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public class


extends DJIBaseComponent
   ↳ dji.sdk.base.DJIBaseComponent
     ↳ dji.sdk.Camera.DJICamera

Class Overview

This class provides methods to change camera settings and perform camera actions. This class contains the media manager and playback manager to manage the Camera's media content. It provides methods to change camera settings and perform camera actions. Media Manager: Sends the data through the SD card. With the Media Manager you cannot download a preview: you must render the preview on a phone.
Playback Manager: Tells the camera which photo you would like to preview, and the image processor renders photo and sends it back to the video link, which presents a video of the still photo.


Nested Classes
interface DJICamera.CameraGeneratedNewMediaFileCallback Tells that a new media file (photo or video) is generated. 
interface DJICamera.CameraGeneratedTimeLapsePreviewCallback Supported only by the Osmo camera
Tells the callback that a preview image for the Time-lapse is generated. 
class DJICamera.CameraLensState Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera. 
interface DJICamera.CameraReceivedVideoDataCallback Video data update callback. 
class DJICamera.CameraSDCardState This class provides the SD card's general information and current status. 
class DJICamera.CameraSSDState Supported only by X5R camera
This class contains the information about camera SSD's info, including state, whether it's connected, its capacity, video size and rate, etc. 
class DJICamera.CameraSystemState This class provides general information and current status of the camera. 
interface DJICamera.CameraUpdatedCurrentExposureValuesCallback This interface is a delegate for setting, which will be called whenever the camera parameters change. 
interface DJICamera.CameraUpdatedLensStateCallback Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera. 
interface DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSDCardStateCallback This interface provides general information and current statuses on the SD card. 
interface DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSSDStateCallback Supported only by X5R camera
This interface provides general information and current status of the SSD. 
interface DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSystemStateCallback Updates the camera's current state. 
class DJICamera.DJICameraExposureParameters This class contains current values for some camera parameters. 
interface DJICamera.ThermalCameraUpdateTemperatureDataCallback Received temperature in degrees Celsius of image. 
String DJICameraDisplayNamePhantom34KCamera
String DJICameraDisplayNamePhantom3AdvancedCamera
String DJICameraDisplayNamePhantom3ProfessionalCamera
String DJICameraDisplayNamePhantom3StandardCamera
String DJICameraDisplayNamePhantom4Camera
String DJICameraDisplayNameX3
String DJICameraDisplayNameX5
String DJICameraDisplayNameX5Raw
String DJICameraDisplayNameXT
Public Constructors
Public Methods
void formatSDCard(DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Formats the SD card by deleting all the data on the SD card.
void formatSSD(DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by X5R camera
Formats the SSD by deleting all the data on the SSD.
void getAELock(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)
Gets if the camera's AE (auto exposure) lock is locked or not.
void getAntiFlicker(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAntiFlicker> callback)
Gets the camera's anti-flicker.
void getAperture(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAperture> callback)
Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
void getAudioGain(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Supported only by Osmo.
void getAudioRecordEnabled(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)
Supported only by Osmo camera
Determines whether the audio record is enabled or not.
void getCameraMode(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMode> callback)
Also supported by thermal imaging camera.
void getContrast(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraContrast> callback)
Gets the camera's contrast.
void getDigitalFilter(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraDigitalFilter> callback)
Gets the camera's digital filter value.
void getDigitalZoomScale(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Float> callback)
Supported only by Osmo
Gets the digital zoom.
String getDisplayName()
Returns string that represents the type of the camera.
void getExposureCompensation(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureCompensation> callback)
Gets the camera's exposure compensation.
void getExposureMode(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureMode> callback)
Gets the camera's exposure mode.
void getFileIndexMode(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraFileIndexMode> callback)
Gets the camera's file index mode.
void getHue(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Gets the camera's hue.
void getISO(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraISO> callback)
Gets the camera's ISO value.
void getLensFocusAssistantEnabled(DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<Boolean, Boolean> callback)
Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
void getLensFocusMode(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode> callback)
Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
void getLensFocusRingValue(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
void getLensFocusRingValueUpperBound(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
void getLensFocusTarget(DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<Float, Float> callback)
Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
void getLensInformation(DJICompletionCallbackWith<String> callback)
Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
DJIMediaManager getMediaManager()
Gets the media manager object.
void getMeteringMode(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMeteringMode> callback)
Gets the camera's exposure metering.
void getPhotoAEBParam(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAEBParam> callback)
Gets the camera's AEB capture parameters.
void getPhotoBurstCount(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoBurstCount> callback)
Gets the burst count type.
void getPhotoFileFormat(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoFileFormat> callback)
Also supported by thermal imaging camera.
void getPhotoIntervalParam(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoIntervalParam> callback)
Also supported by thermal imaging camera.
void getPhotoQuality(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoQuality> callback)
Gets the camera's photo quality.
void getPhotoQuickViewDuration(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Gets the camera's quick view duration.
void getPhotoRatio(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAspectRatio> callback)
Gets the camera's aspect ratio for photos.
void getPhotoTimeLapseIntervalDurationAndFileFormat(DJICompletionCallbackWithThreeParam<Integer, Integer, DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoTimeLapseFileFormat> callback)
Supported only by Osmo camera
Gets the TimeLapse parameters including interval, duration and file format when saving.
DJIPlaybackManager getPlayback()
Gets the playback manager object.
void getSSDRawVideoResolutionAndFrameRate(DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolutionDJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFrameRate> callback)
Supported only by X5R camera
Gets Raw Video Format and Frame Rate of the SSD.
void getSaturation(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Gets the camera's saturation.
void getSerialNumber(DJICompletionCallbackWith<String> callback)
Get serial number of the component.
void getSharpness(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraSharpness> callback)
Gets the camera's sharpness.
void getShutterSpeed(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShutterSpeed> callback)
Gets the camera's shutter speed.
void getSpotMeteringAreaRowIndexAndColIndex(DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<Integer, Integer> callback)
Gets the spot metering area row index and column index.
