


DJIBattery.DJIBatteryAggregationStateUpdatedCallback This protocol provides a delegate method for you to update the battery's current state. 
DJIBattery.DJIBatteryStateUpdateCallback This interface is for updating the battery state. 


DJIBattery This class manages the battery's information and real-time status of the connected product. 
DJIBattery.DJIBatteryAggregationState Only supported by M600. 
DJIBattery.DJIBatteryAggregationState.DJIBatteryOverview Provides an overview of a battery - used when multiple batteries are deployed on one product. 
DJIBattery.DJIBatteryCell Class that contains battery cell voltage data. 
DJIBattery.DJIBatteryState The DJIBatteryState is used to keep track of the real-time state of the battery. 
DJIBattery.DJIBatteryWarningInformation This class is used to keep a record of any unusual status for the battery in the past 30 days.