public static class


extends Object

Class Overview

Sets the number of pictures, and the time interval between pictures for the Interval capture shoot photo mode.


public int captureCount The number of photos to capture.
public int timeIntervalInSeconds The time interval between when two photos are taken.
Public Constructors
Public Methods
String toString()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public int captureCount

The number of photos to capture. The value should fall in [2, 255]. If the value of captureCount is set to 255, the camera will continue to take photos at the specified interval until stopShootPhoto is called. For thermal imaging camera, it can only be set to 255.

public int timeIntervalInSeconds

The time interval between when two photos are taken. The range for this parameter depends the photo file format(DJICameraPhotoFileFormat).
For XT camera, the range is [1, 60] seconds. For all other products, when the file format is JPEG, the range is [2, 2^16 - 1] seconds; when the file format is RAW or RAW+JPEG, the range is [10, 2^16 - 1] seconds.

Public Constructors

public CameraPhotoIntervalParam ()

Public Methods

public String toString ()