void getThermalACE(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the value of Active Contrast Enhancement.
void getThermalBrightness(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the value of brightness.
void getThermalContrast(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets contrast value.
void getThermalDDE(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the value of Digital Data Enhancement.
void getThermalDigitalZoomScale(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalDigitalZoomScale> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets current digital zoom.
void getThermalGainMode(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalGainMode> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the gain mode.
void getThermalIsothermEnabled(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Determines whether Isotherms are enabled or not.
void getThermalIsothermLowerValue(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the lower threshold value for Isotherm.
void getThermalIsothermMiddleValue(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the middle threshold value for Isotherm.
void getThermalIsothermUnit(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalIsothermUnit> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the unit of Isotherm ranges.
void getThermalIsothermUpperValue(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the upper threshold value for Isotherm.
void getThermalPalette(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalPalette> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the Palette.
void getThermalProfile(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalProfile> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the thermal imaging camera profile.
void getThermalROI(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalROI> callback)
Gets the Region of Interest.
void getThermalSSO(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the value of Smart Scene Optimization.
void getThermalScene(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalScene> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the current scene.
void getThermalTemperatureDataEnabled(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets if ThermalCameraUpdateTemperatureDataCallback is currently running.
void getTurnOffFanWhenPossible(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)
Gets if the fan will turn off whenever it is cool enough to do so to enable better audio recordings from the camera's internal mic.
void getVideoCaptionEnabled(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)
Gets whether the video caption is enabled.
void getVideoFileFormat(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFileFormat> callback)
Gets the camera's video storage format.
void getVideoResolutionAndFrameRate(DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolutionDJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFrameRate> callback)
Gets the camera's video resolution and frame rate values.
void getVideoSlowMotionEnabled(DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)
true by the Osmo with X3 camera and Phantom 4 camera
Determines whether Slow Motion mode is enabled or not.
void getVideoStandard(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoStandard> callback)
Also supported by thermal imaging camera.
void getWhiteBalanceAndColorTemperature(DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraWhiteBalance, Integer> callback)
Gets the camera's white balance and color temperature.
boolean isAdjustableApertureSupported()
Gets whether the adjustable aperture is supported by the camera.
boolean isAdjustableFocalPointSupported()
Determines whether the camera supports an adjustable focal point.
boolean isAudioRecordSupported()
Check if the current device supports audio recording.
boolean isChangeableLensSupported()
Determines whether the changeable lens is supported by the camera.
boolean isConnected()
This method is used to detect the camera connection status.
boolean isMediaDownloadModeSupported()
Check if the current device supports Media Download Mode.
boolean isPhotoQuickViewSupported()
Returns whether or not the device supports quick view.
boolean isPlaybackSupported()
Determines if the current device supports Playback Mode.
boolean isSSDSupported()
Determines whether the SSD is supported by the camera.
boolean isSlowMotionSupported()
Check if the current device supports Slow Motion video recording.
boolean isThermalImagingCamera()
true if current connected device is thermal imaging camera.
boolean isTimeLapseSupported()
Check if the current device supports time-lapse.
void loadFactorySettings(DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Also supported by thermal imaging camera.
void loadSettingsFrom(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraCustomSettings settings, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Loads camera settings from the specified user.
void saveSettingsTo(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraCustomSettings settings, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Saves the current camera settings permanently to the specified user.
void setAELock(boolean isLock, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets whether or not the camera's AE (auto exposure) lock is locked or not.
void setAntiFlicker(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAntiFlicker antiFlickerType, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's anti-flicker for video recording.
void setAperture(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAperture aperture, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
void setAudioGain(int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by Osmo.
void setAudioRecordEnabled(boolean enabled, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by Osmo camera
Enables audio recording when capturing video.
void setCameraMode(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMode mode, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Also supported by thermal imaging camera.
void setCameraUpdatedCurrentExposureValuesCallback(DJICamera.CameraUpdatedCurrentExposureValuesCallback callback)
Sets the camera updated values for parameters callback.
void setContrast(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraContrast contrast, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's contrast.
void setDJICameraGeneratedNewMediaFileCallback(DJICamera.CameraGeneratedNewMediaFileCallback generatedNewMediaFileCallback)
Sets the camera's new generated media file callback.
void setDJICameraGeneratedTimeLapsePreviewCallback(DJICamera.CameraGeneratedTimeLapsePreviewCallback generatedTimeLapseCallBack)
Supported only by the Osmo camera
Sets the generated preview image callback.
void setDJICameraReceivedVideoDataCallback(DJICamera.CameraReceivedVideoDataCallback receivedVideoDataCallBack)
Sets the received video data callback.
void setDJICameraUpdatedSystemStateCallback(DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSystemStateCallback updatedSystemStateCallBack)
Sets the camera's system state callback.
void setDJIThermalCameraTemperatureDataCallback(DJICamera.ThermalCameraUpdateTemperatureDataCallback updateCenterTemperatureCallback)
Sets the thermal camera center temperature data callback.
void setDJIUpdateCameraLensStateCallBack(DJICamera.CameraUpdatedLensStateCallback updatedLensStateCallback)
Callback for updating the lens state.
void setDJIUpdateCameraSDCardStateCallBack(DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSDCardStateCallback updatedSDCardStateCallback)
Sets the camera's SD card information callback.
void setDJIUpdateCameraSSDStateCallBack(DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSSDStateCallback updatedSSDStateCallback)
Callback for updating the SSD state.
void setDigitalFilter(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraDigitalFilter filter, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's digital filter.
void setDigitalZoomScale(float scale, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by Osmo
Adjusts the digital zoom.
void setExposureCompensation(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureCompensation compensationType, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's exposure compensation.
