ActiveTrackMode | Different modes of the ActiveTrack Mission. |
BaseRange<T> | Base class for all RangeValue like CameraISORange, CameraApertureRange etc, there are two types of RangeValue,the one is List type range with TYPE_LIST, the other is Max-Min type value with TYPE_MAX_MIN. |
CameraLensFocusAssistant | The lens focus assistant is enabled or not. |
CameraLensFocusTargetPoint | The lens focus Target point. |
CameraLensState | This class contains information about the lens' current state, including lens type, focus status, focus mode, focus assistant state, and Auto Focus (AF) switch state. |
CameraLiveView | CameraLiveView provides a simplified FPV live view. |
CameraParamRangeManager | aim to setup Range Paramaters' key when DJICameraAbstration init, and trigger the onValueChange logic to notify the key listener |
CameraPhotoTimeLapseParam | The TimeLapse parameters including interval, duration and file format when saving. |
CameraPurchasedLicense | CinemaDNG and Apple ProRes license key Only supported by Inspire 2 X5S camera. |
CameraSDCardState | This class provides the SD card's general information and current status. |
CameraSpotMeteringArea | The spot metering area index. |
CameraSSDCapacity | SSD Capacity. |
CameraSSDOperationState | SSD state information for currently executing operations. |
CameraSSDRawVideoResolutionAndFrameRate | Supported only by X5R camera Set Raw Video Resolution and Frame Rate of the SSD. |
CameraSSDState | This class contains the information about camera's Solid State Drive (SSD) information, including state, whether it is connected, its capacity, video size and rate, etc. |
CameraSystemState | This class provides general information and current status of the camera. |
CameraTapZoomTargetPoint | Tap Zoom Target Point. |
CameraThermalVersion | There is a standard version and version with Advanced Radiometry capabilities of the Zenmuse XT thermal camera. |
CameraVideoResolutionAndFrameRate | The camera's video resolution and frame rate. |
CameraWhiteBalanceAndColorTemperature | The camera’s white balance (color temperature). |
ChannelInterference | The interference power of a LBAirLink channel. |
ChannelSelectionMode | Downlink channel selection mode (manual or automatic) for the wireless link. |
ConvertKeyUtil | This class will map the external keys to internal keys (Specially for the flight controller keys and gimbal internal keys). |
DJIActiveTrackMission | ActiveTrack Mission allows an aircraft to track a moving subject using the vision system and without a GPS tracker on the subject. |
DJIActiveTrackMission.DJIActiveTrackMissionExecutionState | Current ActiveTrack Mission execution state. |
DJIActiveTrackMission.DJIActiveTrackMissionProgressStatus | This class provides the real-time status of an executing ActiveTrack Mission. |
DJIAircraft | This class contains the components of an aircraft. |
DJIAircraftRemainingBatteryState | Remaining battery life state. |
DJIAircraftYawStep | This class represents an aircraft yaw rotation step for a custom mission. |
DJIAirLink | This class contains different wireless links between the product (aircraft, handheld), the remote controller (for aircraft products) and the mobile device. |
DJIAirLinkError | Defines all AirLink related errors |
DJIAttitude | The attitude of the aircraft where the pitch, roll, and yaw values will be in the range of [-180, 180]. |
DJIAuxLink | Phantom 3 Standard and 4K products have two wireless links between the remote controller and aircraft. |
DJIAuxLink.DJIAuxLinkUpdatedRemoteControllerSignalInformationCallback | Callback method to receive updated signal information for wireless Auxiliary Control Link between remote controller and aircraft. |
DJIBaseComponent | Class for components in a DJI Product. |
DJIBaseComponent.DJICommandSentAckCallback | This callback is used by the playback feature to acknowledge developers: the command has been sent. |
DJIBaseComponent.DJIComponentListener | Receives notifications of component connectivity changes. |
DJIBaseProduct | Class for all DJI Products that allows the user to get an instance of various components. |
DJIBaseProduct.DJIBaseProductListener | Receives notifications of component and product connectivity changes. |
DJIBaseProduct.DJIComponentGroupKey | Specifies all the components. |
DJIBaseProduct.DJIComponentKey | Specifies all the components. |
DJIBaseProduct.DJIVersionCallback | Callback interface for product version change. |
DJIBattery | This class manages the battery's information and real-time status of the connected product. |
DJIBattery.DJIBatteryAggregationStateUpdatedCallback | This protocol provides a delegate method for you to update the battery's current state. |
DJIBattery.DJIBatteryStateUpdateCallback | This interface is for updating the battery state. |
DJIBatteryAggregationState | Provides a real time summary of the aggregated battery system. |
DJIBatteryCell | Class that contains battery cell voltage data. |
DJIBatteryCheckHelper | |
DJIBatteryCheckHelper.BanSN | |
DJIBatteryCheckHelper.DJIBatteryCheckListener | |
DJIBatteryError | Defines all battery related errors |
DJIBatteryLowCellVoltageOperation | Defines aircraft operation when the cell voltage is low. |
