimbal control speed  
DJIRCGPSData Remote Controller's GPS data. 
DJIRCGPSData.DJIRCGpsTime Remote Controller's GPS time. 
DJIRCHardwareState Remote Controller's current state. 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCFiveDButton Movement direction of the remote controller's 5D button. 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCFiveDButtonDirection Movement direction of the remote controller's 5D button. 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareButton Remote Controller has numerous momentary push buttons, which will use this state. 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareJoystick Remote Controller's hardware joystick  
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareLeftWheel the hardware left wheel of the Remote Controller  
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareRightWheel Current state of the Camera Settings Dial (upper right wheel on the Remote Controller). 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareTransformationSwitch Transformation Switch position. 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareTransformationSwitchState Transformation Switch position states. 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRemoteControllerFlightModeSwitchPosition Remote Controller Flight Mode switch position. 
DJIRCInfo This class contains the information of a remote controller. 
DJIRCJoinMasterResult Results when a slave Remote Controller tries to join a master Remote Controller. 
DJIRCRemoteFocusState Remote Controller's Remote Focus State The focus product has one dial (focus control) that controls two separate parts of the camera: focal length and aperture. 
DJIRCRemoteFocusState.DJIRCRemoteFocusControlDirection Remote Focus Control Direction. 
DJIRCRemoteFocusState.DJIRCRemoteFocusControlType Remote Focus Control Type. 
DJIRCRequestGimbalControlResult Result when a slave requests permission to control the gimbal. 
DJIRCToAircraftPairingState Remote controller pairing state. 
DJIRemoteController This class represents the remote controller of the aircraft. 
DJIRemoteController.RCBatteryStateUpdateCallback Callback function that updates the Remote Controller's current battery state. 
DJIRemoteController.RCGpsDataUpdateCallback Callback function that updates the Remote Controller's current GPS data. 
DJIRemoteController.RCHardwareStateUpdateCallback Callback function that updates the Remote Controller's current hardware state. 
DJIRemoteController.RCMasterSlaveStateUpdateCallback Callback function that updates the Remote Controller's master and slave state. 
DJIRemoteController.RCReceiveGimbalControlRequestFromSlaveCallback The callback will handle the gimbal control request. 
DJIRemoteController.RCRemoteFocusStateUpdateCallback Callback function that updates the Remote Focus State. 
DJIRemoteControllerError Defines all remote controller related errors. 
DJIRemoteControllerMode Remote Controller mode of operation can be normal (single RC connected to aircraft), master, slave, or unknown  
DJIRtk Real Time Kinematic  
DJIRtk.UpdateRtkStateCallback This interface provides a delegate method to update the RTK state. 
DJIRTKPositioningSolution This enum defines the positioning solution the system is currently using. 
DJIRTKReceiverInfo Single RTK receiver information. 
DJIRtkState This class holds the state of the RTK system including position, positioning solution and receiver information. 

Catch all for various errors across the SDK which includes:

  • Common
  • SDK Registration
  • Component specific (Camera, FC, RC, Gimbal, Battery)
DJISDKManager This class contains methods for you to the register app, start or stop connection with the product. 
DJISDKManager.DJISDKManagerCallback Callback interface for SDK manager. 
DJIShootPhotoStep This class represents a step related to photo-shooting for a custom mission. 
DJISignalInformation This class contains the signal status of a channel. 
DJISimulator DJI aircraft can be put into simulator mode using this class. 
DJISimulator.UpdatedSimulatorStateDataCallback Simulator's callback interface. 
DJISimulatorInitializationData Data to initialize the simulator with. 
DJISimulatorStateData Aircraft simulator state data. 
DJIStartRecordVideoStep This class represents a step related to video-recording for a custom mission. 
DJIStopRecordVideoStep This class represents a step related to video-recording for a custom mission. 
DJITakeoffStep This class represents a take-off step for a custom mission. 
DJITapFlyMission A TapFly Mission is initialized with a position target from the live video stream. 
DJITapFlyMission.DJIBypassDirection Direction aircraft is moving around or bypassing and obstacle. 
DJITapFlyMission.DJITapFlyMissionExecutionState TapFly Mission execution state. 
DJITapFlyMission.DJITapFlyMissionProgressStatus This class provides the real-time status of an executing TapFly Mission. 
DJITapFlyMode Different modes of the TapFly Mission. 
DJIVector A cartesian vector in 3D space. 
DJIVirtualStickFlightControlData Contains all the virtual stick control data needed to move the aircraft in all directions  
DJIVirtualStickFlightCoordinateSystem An enum class representing flight control coordinate system. 
DJIVirtualStickRollPitchControlMode Defines how manual roll and pitch values are interpreted by the aircraft. 
DJIVirtualStickVerticalControlMode Defines how vertical control values are interpreted by the aircraft. 
DJIVirtualStickYawControlMode Defines how manual yaw values are interpreted by the aircraft. 
DJIVisionAssistantStatus The status of vision assistant. 
DJIVisionControlState This class gives the aircraft's state controlled by the intelligent flight assistant. 
DJIVisionDetectionSector The vision system can see in front of the aircraft with a 70 degree horizontal field of view (FOV) and 55 degree veritcal FOV. 
DJIVisionDetectionState This class gives state information about the product's vision sensors used for obstacle detection. 
DJIVisionLandingProtectionStatus Landing protection status returned by the downward vision sensor. 
DJIVisionSectorWarning The warning level of the vision system. 
DJIVisionSensorPosition Position of the sensor on the aircraft  
DJIVisionSystemWarning The warning level of the vision system. 
DJIWaypoint The class represents a target point in the waypoint mission. 
DJIWaypoint.DJIWaypointAction This class represents a waypoint action for DJIWaypoint. 
DJIWaypoint.DJIWaypointActionType Waypoint action types. 
DJIWaypoint.DJIWaypointTurnMode How the aircraft will turn at a waypoint to transition between headings. 
DJIWaypointMission In the waypoint mission, the aircraft will travel between waypoints, execute actions at waypoints, and adjust heading and altitude between waypoints. 
DJIWaypointMission.DJIWaypointMissionExecutionState Current waypoint mission state. 
DJIWaypointMission.DJIWaypointMissionFinishedAction Actions for when the waypoint mission has finished. 
DJIWaypointMission.DJIWaypointMissionFlightPathMode This enum reflects the path mode. 
DJIWaypointMission.DJIWaypointMissionGotoWaypointMode This enum will determine the goto point mode while the drone executes the flight. 
DJIWaypointMission.DJIWaypointMissionHeadingMode This enum will determine the direction while the drone executes the flight. 
DJIWaypointMission.DJIWaypointMissionStatus This class provides the real-time status of an executing waypoint mission. 
DJIWaypointStep This class represents a waypoint step for a custom mission. 
DJIWiFiLink This class provides methods to change the setting of the product's WiFi. 
DJIWiFiLink.DJIWiFiGetSignalChangedCallback This is a delegate callback for detecting WiFi signal changes and values. 
DJIWiFiLink.DJIWiFiSignalQualityChangedCallback This interface provides a method to receive the updated WiFi signal quality. 
DJIWiFiLink.RSSICallback Callback to listen to any changes in all RSSIs  
DJIWiFiSignalQuality WiFi Signal Quality - as measuremed by Osmo, Phantom 3 4K and Phantom 3 Standard. 


FlyForbidStatus An enum class contains the fly forbid status. 
FlyZoneCategory An enum class represents the category of fly zone. 
FlyZoneShape An enum class contains the shape of the fly zone. 
FlyZoneType An enum class contains the type of the fly zone. 
FpvLiveView A ready to use FPV live view, only Inspire 2 FPV live video supported. 
FrequencyBandChannelRange Channels range for different frequency band. 
FrequencyInterference This class represents the power spectral density of a frequency slice. 


GeoSyncFileService This will sync up the file from the server. 


HistoryInfo Created by Shirley.Yang on 2016/8/5. 


JoystickHorizontalDirection Joystick Horizontal direction. 
JoystickVerticalDirection Joystick Vertical direction. 


LBAirLinkDataRate Wireless downlink data rate. 
LBAirLinkEncodeMode Lightbridge 2 encode mode. 
LBAirLinkFPVVideoQualityLatency FPV (First-person view) video can prioritize either quality or latency. 
LBAirLinkFrequencyBand Frequency band for LB airlink. 
LBAirLinkPIPDisplay Defines the combination of video sources to form the secondary output video. 
LBAirLinkPIPPosition PIP (Picture In Picture) position on the screen relative to the main subject video. 
LBAirLinkSecondaryVideoFormat Secondary output video resolution and frame rate. 
LBAirLinkSecondaryVideoOutputPort Remote Controller port to send secondary video to (in addition to USB video sent to the Mobile Device). 
LBAirLinkUnit OSD data units. 


MasterSlaverState State of the remote controller related to the master and slave mode. 
Model Specifies all the supported products (Aircraft and Handheld). 


OcuSyncBandwidth The channel bandwidth for the OcuSync downlink (from the aircraft to the remote controller). 
OcuSyncWarningMessage OcuSync link warning messages. 




SignalQualityUpdatedCallback Updated signal quality in percent for the wireless (from aircraft to remote controller). 


ThermalAreaTemperatureAggregations All information about temperature of ThermalSportMeteringArea  
ThermalExternalSceneSettings Thermal cameras measure the apparent surface temperature of a given object. 
ThermalSpotMeteringTargetPoint The thermal spot metering Target point. 


UserAccountStatus User account status. 


VideoDataChannel Video Data Channel for Lightbridge. 


WifiAirLinkDataRate WiFi data rate. 
WifiChannelInterference The interference power of a WiFi channel. 
WiFiFrequencyBand WiFi frequency band. 
WorkingFrequence Created by petyrzhan on 9/25/16.