void setExposureMode(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureMode mode, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's exposure mode.
void setFileIndexMode(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraFileIndexMode fileIndexMode, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's file index mode.
void setHue(int hue, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's hue.
void setISO(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraISO isoType, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's ISO value.
void setLensFocusAssistantEnabled(boolean enabledMF, boolean enabledAF, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
void setLensFocusMode(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode focusMode, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
void setLensFocusRingValue(int distance, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
void setLensFocusTarget(float x, float y, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
void setMeteringMode(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMeteringMode meteringType, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's exposure metering.
void setPhotoAEBParam(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAEBParam aebParam, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's AEB capture parameters.
void setPhotoBurstCount(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoBurstCount count, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets burst shoot count for the camera, for the case when the user wants to use burst shoot.
void setPhotoFileFormat(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoFileFormat photoFileFormat, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Also supported by thermal imaging camera.
void setPhotoIntervalParam(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoIntervalParam param, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Also supported by thermal imaging camera.
void setPhotoQuality(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoQuality photoQuality, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's photo quality for JPEG images.
void setPhotoQuickViewDuration(int duration, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's quick view duration.
void setPhotoRatio(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAspectRatio photoRatio, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's aspect ratio for photos.
void setPhotoTimeLapseIntervalDurationAndFileFormat(int interval, int duration, DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoTimeLapseFileFormat fileFormat, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by the Osmo camera
Sets the TimeLapse parameters including interval, duration and file format when saving.
void setSSDRawVideoResolutionAndFrameRate(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolution videoResolution, DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFrameRate videoFrameRate, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by X5R camera
Set Raw Video Resolution and Frame Rate of the SSD.
void setSaturation(int saturation, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's saturation.
void setSharpness(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraSharpness sharpness, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's sharpness.
void setShutterSpeed(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShutterSpeed shutterSpeed, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera shutter speed.
void setSpotMeteringAreaRowIndexAndColIndex(int rowIndex, int colIndex, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the spot metering area index.
void setThermalACE(int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Set the value of Active Contrast Enhancement.
void setThermalBrightness(int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the brightness of the image.
void setThermalContrast(int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the value of contrast, with larger values having higher contrast.
void setThermalDDE(int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the Digital Data Enhancement index (for DDE dynamic mode).
void setThermalDigitalZoomScale(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalDigitalZoomScale scale, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Adjusts the digital zoom.
void setThermalGainMode(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalGainMode gainMode, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the gain mode.
void setThermalIsothermEnabled(boolean enabled, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Enable or disable Isotherms.
void setThermalIsothermLowerValue(int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the lower threshold value for Isotherm.
void setThermalIsothermMiddleValue(int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the middle threshold value for Isotherm.
void setThermalIsothermUnit(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalIsothermUnit unit, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the unit of the Isotherm ranges to either Celsius or percent.
void setThermalIsothermUpperValue(int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the upper threshold value for Isotherm.
void setThermalPalette(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalPalette palette, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the Palette.
void setThermalROI(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalROI roi, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets Region of Interest (ROI).
void setThermalSSO(int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the value of Smart Scene Optimization.
void setThermalScene(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalScene scene, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the scene to instantly enhance your image.
void setThermalTemperatureDataEnabled(Boolean enabled, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Enable or disable the temperature measurement data callback ThermalCameraUpdateTemperatureDataCallback.
void setTurnOffFanWhenPossible(boolean turnOffWhenPossible, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported Only by Osmo.
void setVideoCaptionEnabled(boolean enabled, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Enables recording position, time and camera information into a video caption file (.srt) saved on the SD card.
void setVideoFileFormat(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFileFormat videoFileFormat, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's video storage format.
void setVideoResolutionAndFrameRate(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolution videoResolution, DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFrameRate videoFrameRate, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera's video resolution and frame rate.
void setVideoSlowMotionEnabled(boolean enabled, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Supported only by the Osmo with X3 and Phantom 4 camera
Sets whether Slow Motion mode is enabled or not.
void setVideoStandard(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoStandard videoStandard, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Also supported by thermal imaging camera.
void setWhiteBalanceAndColorTemperature(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraWhiteBalance whiteBalance, int colorTemperature, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Sets the camera’s white balance (color temperature).
void startRecordVideo(DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Also supported by thermal imaging camera.
void startShootPhoto(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShootPhotoMode mode, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Also supported by thermal imaging camera.
void stopRecordVideo(DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Also supported by thermal imaging camera.
void stopShootPhoto(DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)
Also supported by thermal imaging camera.
Inherited Methods
From class dji.sdk.base.DJIBaseComponent
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String DJICameraDisplayNamePhantom34KCamera