DJIBatteryOverview | Provides an overview of a battery - used when multiple batteries are deployed on one product. |
DJIBatteryPairStatus | Battery pairing state for batteries that can be paired. |
DJIBatteryState | DJIBatteryState is used to keep track of the real-time state of the
battery. |
DJIBatteryStatus | Created by petyrzhan on 6/28/16. |
DJIBatteryWarningInformation | This class is used to keep a record of any unusual status for the battery in the past 30 discharge. |
DJIBluetoothDevice | This class contains information for DJI bluetooth device. |
DJIBluetoothDevice.DJIBluetoothDeviceStatus | |
DJIBluetoothProductConnector | This class contains methods to find DJI products around the mobile device that can be connected using Bluetooth and connect product with SDK. |
DJIBluetoothProductConnector.BluetoothProductConnectorListener | Delegate that receives the product list found by the connector. |
DJICamera | This class provides methods to change camera settings and perform camera actions. |
DJICamera.CameraGeneratedNewMediaFileCallback | Tells that a new media file (photo or video) is generated. |
DJICamera.CameraGeneratedTimeLapsePreviewCallback | Supported only by the Osmo camera Tells the callback that a preview image for the Time-lapse is generated. |
DJICamera.CameraReceivedVideoDataCallback | Video data update callback. |
DJICamera.CameraUpdatedCurrentExposureValuesCallback | Called whenever the camera parameters change. |
DJICamera.CameraUpdatedLensStateCallback | Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera. |
DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSDCardStateCallback | This interface provides general information and current statuses on the SD card. |
DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSSDStateCallback | Supported only by X5R camera This interface provides general information and current status of the SSD. |
DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSystemStateCallback | Updates the camera's current state. |
DJICamera.ThermalCameraAreaTemperatureAggregationsUpdatedCallback | This interface provides information about the aggregate temperature of metering area. |
DJICamera.ThermalCameraExternalSceneSettingsUpdatedCallback | This interface provides information about the external scene settings. |
DJICamera.ThermalCameraUpdateTemperatureDataCallback | Received temperature in degrees Celsius of image. |
DJICameraError | Defines all camera-related errors. |
DJICameraExposureParameters | This class contains current values for some camera parameters. |
DJICameraParameters | Some of the camera's parameters have dynamic ranges. |
DJICameraParameters.DJICameraParametersListener | Notified when the the camera parameters' range changes. |
DJICameraParameters.VideoResolutionFps | Defines video resolution and frame rate as a type. |
DJICameraSettingsDef | This class contains all the enums and setting classes for the DJI Camera. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAntiFlicker | Camera anti-flicker values. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAperture | Camera aperture values. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraApertureRange | |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraContrast | Camera contrast. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraCustomSettings | Camera user settings. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraDeletePhotoOperation | Camera Delete Photo Operation Define (Support Lists: Inspire1) |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraDigitalFilter | Camera digital filters. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureCompensation | Camera exposure compensation values. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureCompensationRange | |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureMode | Camera exposure modes. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureModeRange | |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraFileIndexMode | File index modes. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraISO | Camera ISO values. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraISORange | |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode | Supported only by X5 Camera Camera focus mode. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusStatus | Supported only by X5 Camera The focusing status of the camera's lens. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensType | Supported only by X5 Camera The enum type camera lens. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMediaFileDeleteStatus | The file deletion status when deleting a file as the camera is in Playback MODE. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMediaFileType | Showing media file types when the camera is in Playback mode. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMeteringMode | Camera exposure metering values. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMode | Camera modes. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraModeRange | |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraOpticalZoomSpec | Zoom lens profile. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraOrientation | Physical orientation of the camera. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAEBParam | AEB continue capture parameter values. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAspectRatio | Camera's photo ratios, where the first value is the width and the second value is the height. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoBurstCount | The amount of photos taken in one burst shot (shooting photo in burst mode). |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoFileFormat | Camera photo storage formats. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoIntervalParam | Sets the number of pictures, and the time interval between pictures for the Interval capture shoot photo mode. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoQuality | Photo quality of the JPEG image. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoTimeLapseFileFormat | File format for camera when it is in time-lapse mode. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPlaybackMode | A playback mode represents a task that the Playback manager is executing. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraSharpness | Camera sharpness values. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShootPhotoMode | The camera work mode for ShootPhoto has several modes within its definition. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShutterSpeed | Camera's shutter speed options. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShutterSpeedRange | |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraSSDVideoDigitalFilter | Camera digital filters for videos that will be stored in SSD with Apple ProRes codecs. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalDigitalZoomScale | Supported only by thermal Camera The digital zoom. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalExternalParamProfile | User defined parameters. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalFFCMode | Supported only by thermal Camera The FFC mode. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalFrameRateUpperBound | Supported only by thermal Camera The frame rate upper bound. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalGainMode | Supported only by thermal Camera The gain mode. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalIsothermUnit | Supported only by thermal Camera The unit for Isotherm. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalLensFocalLength | Supported only by thermal Camera The lens model. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalPalette | Supported only by thermal imaging camera Different color palettes can be used to show different temperatures in the thermal image. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalProfile | Supported only by thermal Camera The profile of thermal imaging camera, which includes information about resolution, frame rate and focal length. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalResolution | Supported only by thermal Camera The resolution of thermal imaging camera. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalROI | Supported only by thermal imaging camera Region of interest. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalScene | Supported only by thermal imaging camera Use the Scene option to instantly enhance your image. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFileFormat | Video storage formats. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFrameRate | Camera video frame rate values. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFrameRateRange | |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoPlaybackOperation | Camera Video Playback Operation Define (Support Lists: Inspire1) |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolution | Camera video resolution values. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolutionAndFrameRateRange | |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolutionRange | |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoStandard | Video standard values. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraWhiteBalance | Camera white balance values. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.OpticalZoomDirection | The direction to adjust the camera zoom (camera focal length). |
DJICameraSettingsDef.OpticalZoomSpeed | The speed of lens to zoom. |
DJICameraSettingsDef.VideoFileCompressionStandard | The compression standard used to store the video files. |
DJICameraThermalMeasurementMode | Thermal measurement mode. |
DJICodecManager | Class that handles encoding and decoding of media |
DJICommonCallbacks | Created by dji on 5/25/16. |
DJICommonCallbacks.DJICompletionCallback | Completion callback for asynchronous operations. |
DJICommonCallbacks.DJICompletionCallbackWith<T> | DJI completion callback with parameter T, the T will be defined where it is called. |
DJICommonCallbacks.DJICompletionCallbackWithThreeParam<X, Y, Z> | DJI completion callback with parameters X, Y, Z, which will be defined where it is called. |
DJICommonCallbacks.DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<X, Y> | DJI completion callback with parameters X, Y, which will be defined where it is called. |
