public static final enum


extends Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
   ↳ java.lang.Enum<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>

Class Overview

Supported only by X5 Camera
Camera focus mode. It is settable only when IsAdjustableFocalPointSupported() returns true and the physical AF switch on the camera is set to auto.


Enum Values
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode  Auto  The camera's focus mode is set to auto. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode  Manual  The camera's focus mode is set to manual. 
DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode  Unknown  The camera's focus mode is unknown. 
Public Methods
boolean _equals(int b)
Compares the input integer value with the real value of an enum value.
static DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode find(int value)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the input integer value.
int value()
Returns the real value of an enum value.
static DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode valueOf(String name)
final static CameraLensFocusMode[] values()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Enum
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Enum Values

public static final DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode Auto

The camera's focus mode is set to auto. For the Z30 camera, the focus is calculated completely automatically. For all other cameras, a focus target can be set by the user, which is used to calculate focus automatically.

public static final DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode Manual

The camera's focus mode is set to manual. In this mode, user sets the focus ring value to adjust the focal distance.

public static final DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode Unknown

The camera's focus mode is unknown.

Public Methods

public boolean _equals (int b)

Compares the input integer value with the real value of an enum value.

b The input integer value.
  • boolean The compared result.

public static DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode find (int value)

Returns the enum constant of this type with the input integer value.

value The input integer value
  • CameraPhotoTimeLapseFileFormat The enum constant of this type

public int value ()

Returns the real value of an enum value.

  • integer The real value.

public static DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode valueOf (String name)

public static final CameraLensFocusMode[] values ()