Constant Value: "Phantom 3 4K Camera"

public static final String DJICameraDisplayNamePhantom3AdvancedCamera

Constant Value: "Phantom 3 Advanced Camera"

public static final String DJICameraDisplayNamePhantom3ProfessionalCamera

Constant Value: "Phantom 3 Professional Camera"

public static final String DJICameraDisplayNamePhantom3StandardCamera

Constant Value: "Phantom 3 Standard Camera"

public static final String DJICameraDisplayNamePhantom4Camera

Constant Value: "Phantom 4 Camera"

public static final String DJICameraDisplayNameX3

Constant Value: "Zenmuse X3"

public static final String DJICameraDisplayNameX5

Constant Value: "Zenmuse X5"

public static final String DJICameraDisplayNameX5Raw

Constant Value: "Zenmuse X5R"

public static final String DJICameraDisplayNameXT

Constant Value: "Zenmuse XT"

Public Constructors

public DJICamera ()

Public Methods

public void formatSDCard (DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Formats the SD card by deleting all the data on the SD card.

Post condition:
This does not change any settings the user may have set on the SD card.

callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void formatSSD (DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by X5R camera
Formats the SSD by deleting all the data on the SSD. This does not change any settings the user may have set on the SSD.

callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void getAELock (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)

Gets if the camera's AE (auto exposure) lock is locked or not.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getAntiFlicker (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAntiFlicker> callback)

Gets the camera's anti-flicker.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getAperture (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAperture> callback)

Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
Gets the lens aperture. It is available only when isAdjustableApertureSupported returns true.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getAudioGain (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Supported only by Osmo.
Gets the microphone recording gain.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getAudioRecordEnabled (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)

Supported only by Osmo camera
Determines whether the audio record is enabled or not.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getCameraMode (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMode> callback)

Also supported by thermal imaging camera. Gets the camera's current work mode.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getContrast (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraContrast> callback)

Gets the camera's contrast.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getDigitalFilter (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraDigitalFilter> callback)

Gets the camera's digital filter value.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getDigitalZoomScale (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Float> callback)

Supported only by Osmo
Gets the digital zoom.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public String getDisplayName ()

Returns string that represents the type of the camera.

public void getExposureCompensation (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureCompensation> callback)

Gets the camera's exposure compensation.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getExposureMode (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureMode> callback)

Gets the camera's exposure mode.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getFileIndexMode (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraFileIndexMode> callback)

Gets the camera's file index mode.

callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void getHue (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Gets the camera's hue.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getISO (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraISO> callback)

Gets the camera's ISO value.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getLensFocusAssistantEnabled (DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<Boolean, Boolean> callback)

Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
Determines whether the lens focus assistant is enabled or not. It is available only when isAdjustableFocalPointSupported() returns true.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s). The first result stands for MF, the second result stands for AF.

public void getLensFocusMode (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode> callback)

Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
Gets the lens focus mode. Please check enum CameraLensFocusMode in DJICameraSettingsDef. It is available only when isAdjustableFocalPointSupported() returns true.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getLensFocusRingValue (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
Gets lens focus ring value. It is available only when isAdjustableFocalPointSupported() returns true.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getLensFocusRingValueUpperBound (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
Gets the lens focus ring value's max value. It is available only when isAdjustableFocalPointSupported() returns true.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getLensFocusTarget (DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<Float, Float> callback)

Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
Gets the lens focus Target point. It is available only when isAdjustableFocalPointSupported() returns true.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s). The first result is value on the x axis, the second result is the value on the y axis. Both values are float type.

public void getLensInformation (DJICompletionCallbackWith<String> callback)

Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
Gets details of the installed lens. It is available only when isChangeableLensSupported returns true.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public DJIMediaManager getMediaManager ()

Gets the media manager object.

  • The DJIMediaManager object if the aircraft supports medialist feature. Otherwise, returns null.

public void getMeteringMode (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMeteringMode> callback)

Gets the camera's exposure metering.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getPhotoAEBParam (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAEBParam> callback)

Gets the camera's AEB capture parameters.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getPhotoBurstCount (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoBurstCount> callback)

Gets the burst count type.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getPhotoFileFormat (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoFileFormat> callback)

Also supported by thermal imaging camera. Gets the camera's photo file format.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getPhotoIntervalParam (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoIntervalParam> callback)

Also supported by thermal imaging camera. Gets the camera's interval capture parameters.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getPhotoQuality (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoQuality> callback)

Gets the camera's photo quality.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getPhotoQuickViewDuration (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Gets the camera's quick view duration.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getPhotoRatio (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAspectRatio> callback)

Gets the camera's aspect ratio for photos.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getPhotoTimeLapseIntervalDurationAndFileFormat (DJICompletionCallbackWithThreeParam<Integer, Integer, DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoTimeLapseFileFormat> callback)

Supported only by Osmo camera
Gets the TimeLapse parameters including interval, duration and file format when saving.
Camera should be in TimeLapse mode of CameraPhotoShootMode.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public DJIPlaybackManager getPlayback ()

Gets the playback manager object.

  • The DJIPlaybackManager object if the aircraft supports playback feature. Otherwise, returns null.

public void getSSDRawVideoResolutionAndFrameRate (DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolutionDJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFrameRate> callback)

Supported only by X5R camera
Gets Raw Video Format and Frame Rate of the SSD.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getSaturation (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Gets the camera's saturation.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getSerialNumber (DJICompletionCallbackWith<String> callback)

Get serial number of the component. Please note this serial number does not match with the serial number found in the physical component.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getSharpness (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraSharpness> callback)

Gets the camera's sharpness.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getShutterSpeed (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShutterSpeed> callback)

Gets the camera's shutter speed.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getSpotMeteringAreaRowIndexAndColIndex (DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<Integer, Integer> callback)

Gets the spot metering area row index and column index.
In order to make the method work, The camera exposure mode should be 'Program', 'Shutter' or 'Aperture', the exposure metering mode must be 'Spot', and 'AELock' must be false.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s). The first value returned is row index. The second one is column index.

public void getThermalACE (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the value of Active Contrast Enhancement. The value is available only when the Scene mode is Manual, User1, User2 or User3.

callback The execution callback with the value returned.
See Also
  • {@link #setThermalACE(int, DJICompletionCallback) setThermalACE} method.

public void getThermalBrightness (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the value of brightness. The value is available only when the Scene mode is Manual, User1, User2 or User3.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).
See Also
  • {@link #setThermalBrightness(int, DJICompletionCallback) setThermalBrightness} method.