DJICompass | This class contains important status for the compass of the product, and provides methods to calibrate the compass. |
DJICompassCalibrationStatus | An enum class representing compass calibration. |
DJICustomMission | In a custom mission, you can create multiple kinds of mission steps to control the aircraft to execute a series of complex tasks. |
DJICustomMission.DJICustomMissionProgressStatus | This class contains real-time status of the executing custom mission. |
DJIDiagnostics | Product Diagnostics. |
DJIDiagnostics.UpdateDiagnosticsListCallback | Callback interface that updates the product's current diagnostics information. |
DJIError | Class that handles all errors that are not handled by individual components. |
DJIFlightController | This class contains components of the flight controller and provides methods to send different commands to the flight controller. |
DJIFlightControllerAdvancedGoHomeState | Created by changjian.xu on 2016/8/11. |
DJIFlightControllerControlMode | Control mode of the flight controller. |
DJIFlightControllerCurrentState | true if the clearance between the aircraft and the ground is less than 0.3m
and confirmation from the user is needed to continue the landing. |
DJIFlightControllerDataType | This class provides the data type for flight controller. |
DJIFlightControllerDelegate | This class provides delegate methods to update flight controller's current state. |
DJIFlightControllerDelegate.FlightControllerIMUStateChangedCallback | Callback interface that is used to receive IMU state from flight controller. |
DJIFlightControllerDelegate.FlightControllerReceivedDataFromExternalDeviceCallback | Callback function that updates the data received from an external device (e.g.the onboard device). |
DJIFlightControllerDelegate.FlightControllerUpdateSystemStateCallback | Callback function that updates the flight controller's current state data. |
DJIFlightControllerDelegate.ReceivedNoFlyZoneFromFlightControllerCallback | Callback interface that is used to receive no fly zone information from the flight controller |
DJIFlightControllerError | Defines all flight controller errors. |
DJIFlightControllerFlightMode | Flight controller flight modes. |
DJIFlightControllerNoFlyStatus | This will return the status of the aircraft whether the aircraft is near the no fly zone or not. |
DJIFlightControllerRemoteControllerFlightMode | Flight modes that map to the flight mode switch on the remote controller. |
DJIFlightControllerSmartGoHomeStatus | Class for smart go home status. |
DJIFlightControlState | This is an enum for notification of flight control state. |
DJIFlightError | Created by Shirley.Yang on 2016/8/5. |
DJIFlightErrorInformation | Created by Shirley.Yang on 2016/8/5. |
DJIFlightFailsafeOperation | Defines aircraft failsafe action when signal between the remote controller and the aircraft is lost. |
DJIFlightLimitation | This class contains the flight status of the aircraft related to the flight limitation, and provides methods to configure the flight limitation. |
DJIFlightOrientationMode | Tells the aircraft how to interpret flight commands for forward, backward, left and right. |
DJIFlyZoneInformation | The geospatial information in GEO is categorized in one of the three ways which are Warning Zone, Authorization Zone and Restricted Zone). |
DJIFlyZoneManager | This class manages the Geospatial Environment Online (GEO) system which provides warning, enhanced warning, authorization and restricted fly zone information. |
DJIFlyZoneManager.FlyForbidStatusUpdatedCallback | An interface for obtaining FlyForbidStatus . |
DJIFoldingDroneFlightController | Created on 16/9/27. |
DJIFollowMeMission | The class represents a follow-me mission. |
DJIFollowMeMission.DJIFollowMeHeading | Aircraft's heading during a follow me mission. |
DJIFollowMeMission.DJIFollowMeMissionExecutionState | All possible follow me mission execution states. |
DJIFollowMeMission.DJIFollowMeMissionStatus | This class provides the real-time status of the executing follow-me mission. |
DJIFollowmeMissionStep | This class represents a follow-me step for a custom mission. |
DJIGeoError | This class contains the error type for GEO feature. |
DJIGeoError | This class contains the error type for GEO feature. |
DJIGimbal | DJIGimbal is the class for controlling the view of the drone. |
DJIGimbal.GimbalAdvancedSettingsStateUpdateCallback | Supported only by Osmo This interface provides the method to receive the updated state and user configuration. |
DJIGimbal.GimbalBatteryRemainingEnergyUpdateCallback | Gimbal energy remaining of Ronin MX in percent. |
DJIGimbal.GimbalStateUpdateCallback | Callback for updating the gimbal's current state. |
DJIGimbalAdvancedSettingsProfile | The Advanced Settings Profile contains presets for SmoothTrack and the Physical Controller sensitivity. |
DJIGimbalAdvancedSettingsState | The current advanced settings of the gimbal. |
DJIGimbalAngleRotation | This is used to enable the gimbal rotation in pitch, roll and yaw direction. |
DJIGimbalAttitude | Created by Robert.Liu on 6/2/16. |
DJIGimbalAttitudeStep | Subclass of DJIMission Step: you can control gimbal attitude using this mission step. |
