DJIAttitude | The attitude of the aircraft where the pitch, roll, and yaw values will be in the range of [-180, 180]. |
DJIFlightControllerCurrentState | true if the clearance between the aircraft and the ground is less than 0.3m
and confirmation from the user is needed to continue the landing. |
DJIFlightControllerDataType | This class provides the data type for flight controller. |
DJIFlightControllerSmartGoHomeStatus | Class for smart go home status. |
DJIFlyZoneInformation | The geospatial information in GEO is categorized in one of the three ways which are Warning Zone, Authorization Zone and Restricted Zone). |
DJIIMUMultiOrientationCalibrationHint | This class is used to lead the user through an IMU calibration for products that require calibration at multiple orientations. |
DJIIMUState | This class contains current state of the DJI Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU) State. |
DJILocationCoordinate2D | A class representing 2 dimensional location coordinate. |
DJILocationCoordinate3D | This is a structure for presenting the location, latitude, longitude, altitude. |
DJINoFlyZone | No fly zone. |
DJIRTKReceiverInfo | Single RTK receiver information. |
DJIRtkState | This class holds the state of the RTK system including position, positioning solution and receiver information. |
DJISimulatorInitializationData | Data to initialize the simulator with. |
DJISimulatorStateData | Aircraft simulator state data. |
DJIVirtualStickFlightControlData | Contains all the virtual stick control data needed to move the aircraft in all directions |
DJIVisionControlState | This class gives the aircraft's state controlled by the intelligent flight assistant. |
DJIVisionDetectionSector | The vision system can see in front of the aircraft with a 70 degree horizontal field of view (FOV) and 55 degree veritcal FOV. |
DJIVisionDetectionState | This class gives state information about the product's vision sensors used for obstacle detection. |
ActiveTrackMode | Different modes of the ActiveTrack Mission. |
DJIAircraftRemainingBatteryState | Remaining battery life state. |
DJICompassCalibrationStatus | An enum class representing compass calibration. |
DJIFlightControllerAdvancedGoHomeState | Created by changjian.xu on 2016/8/11. |
DJIFlightControllerControlMode | Control mode of the flight controller. |
DJIFlightControllerFlightMode | Flight controller flight modes. |
DJIFlightControllerNoFlyStatus | This will return the status of the aircraft whether the aircraft is near the no fly zone or not. |
DJIFlightControllerRemoteControllerFlightMode | Flight modes that map to the flight mode switch on the remote controller. |
DJIFlightControlState | This is an enum for notification of flight control state. |
DJIFlightFailsafeOperation | Defines aircraft failsafe action when signal between the remote controller and the aircraft is lost. |
DJIFlightOrientationMode | Tells the aircraft how to interpret flight commands for forward, backward, left and right. |
DJIGoHomeStatus | A class used to identify the different stage of go home process. |
DJIGPSSignalStatus | A enum class representing GPS signal levels, which are used to measure the signal quality. |
DJIIMUCalibrationOrientation | The different orientations the aircraft needs for a multi-orientation IMU calibration. |
DJIIMUCalibrationStatus | Enum for IMU calibration |
DJIIMUMultiOrientationCalibrationStatus | IMU calibration status for the current aircraft orientation. |
DJIIMUSensorState | Enum for IMU sensor status |
DJILandingGearMode | Current Mode of the Landing Gear |
DJILandingGearStatus | The current state/position of the landing gear. |
DJIRTKPositioningSolution | This enum defines the positioning solution the system is currently using. |
DJIVirtualStickFlightCoordinateSystem | An enum class representing flight control coordinate system. |
DJIVirtualStickRollPitchControlMode | Defines how manual roll and pitch values are interpreted by the aircraft. |
DJIVirtualStickVerticalControlMode | Defines how vertical control values are interpreted by the aircraft. |
DJIVirtualStickYawControlMode | Defines how manual yaw values are interpreted by the aircraft. |
DJIVisionAssistantStatus | The status of vision assistant. |
DJIVisionLandingProtectionStatus | Landing protection status returned by the downward vision sensor. |
DJIVisionSectorWarning | The warning level of the vision system. |
DJIVisionSensorPosition | Position of the sensor on the aircraft |
DJIVisionSystemWarning | The warning level of the vision system. |
FlyForbidStatus | An enum class contains the fly forbid status. |
FlyZoneCategory | An enum class represents the category of fly zone. |
FlyZoneShape | An enum class contains the shape of the fly zone. |
FlyZoneType | An enum class contains the type of the fly zone. |
UserAccountStatus | User account status. |