public void getThermalContrast (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets contrast value. The value is available only when the Scene mode is Manual, User1, User2 or User3.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).
See Also
  • {@link #setThermalContrast(int, DJICompletionCallback) setThermalContrast} method.

public void getThermalDDE (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the value of Digital Data Enhancement. The value is available only when the Scene mode is Manual, User1, User2 or User3.

callback The execution callback with the value returned.
See Also
  • {@link #setThermalDDE(int, DJICompletionCallback) setThermalDDE} method.

public void getThermalDigitalZoomScale (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalDigitalZoomScale> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets current digital zoom.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).
See Also
  • {@link #setThermalDigitalZoomScale(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalDigitalZoomScale, DJICompletionCallback) setThermalDigitalZoomScale} method.

public void getThermalGainMode (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalGainMode> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the gain mode.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getThermalIsothermEnabled (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Determines whether Isotherms are enabled or not. true if Isotherms are enabled, otherwise false.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getThermalIsothermLowerValue (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the lower threshold value for Isotherm.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).
See Also
  • {@link #setThermalIsothermLowerValue(int, DJICompletionCallback) setThermalIsothermLowerValue} method.

public void getThermalIsothermMiddleValue (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the middle threshold value for Isotherm.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).
See Also
  • {@link #setThermalIsothermMiddleValue(int, DJICompletionCallback) setThermalIsothermMiddleValue} method.

public void getThermalIsothermUnit (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalIsothermUnit> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the unit of Isotherm ranges.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getThermalIsothermUpperValue (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the upper threshold value for Isotherm.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).
See Also
  • {@link #setThermalIsothermUpperValue(int, DJICompletionCallback) setThermalIsothermUpperValue} method.

public void getThermalPalette (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalPalette> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the Palette.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).
See Also
  • {@link #setThermalPalette(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalPalette, DJICompletionCallback) setThermalPalette} method.

public void getThermalProfile (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalProfile> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the thermal imaging camera profile. The profile includes information about resolution, frame rate and focal length.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getThermalROI (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalROI> callback)

Gets the Region of Interest.

callback The execution callback with the value returned.
See Also
  • {@link #setThermalROI(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalROI, DJICompletionCallback) setThermalROI} method.

public void getThermalSSO (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Integer> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the value of Smart Scene Optimization. The value is available only when the Scene mode is Manual, User1, User2 or User3.

callback The execution callback with the value returned.
See Also
  • {@link #setThermalSSO(int, DJICompletionCallback) setThermalSSO} method.

public void getThermalScene (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalScene> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets the current scene.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).
See Also
  • {@link #setThermalScene(DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalScene, DJICompletionCallback) setThermalScene} method.

public void getThermalTemperatureDataEnabled (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Gets if ThermalCameraUpdateTemperatureDataCallback is currently running. Currently running is true.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getTurnOffFanWhenPossible (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)

Gets if the fan will turn off whenever it is cool enough to do so to enable better audio recordings from the camera's internal mic.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getVideoCaptionEnabled (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)

Gets whether the video caption is enabled.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getVideoFileFormat (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFileFormat> callback)

Gets the camera's video storage format.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getVideoResolutionAndFrameRate (DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolutionDJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFrameRate> callback)

Gets the camera's video resolution and frame rate values.

callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void getVideoSlowMotionEnabled (DJICompletionCallbackWith<Boolean> callback)

true by the Osmo with X3 camera and Phantom 4 camera
Determines whether Slow Motion mode is enabled or not.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getVideoStandard (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoStandard> callback)

Also supported by thermal imaging camera. Gets the camera's video standard value.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public void getWhiteBalanceAndColorTemperature (DJICompletionCallbackWithTwoParam<DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraWhiteBalance, Integer> callback)

Gets the camera's white balance and color temperature.

callback The execution callback with the returned value(s).

public boolean isAdjustableApertureSupported ()

Gets whether the adjustable aperture is supported by the camera.
Currently, adjustable aperture is supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.

public boolean isAdjustableFocalPointSupported ()

Determines whether the camera supports an adjustable focal point. Currently, adjustable focal point is supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera..

public boolean isAudioRecordSupported ()

Check if the current device supports audio recording. Currently audio recording is supported only by the Osmo camera.

public boolean isChangeableLensSupported ()

Determines whether the changeable lens is supported by the camera.
Currently a changeable lens is supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.

  • true if the changeable lens is supported by the camera.

public boolean isConnected ()

This method is used to detect the camera connection status.

  • true if the camera is connected, false otherwise.
See Also

public boolean isMediaDownloadModeSupported ()

Check if the current device supports Media Download Mode.

  • true if the current device supports Media Download Mode, false otherwise.

public boolean isPhotoQuickViewSupported ()

Returns whether or not the device supports quick view. Quick view is an amount of time a photo is shown as a preview after it is taken and before the camera returns back to the live camera view. The default value is 0 seconds.

public boolean isPlaybackSupported ()

Determines if the current device supports Playback Mode.

  • true if the current device supports Playback Mode, false otherwise.

public boolean isSSDSupported ()

Determines whether the SSD is supported by the camera. Currently, the SSD is supported only by X5R camera.

  • true if SSD is supported, otherwise false.

public boolean isSlowMotionSupported ()

Check if the current device supports Slow Motion video recording. Currently Slow Motion is supported only by the Osmo with X3 camera and Phantom 4 camera. There are two ways to enter Slow Motion mode: 1. Call setVideoSlowMotionEnabled with true. 2. Call setVideoResolutionAndFrameRate with Resolution_1920x1080 and VideoFrameRate_120fps.

public boolean isThermalImagingCamera ()

true if current connected device is thermal imaging camera.