DJIGimbalAxis | Gimbal Axis. |
DJIGimbalBalanceTestResult | The balance test result. |
DJIGimbalCalibrationState | Created by dji on 6/2/16. |
DJIGimbalCapabilityKey | These enums are keys for gimbal capability map. |
DJIGimbalControllerMode | Supported only by Osmo. |
DJIGimbalEndpointDirection | Gimbal endpoint setting. |
DJIGimbalError | Defines all gimbal related errors. |
DJIGimbalLoadingBalanceStatus | The loading balance status of the gimbal. |
DJIGimbalMotorControlPreset | Different cameras have different preset parameters for gimbal motor stiffness, strength, gyro filtering and pre-control. |
DJIGimbalRotateAngleMode | The rotation angle of gimbal can be defined as either Absolute (relative to heading), or Relative (relative to it's current angle). |
DJIGimbalRotateDirection | Gimbal rotate direction. |
DJIGimbalSpeedRotation | This is used to set the gimbal's rotation speed (angular velocity). |
DJIGimbalState | This class provides the current state of the gimbal. |
DJIGimbalWorkMode | Gimbal work modes. |
DJIGoHomeStatus | A class used to identify the different stage of go home process. |
DJIGoHomeStep | This class represents a go-home step for a custom mission. |
DJIGoToStep | This class represents a go-to step for a custom mission. |
DJIGPSSignalStatus | A enum class representing GPS signal levels, which are used to measure the signal quality. |
DJIHandHeld | This class contains the components of a handheld device. |
DJIHandheldButtonStatus | The status of the shutter button and record button on the handheld controller. |
DJIHandheldController | This class contains interfaces to control a handheld device. |
DJIHandheldController.DJIHandheldPowerModeListener | Callback to receive the updated power mode of the handheld controller. |
DJIHandheldController.DJIUpdateHardwareStateCallback | Callback for the handheld controller's current hardware state (e.g. |
DJIHandheldControllerHardwareState | Handheld controller's current state. |
DJIHandheldControllerLEDColorPattern | Pattern used to control a single color (red, green or blue) of the handheld controller's LED. |
DJIHandheldControllerLEDCommand | Command used to control different colors (red, green and blue) of the handheld controller's LED. |
DJIHandheldPowerMode | Created by hai on 5/26/16. |
DJIHandheldTriggerStatus | The status of the shutter button and record button on the handheld controller. |
DJIHotPointMission | The class represents a hotpoint mission, which can be executed by the mission manager. |
DJIHotPointMission.DJIHotPointHeading | Heading of the aircraft while orbiting the hot point. |
DJIHotPointMission.DJIHotpointMissionExecutionState | All possible hot point mission execution states. |
DJIHotPointMission.DJIHotPointMissionStatus | This class provides the real-time status of the executing hot-point mission. |
DJIHotPointMission.DJIHotPointStartPoint | Aircraft start point relative to the hot point. |
DJIHotpointStep | This class represents a hot-point step for a custom mission. |
DJIIMUCalibrationOrientation | The different orientations the aircraft needs for a multi-orientation IMU calibration. |
DJIIMUCalibrationStatus | Enum for IMU calibration |
DJIIMUMultiOrientationCalibrationHint | This class is used to lead the user through an IMU calibration for products that require calibration at multiple orientations. |
DJIIMUMultiOrientationCalibrationStatus | IMU calibration status for the current aircraft orientation. |
DJIIMUSensorState | Enum for IMU sensor status |
DJIIMUState | This class contains current state of the DJI Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU) State. |
DJIInspire2Battery | Created by dji on 16/11/2. |
DJIInspire2FlightController | Created by dji on 16/11/2. |
DJIInspire2Gimbal | Created by dji on 16/11/2. |
DJIIntelligentFlightAssistant | This class contains components of the Intelligent Flight Assistant and provides methods to change the settings of Intelligent Flight Assistant. |
DJIIntelligentFlightAssistant.VisionControlStateUpdatedCallback | |
DJIIntelligentFlightAssistant.VisionDetectionStateUpdatedCallback | This protocol provides a interface to update the Intelligent Flight Assistant current state. |
DJILandingGear | This class contains the state of the landing gear. |
DJILandingGearMode | Current Mode of the Landing Gear |
DJILandingGearStatus | The current state/position of the landing gear. |
DJILBAirLink | This class contains methods to change the settings of the Lightbridge Air Link. |
DJILBAirLink.DJILBAirLinkFPVBandwidthPercentChangedCallback | Callback for when the FPV video bandwidth percentage has changed. |
DJILBAirLink.DJILBAirLinkUpdatedAllChannelInterferenceCallback | Callback of signal strength of all signals present on all available downlink channels. |
DJILBAirLink.DJILBAirLinkUpdatedLightbridgeModuleSignalInformationCallback | Signal quality and strength information for the current downlink channel on each air link module antenna. |
DJILBAirLink.DJILBAirLinkUpdatedRemoteControllerSignalInformationCallback | Signal quality and strength information for the current uplink channel on each Remote Controller (or ground station) antenna. |
