


DJIRCBatteryInfo Remote Controller's battery information. 
DJIRCControlChannel Remote controller's channel. 
DJIRCControlMode The control mode of a Remote Controller, it can be a Chinese, or Japanese, or American style. 
DJIRCControlPermission Class for RC control permission. 
DJIRCGimbalControlSpeed DJI RC gimbal control speed  
DJIRCGPSData Remote Controller's GPS data. 
DJIRCGPSData.DJIRCGpsTime Remote Controller's GPS time. 
DJIRCHardwareState Remote Controller's current state. 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCFiveDButton Movement direction of the remote controller's 5D button. 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareButton Remote Controller has numerous momentary push buttons, which will use this state. 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareJoystick Remote Controller's hardware joystick  
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareLeftWheel the hardware left wheel of the Remote Controller  
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareRightWheel Current state of the Camera Settings Dial (upper right wheel on the Remote Controller). 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareTransformationSwitch Transformation Switch position. 
DJIRCInfo This class contains the information of a remote controller. 
DJIRCRemoteFocusState Remote Controller's Remote Focus State The focus product has one dial (focus control) that controls two separate parts of the camera: focal length and aperture. 
MasterSlaverState State of the remote controller related to the master and slave mode. 


DJIRCChargeMobileMode Modes to charge the iOS mobile device. 
DJIRCControlChannelName Remote Controller control channels. 
DJIRCControlStyle Remote controller's control style. 
DJIRCGimbalControlDirection Defines what the Gimbal Dial (upper left wheel on the Remote Controller) will control. 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCFiveDButtonDirection Movement direction of the remote controller's 5D button. 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRCHardwareTransformationSwitchState Transformation Switch position states. 
DJIRCHardwareState.DJIRemoteControllerFlightModeSwitchPosition Remote Controller Flight Mode switch position. 
DJIRCJoinMasterResult Results when a slave Remote Controller tries to join a master Remote Controller. 
DJIRCRemoteFocusState.DJIRCRemoteFocusControlDirection Remote Focus Control Direction. 
DJIRCRemoteFocusState.DJIRCRemoteFocusControlType Remote Focus Control Type. 
DJIRCRequestGimbalControlResult Result when a slave requests permission to control the gimbal. 
DJIRCToAircraftPairingState Remote controller pairing state. 
DJIRemoteControllerMode Remote Controller mode of operation can be normal (single RC connected to aircraft), master, slave, or unknown