  • true if current connected device is thermal imaging camera, otherwise false.

public boolean isTimeLapseSupported ()

Check if the current device supports time-lapse. Currently time lapse is supported only by Osmo with X3 camera.

public void loadFactorySettings (DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Also supported by thermal imaging camera. Loads the camera's factory settings.

Post condition:
The camera will reboot itself.

callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void loadSettingsFrom (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraCustomSettings settings, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Loads camera settings from the specified user.

Post condition:
The camera will reboot itself.

settings Camera user to load camera settings from.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void saveSettingsTo (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraCustomSettings settings, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Saves the current camera settings permanently to the specified user.

settings Camera user to store camera settings to. Check the enum named CameraCustomSettings in DJICameraSettingsDef.h to find all possible camera users.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setAELock (boolean isLock, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets whether or not the camera's AE (auto exposure) lock is locked or not.

Post condition:
If AE lock is enabled, spot metering area cannot be set.

isLock true if the camera AE lock is locked or unlocked.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setAntiFlicker (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAntiFlicker antiFlickerType, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's anti-flicker for video recording.

Please make sure the exposure mode is Program.

antiFlickerType anti-flicker value to set for the camera. Please check the enum CameraAntiFlicker to find all the possible anti-flickers the camera can be set to..
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setAperture (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAperture aperture, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
Sets the aperture value. It is available only when isAdjustableApertureSupported returns true. Precondition:
The exposure mode should be in Manual or AperturePriority.

aperture The aperture to set. Check enum CameraLensFocusMode in DJICameraSettingsDef.
callback The execution callback with the execution result returned.

public void setAudioGain (int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by Osmo.
Sets the microphone recording gain.

value Recording gain with range [0,100]
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setAudioRecordEnabled (boolean enabled, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by Osmo camera
Enables audio recording when capturing video.

enabled Enable or disable the audio record.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setCameraMode (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMode mode, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Also supported by thermal imaging camera. Sets the camera's work mode to taking pictures, video, playback or download. Please note that you cannot change the mode when a certain task is executing, e.g. taking photo(s), recording video, downloading and saving files.

mode Camera work mode. See enum named CameraMode in DJICameraSettingsDef to find details on camera work modes.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setCameraUpdatedCurrentExposureValuesCallback (DJICamera.CameraUpdatedCurrentExposureValuesCallback callback)

Sets the camera updated values for parameters callback. The callback's onResult function will be called each time these four parameters (ISO, Exposure Compensation, Shutter Speed and Aperture.) have been updated.

callback The execution callback.

public void setContrast (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraContrast contrast, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's contrast.

contrast Contrast value to set for the camera. Check the enum named CameraContrast in DJICameraSettingsDef.h to find all possible contrasts the camera can be set to.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setDJICameraGeneratedNewMediaFileCallback (DJICamera.CameraGeneratedNewMediaFileCallback generatedNewMediaFileCallback)

Sets the camera's new generated media file callback.

You must first define a CameraGeneratedNewMediaFileCallback object to pass in as a parameter.

Post Condition:
The CameraGeneratedNewMediaFileCallback object that was passed in as a parameter will call its onResult function as the camera starts recording a video or completes taking a photo.
The onResult function takes in a DJIMedia object as a parameter.

generatedNewMediaFileCallback The generatedNewMediaFileCallback object to set as the callback.
generatedNewMediaFileCallback implements an onResult function, which takes in a DJIMedia object as a parameter.
DJIMedia contains information about the media type, index, file size and the created time of the media.
See Also

public void setDJICameraGeneratedTimeLapsePreviewCallback (DJICamera.CameraGeneratedTimeLapsePreviewCallback generatedTimeLapseCallBack)

Supported only by the Osmo camera
Sets the generated preview image callback. The callback's onResult function will be called each time a photo has been taken.

generatedTimeLapseCallBack The execution callback.

public void setDJICameraReceivedVideoDataCallback (DJICamera.CameraReceivedVideoDataCallback receivedVideoDataCallBack)

Sets the received video data callback. The callback's onResult function will be called each time a video data packet is received from the aircraft.

receivedVideoDataCallBack The execution callback.

public void setDJICameraUpdatedSystemStateCallback (DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSystemStateCallback updatedSystemStateCallBack)

Sets the camera's system state callback.

You must first define a CameraUpdatedSystemStateCallback object to pass in as a parameter.

Post Condition:
The CameraUpdatedSystemStateCallback object that was passed in as a parameter will call its onResult function at regular intervals.
The onResult function takes a CameraSystemState object as a parameter.

updatedSystemStateCallBack The CameraSystemState object to set as the callback.
CameraUpdateSystemStateCallback implements an onResult function, which takes in a CameraSystemState object as a parameter.
CameraSystemState contains information about the current state of the aircraft's camera, such as whether it is currently capturing a photo or video, whether it is overheating and whether it has an SD card inserted into it or not.

public void setDJIThermalCameraTemperatureDataCallback (DJICamera.ThermalCameraUpdateTemperatureDataCallback updateCenterTemperatureCallback)

Sets the thermal camera center temperature data callback. The unit is degrees Celsius.

updateCenterTemperatureCallback The execution callback.

public void setDJIUpdateCameraLensStateCallBack (DJICamera.CameraUpdatedLensStateCallback updatedLensStateCallback)

Callback for updating the lens state.

public void setDJIUpdateCameraSDCardStateCallBack (DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSDCardStateCallback updatedSDCardStateCallback)

Sets the camera's SD card information callback.

You must first define a CameraUpdatedSDCardStateCallback object to pass in as a parameter.