DJILBAirLink.DJIOnReceivedVideoCallback | Callback for when updated video data is received. |
DJILensFeatureUtils | Created by Shirley.Yang on 2016/11/16. |
DJILocationCoordinate2D | A class representing 2 dimensional location coordinate. |
DJILocationCoordinate3D | This is a structure for presenting the location, latitude, longitude, altitude. |
DJIMedia | This class contains the information about a multi-media file in the SD card. |
DJIMedia.MediaType | Media types. |
DJIMedia.VideoPlaybackStatus | The playback status. |
DJIMediaManager | The media manager is used to interact with the file system in the SD card. |
DJIMediaManager.CameraDownloadListener<E> | This callback will notify the app when the media download executed. |
DJIMediaManager.MediaUpdatedVideoPlaybackStateCallback | Updates the video playback state of the media manager. |
DJIMediaManager.VideoPlaybackState | The playback state of the media manager. |
DJIMission | The class is an abstract class representing a mission that can be executed by the mission manager. |
DJIMission.DJIMissionProgressHandler | Returns the progress status from 0.0 to 1.0. |
DJIMission.DJIMissionProgressStatus | A class representing the progress of an executing mission. |
DJIMission.DJIMissionType | This enum is deprecated. An enum class representing the mission type. |
DJIMission.DJIProgressType | |
DJIMissionManager | This class manages the execution cycle for a mission. |
DJIMissionManager.MissionProgressStatusCallback | This interface provides the method to update mission progress status. |
DJIMissionManagerError | Defines all mission manager related errors. |
DJIMissionManagerError | Defines all mission manager related errors. |
DJIMissionStep | Abstract class for all mission steps. |
DJIMobileRemoteController | A simulated remote controller on the mobile device to control the aircraft when the physical remote controller is absent. |
DJINoFlyZone | No fly zone. |
DJIOcuSyncLink | This class is for handling the logic of SDRLink, which is the special Airlink that presents in Folding Drone. |
DJIOcuSyncLink.FrequencyInterferenceUpdatedCallback | Updated power for interference signals with frequencies in the 2.4 GHz (2400MHz to 2482 MHz) frequency band incident on the remote controller. |
DJIOcuSyncLink.ReceivedWarningMessageCallback | Updated OcuSync link warning messages. |
DJIOcuSyncLink.VideoDataRateUpdatedCallback | Updated data rate in Mbps for the wireless downlink (from aircraft to remote controller). |
DJIP4PFlightController | Created by Shirley.Yang on 2016/11/8. |
DJIPanoramaMission | During a Panorama Mission, the user can rotate the camera 360 or 180 degrees to take several photos, and then download the photos to render a panorama. |
DJIPanoramaMission.DJIPanoramaMissionStatus | Supported only by the Osmo camera This class provides the real-time status of an executing panorama mission. |
DJIPanoramaMission.DJIPanoramaMode | Supported only by the Osmo camera Defines options for different types of modes for a panorama mission. |
DJIParamCapability | DJIParamCapability represents the capability of a parameter of a component or product. |
DJIParamMinMaxCapability | DJIParamCapabilityMinMax adds the maximum and minimum possible values of the parameter to the base class property of whether the parameter is supported by the component or product. |
DJIParamMinMaxCapability | DJIParamCapabilityMinMax adds the maximum and minimum possible values of the parameter to the base class property of whether the parameter is supported by the component or product. |
DJIPlaybackManager | The playback manager is used to interact with the playback system of the camera. |
DJIPlaybackManager.CameraFileDownloadCallback | This callback will notify the process of downloading selected files. |
DJIPlaybackManager.DJICameraPlaybackState | This class provides general information and current status of Camera Playback State. |
DJIPlaybackManager.DJICameraPlayBackStateCallBack | The interface provides the method to receive the updated state of the playback manager. |
DJIRCBatteryInfo | Remote Controller's battery information. |
DJIRCChargeMobileMode | Modes to charge the iOS mobile device. |
DJIRCControlChannel | Remote controller's channel. |
DJIRCControlChannelName | Remote Controller control channels. |
DJIRCControlMode | The control mode of a Remote Controller, it can be a Chinese, or Japanese, or American style. |
DJIRCControlPermission | Class for RC control permission. |
DJIRCControlStyle | Remote controller's control style. |
DJIRCGimbalControlDirection | Defines what the Gimbal Dial (upper left wheel on the Remote Controller) will control. |
DJIRCGimbalControlSpeed | DJI RC gimbal control speed |
DJIRCGPSData | Remote Controller's GPS data. |
DJIRCGPSData.DJIRCGpsTime | Remote Controller's GPS time. |
DJIRCHardwareState | Remote Controller's current state. |
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCFiveDButton | Movement direction of the remote controller's 5D button. |
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCFiveDButtonDirection | Movement direction of the remote controller's 5D button. |
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareButton | Remote Controller has numerous momentary push buttons, which will use this state. |