Post Condition:
The CameraUpdatedSDCardStateCallback object that was passed in as a parameter will call its onResult function at regular intervals.
The onResult function takes in a CameraSDCardState object as a parameter.

updatedSDCardStateCallback The CameraUpdatedSDCardStateCallback object to set as the callback.
CameraUpdatedSDCardStateCallback implements an onResult function.
The CameraSDCardState object contains information about the SD card inserted into the aircraft's camera.

public void setDJIUpdateCameraSSDStateCallBack (DJICamera.CameraUpdatedSSDStateCallback updatedSSDStateCallback)

Callback for updating the SSD state.

public void setDigitalFilter (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraDigitalFilter filter, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's digital filter.

filter Digital filter to be set to the camera. The default value for CameraDigitalFilter is None. Check the enum named CameraDigitalFilter in DJICameraSettingsDef.h to find all possible digital filter the camera can be set to.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setDigitalZoomScale (float scale, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by Osmo
Adjusts the digital zoom.

scale The valid range is from 1.0 to 2.0.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setExposureCompensation (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureCompensation compensationType, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's exposure compensation.

In order to use this function, the camera exposure mode should be 'shutter', 'program' or 'aperture'.

compensationType Exposure compensation value to set for the camera. Please check the enum CameraExposureCompensation to find all the possible exposure compensation values.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setExposureMode (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureMode mode, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's exposure mode.
Please check the enum named CameraExposureMode in DJICameraSettingsDef to find all possible camera exposure modes. Please note that in different exposure mode, it will have different values for the same setting.

mode Camera exposure mode to set to.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setFileIndexMode (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraFileIndexMode fileIndexMode, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's file index mode.

fileIndexMode File index mode to be set for the camera's SD card. The default value of CameraFileIndexMode is set to Reset.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setHue (int hue, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's hue.

hue Hue value to be set in the range of [-3, 3]. The default value of the hue value is 0.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setISO (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraISO isoType, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's ISO value.
For all cameras except X5 camera and X5R camera the ISO value can only be set when the camera exposure mode is Manual mode.
For X5 and X5R, the ISO value can be set for all modes. Refer to setExposureMode method for how to set exposure mode.

isoType The ISO value to set the camera to use. Please check the enum CameraISOe in DJICameraSettingsDef to find all possible ISO values that the camera can be set to.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setLensFocusAssistantEnabled (boolean enabledMF, boolean enabledAF, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
Sets whether the lens focus assistant is enabled or not. If the focus assistant is enabled, a specific area of the screen will zoom out during focusing. It is available only when isAdjustableFocalPointSupported() returns true.

enabledMF Sets whether the lens focus assistant under MF mode is enabled or not.
enabledAF Sets whether the lens focus assistant under AF mode is enabled or not.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setLensFocusMode (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode focusMode, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
Sets the lens focus mode. It is available only when isAdjustableFocalPointSupported returns true.

focusMode Check enum CameraLensFocusMode in DJICameraSettingsDef.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setLensFocusRingValue (int distance, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
Set the focal distance by simulating the focus ring adjustment. Value can have a range of [0, getLensFocusRingValueUpperBound] which represents infinity and the closest possible focal distance. It is available only when isAdjustableFocalPointSupported returns true. For some lenses, the minimum focus ring value is larger than 0. For example the minimum of DJI MFT 15mm f/1.7 ASPH is 270. To retrieve the minimum value, perform the following steps: - Call setLensFocusMode with DJICameraLensFocusModeAuto. - Call setLensFocusTarget with the furthest target (>30m). - Call getLensFocusRingValue to get the current focus ring value. This is the minimum value. The maximum value can be retrieved using getLensFocusRingValueUpperBound().

distance Value to adjust focus ring to. The minimum value is 0, the maximum value depends on the installed lens. Please use method getLensFocusRingValueUpperBound() to ensure the input argument is valid.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setLensFocusTarget (float x, float y, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by X5 camera and X5R camera.
Sets the lens focus Target point. When the focus mode is auto, the target point is the focal point. When the focus mode is manual, the target point is the zoom out area if the focus assistant is enabled for the manual mode. It is available only when isAdjustableFocalPointSupported() returns true.

x The float value on x axis falls in [0.0, 1.0]. The point [0.0, 0.0] represents the top-left angle of the screen.
y The float value on y axis falls in [0.0, 1.0]. The point [0.0, 0.0] represents the top-left angle of the screen.
callback The execution callback with the execution result returned.

public void setMeteringMode (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMeteringMode meteringType, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's exposure metering.

meteringType Exposure metering to be set. Check the enum named CameraMeteringMode in DJICameraSettingsDef to find all possible exposure metering the camera can be set to.
callback The execution callback with the execution result returned.

public void setPhotoAEBParam (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAEBParam aebParam, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's AEB capture parameters.

aebParam AEB capture parameters to be set for the camera.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setPhotoBurstCount (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoBurstCount count, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets burst shoot count for the camera, for the case when the user wants to use burst shoot.

count The number of photos to take in one Burst shot. Please check the enum CameraPhotoBurstCount to find all possible burst count values the camera can be set to.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setPhotoFileFormat (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoFileFormat photoFileFormat, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Also supported by thermal imaging camera. Sets the camera's photo file format.

photoFileFormat Photo file format used when the camera takes a photo. Check the enum named CameraPhotoFileFormat in DJICameraSettingsDef to find all possible photo formats the camera can be set to.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setPhotoIntervalParam (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoIntervalParam param, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Also supported by thermal imaging camera. Sets the interval capture parameters. The camera will capture a photo, wait a specified interval of time, take another photo, and continue in this manner until it has taken the required number of photos.

param An object of CameraPhotoIntervalParam.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setPhotoQuality (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoQuality photoQuality, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's photo quality for JPEG images.