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareJoystick | Remote Controller's hardware joystick |
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareLeftWheel | the hardware left wheel of the Remote Controller |
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareRightWheel | Current state of the Camera Settings Dial (upper right wheel on the Remote Controller). |
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareTransformationSwitch | Transformation Switch position. |
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareTransformationSwitchState | Transformation Switch position states. |
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRemoteControllerFlightModeSwitchPosition | Remote Controller Flight Mode switch position. |
DJIRCInfo | This class contains the information of a remote controller. |
DJIRCJoinMasterResult | Results when a slave Remote Controller tries to join a master Remote Controller. |
DJIRCRemoteFocusState | Remote Controller's Remote Focus State The focus product has one dial (focus control) that controls two separate parts of the camera: focal length and aperture. |
DJIRCRemoteFocusState.DJIRCRemoteFocusControlDirection | Remote Focus Control Direction. |
DJIRCRemoteFocusState.DJIRCRemoteFocusControlType | Remote Focus Control Type. |
DJIRCRequestGimbalControlResult | Result when a slave requests permission to control the gimbal. |
DJIRCToAircraftPairingState | Remote controller pairing state. |
DJIRemoteController | This class represents the remote controller of the aircraft. |
DJIRemoteController.RCBatteryStateUpdateCallback | Callback function that updates the Remote Controller's current battery state. |
DJIRemoteController.RCGpsDataUpdateCallback | Callback function that updates the Remote Controller's current GPS data. |
DJIRemoteController.RCHardwareStateUpdateCallback | Callback function that updates the Remote Controller's current hardware state. |
DJIRemoteController.RCMasterSlaveStateUpdateCallback | Callback function that updates the Remote Controller's master and slave state. |
DJIRemoteController.RCReceiveGimbalControlRequestFromSlaveCallback | The callback will handle the gimbal control request. |
DJIRemoteController.RCRemoteFocusStateUpdateCallback | Callback function that updates the Remote Focus State. |
DJIRemoteControllerError | Defines all remote controller related errors. |
DJIRemoteControllerMode | Remote Controller mode of operation can be normal (single RC connected to aircraft), master, slave, or unknown |
DJIRtk | Real Time Kinematic |
DJIRtk.UpdateRtkStateCallback | This interface provides a delegate method to update the RTK state. |
DJIRTKPositioningSolution | This enum defines the positioning solution the system is currently using. |
DJIRTKReceiverInfo | Single RTK receiver information. |
DJIRtkState | This class holds the state of the RTK system including position, positioning solution and receiver information. |
DJISDKCacheError | |
DJISDKError | Catch all for various errors across the SDK which includes:
DJISDKManager | This class contains methods for you to the register app, start or stop connection with the product. |
DJISDKManager.DJISDKManagerCallback | Callback interface for SDK manager. |
DJIShootPhotoStep | This class represents a step related to photo-shooting for a custom mission. |
DJISignalInformation | This class contains the signal status of a channel. |
DJISimulator | DJI aircraft can be put into simulator mode using this class. |
DJISimulator.UpdatedSimulatorStateDataCallback | Simulator's callback interface. |
DJISimulatorInitializationData | Data to initialize the simulator with. |
DJISimulatorStateData | Aircraft simulator state data. |
DJIStartRecordVideoStep | This class represents a step related to video-recording for a custom mission. |
DJIStopRecordVideoStep | This class represents a step related to video-recording for a custom mission. |
DJITakeoffStep | This class represents a take-off step for a custom mission. |
DJITapFlyMission | A TapFly Mission is initialized with a position target from the live video stream. |
DJITapFlyMission.DJIBypassDirection | Direction aircraft is moving around or bypassing and obstacle. |
DJITapFlyMission.DJITapFlyMissionExecutionState | TapFly Mission execution state. |
DJITapFlyMission.DJITapFlyMissionProgressStatus | This class provides the real-time status of an executing TapFly Mission. |
DJITapFlyMode | Different modes of the TapFly Mission. |
DJIVector | A cartesian vector in 3D space. |
DJIVirtualStickFlightControlData | Contains all the virtual stick control data needed to move the aircraft in all directions |
DJIVirtualStickFlightCoordinateSystem | An enum class representing flight control coordinate system. |
DJIVirtualStickRollPitchControlMode | Defines how manual roll and pitch values are interpreted by the aircraft. |
DJIVirtualStickVerticalControlMode | Defines how vertical control values are interpreted by the aircraft. |
DJIVirtualStickYawControlMode | Defines how manual yaw values are interpreted by the aircraft. |
DJIVisionAssistantStatus | The status of vision assistant. |
DJIVisionControlState | This class gives the aircraft's state controlled by the intelligent flight assistant. |
DJIVisionDetectionSector | The vision system can see in front of the aircraft with a 70 degree horizontal field of view (FOV) and 55 degree veritcal FOV. |
DJIVisionDetectionState | This class gives state information about the product's vision sensors used for obstacle detection. |
DJIVisionLandingProtectionStatus | Landing protection status returned by the downward vision sensor. |
DJIVisionSectorWarning | The warning level of the vision system. |
DJIVisionSensorPosition | Position of the sensor on the aircraft |
DJIVisionSystemWarning | The warning level of the vision system. |
DJIWaypoint | The class represents a target point in the waypoint mission. |
DJIWaypoint.DJIWaypointAction | This class represents a waypoint action for DJIWaypoint. |
DJIWaypoint.DJIWaypointActionType | Waypoint action types. |
DJIWaypoint.DJIWaypointTurnMode | How the aircraft will turn at a waypoint to transition between headings. |
DJIWaypointMission | In the waypoint mission, the aircraft will travel between waypoints, execute actions at waypoints, and adjust heading and altitude between waypoints. |
DJIWaypointMission.DJIWaypointMissionExecutionState | Current waypoint mission state. |
DJIWaypointMission.DJIWaypointMissionFinishedAction | Actions for when the waypoint mission has finished. |
DJIWaypointMission.DJIWaypointMissionFlightPathMode | This enum reflects the path mode. |
DJIWaypointMission.DJIWaypointMissionGotoWaypointMode | This enum will determine the goto point mode while the drone executes the flight. |
DJIWaypointMission.DJIWaypointMissionHeadingMode | This enum will determine the direction while the drone executes the flight. |
DJIWaypointMission.DJIWaypointMissionStatus | This class provides the real-time status of an executing waypoint mission. |
DJIWaypointStep | This class represents a waypoint step for a custom mission. |
DJIWiFiLink | This class provides methods to change the setting of the product's WiFi. |
DJIWiFiLink.DJIWiFiGetSignalChangedCallback | This is a delegate callback for detecting WiFi signal changes and values. |
DJIWiFiLink.DJIWiFiSignalQualityChangedCallback | This interface provides a method to receive the updated WiFi signal quality. |
DJIWiFiLink.RSSICallback | Callback to listen to any changes in all RSSIs |
DJIWiFiSignalQuality | WiFi Signal Quality - as measuremed by Osmo, Phantom 3 4K and Phantom 3 Standard. |
FlyForbidStatus | An enum class contains the fly forbid status. |
FlyZoneCategory | An enum class represents the category of fly zone. |
FlyZoneShape | An enum class contains the shape of the fly zone. |
FlyZoneType | An enum class contains the type of the fly zone. |
FpvLiveView | A ready to use FPV live view, only Inspire 2 FPV live video supported. |
FrequencyBandChannelRange | Channels range for different frequency band. |
FrequencyInterference | This class represents the power spectral density of a frequency slice. |
GeoSyncFileService | This will sync up the file from the server. |
HistoryInfo | Created by Shirley.Yang on 2016/8/5. |
JoinedMasterNameAndPasswordResult | |
JoinMasterData | |
JoinMasterParams | |
JoystickHorizontalDirection | Joystick Horizontal direction. |
JoystickVerticalDirection | Joystick Vertical direction. |
LBAirLinkDataRate | Wireless downlink data rate. |
LBAirLinkEncodeMode | Lightbridge 2 encode mode. |
LBAirLinkFPVVideoQualityLatency | FPV (First-person view) video can prioritize either quality or latency. |
LBAirLinkFrequencyBand | Frequency band for LB airlink. |
LBAirLinkPIPDisplay | Defines the combination of video sources to form the secondary output video. |
LBAirLinkPIPPosition | PIP (Picture In Picture) position on the screen relative to the main subject video. |
LBAirLinkSecondaryVideoFormat | Secondary output video resolution and frame rate. |
LBAirLinkSecondaryVideoOutputPort | Remote Controller port to send secondary video to (in addition to USB video sent to the Mobile Device). |
LBAirLinkUnit | OSD data units. |
MasterMode | |
MasterSlaverState | State of the remote controller related to the master and slave mode. |
Model | Specifies all the supported products (Aircraft and Handheld). |
OcuSyncBandwidth | The channel bandwidth for the OcuSync downlink (from the aircraft to the remote controller). |
OcuSyncWarningMessage | OcuSync link warning messages. |
RCCustomButtonTagParam | |
RemoteControllerModeParam |
SDRHdOffsetParams | |
SDRInterferedTerminal | |
SignalQualityUpdatedCallback | Updated signal quality in percent for the wireless (from aircraft to remote controller). |
ThermalAreaTemperatureAggregations | All information about temperature of ThermalSportMeteringArea |
ThermalExternalSceneSettings | Thermal cameras measure the apparent surface temperature of a given object. |
ThermalSpotMeteringTargetPoint | The thermal spot metering Target point. |
UserAccountStatus | User account status. |
VideoDataChannel | Video Data Channel for Lightbridge. |
WifiAirLinkDataRate | WiFi data rate. |
WifiChannelInterference | The interference power of a WiFi channel. |
WiFiFrequencyBand | WiFi frequency band. |
WorkingFrequence | Created by petyrzhan on 9/25/16. |