photoQuality Camera photo quality to set to. Please Check the enum named CameraPhotoQuality in DJICameraSettingsDef.h to find all possible camera photo qualities.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setPhotoQuickViewDuration (int duration, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's quick view duration. It is not supported by Phantom 3 Standard. Please check isPhotoQuickViewSupported() before using this method.

duration Quick view duration to be set for the camera. This value defines the amount of time a photo is shown as a preview after it is taken before the camera returns back to the live camera view. This value must be set in the range of [0, 10] seconds. When the value is 0, quick view is disabled. The default value is 0 second.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setPhotoRatio (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAspectRatio photoRatio, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's aspect ratio for photos. Check the enum named CameraPhotoAspectRatio in DJICameraSettingsDef to find all possible ratios.

photoRatio Aspect ratio for photos to be taken by camera.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setPhotoTimeLapseIntervalDurationAndFileFormat (int interval, int duration, DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoTimeLapseFileFormat fileFormat, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by the Osmo camera
Sets the TimeLapse parameters including interval, duration and file format when saving.
Camera should be in TimeLapse mode of CameraPhotoShootMode.

interval The time between image captures. An integer falls in the range, [10, 1000]. The unit is 100ms. Please note that when the format is JPEG+Video, the minimum interval is 20(2 seconds).
duration The time for the whole action. An integer falls in the range, [0, 2^31-1] seconds. If the value is set to be 0, it means that it shoots forever until invoking stopShootPhoto method.
fileFormat An enum type of the file format to be used. Please refer to CameraPhotoTimeLapseFileFormat in DJICameraSettingsDef.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setSSDRawVideoResolutionAndFrameRate (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolution videoResolution, DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFrameRate videoFrameRate, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by X5R camera
Set Raw Video Resolution and Frame Rate of the SSD. Note, only raw video is saved to the SSD. Compressed video, compressed pictures and raw pictures are all saved to the SD Card. During video capture, Raw video and compressed video are saved simultaneously to the SSD and SD Card respectively.

videoResolution Resolution to be set for the video.
videoFrameRate Frame rate to be set for the video.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setSaturation (int saturation, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's saturation.

saturation Saturation value to be set in the range of [-3, 3]. The default value of the saturation value is 0.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setSharpness (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraSharpness sharpness, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's sharpness.

sharpness Sharpness value to set for the camera. Please check the enum CameraSharpness to find all the possible sharpness the camera can be set to.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setShutterSpeed (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShutterSpeed shutterSpeed, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera shutter speed.

The camera's exposure mode should be in the shutter mode or manual mode.

shutterSpeed Shutter speed value to be set for the camera. For all available values shutterSpeed can be set to, please check CameraShutterSpeed.
The shutter speed should not be set slower than the video frame rate when the camera's mode is RecordVideo. For example, if the video frame rate = 30fps, then the shutterSpeed must be <= 1/30.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setSpotMeteringAreaRowIndexAndColIndex (int rowIndex, int colIndex, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the spot metering area index.
The camera image is divided into 96 spots defined by 12 columns and 8 rows.
1. The camera exposure mode should be 'Program', 'Shutter' or 'Aperture'.
2. The exposure metering mode should be Spot.
3. AE Lock is not set.

rowIndex Spot metering row index to be set. The value should falls in [0, 7], where the values increase top to bottom across the image.
colIndex Spot metering column index to be set. The value should falls in [0, 11], where the values increase left to right.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalACE (int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Set the value of Active Contrast Enhancement. Active contrast enhancement allows for a contrast trade-off between hotter and colder scenes when using 8-bit pixel data. It can be set manually only when the Scene mode is User1, User2 or User3.

value Integer in range [-8, 8]. value > 0: more contrast in hotter scene content and less contrast in colder scene content (sky, ocean etc.). value < 0: more contrast in colder scene content and less contrast in hotter scene content. value = 0: neutral value = 3: recommended for generic use
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalBrightness (int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the brightness of the image. It can be set manually only when the Scene mode is Manual.

value The integer value falls in [0, 16383].
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalContrast (int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the value of contrast, with larger values having higher contrast. It can be set manually only when the Scene mode is Manual.

value Contrast value as an integer with range [0, 255].
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalDDE (int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the Digital Data Enhancement index (for DDE dynamic mode). DDE can be used to enhance image details (sharpen, higher index) and/or suppress fixed pattern noise (soften, lower index). It can be set manually only when the Scene mode is Manual, User1, User2 or User3.

value Integer in range [-20, 100]. Values less than 0 soften the image and filter fixed pattern noise. Values greater than 0 sharpen the details in the image. Value of 0 results in no enhancement
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalDigitalZoomScale (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalDigitalZoomScale scale, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Adjusts the digital zoom.

scale For resolution 640 x 512, x1,x2,x4,x8 can be set. For resolution 336 × 256, only x1,x2,x4 can be set. Please refer to CameraThermalDigitalZoomScale in DJICameraSettingsDef.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalGainMode (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalGainMode gainMode, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the gain mode. Low gain mode can be used for scenes with temperatures ranging from -40 to 550 degrees Celsius. For higher contrast, the high gain mode can be used by for temperatures between -25 to 135 degrees Celsius for the 640x512 camera and -25 to 100 degrees Celsius for 336 x 256 camera.

gainMode An enum type of the CameraThermalGainMode to be used. Please refer to CameraThermalGainMode in DJICameraSettingsDef.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalIsothermEnabled (boolean enabled, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Enable or disable Isotherms. Isotherms can be used to highlight specific temperature ranges. When disabled, all 256 values (8-bits) are dedicated to the temperature histogram of the scene. When enabled, only 128 values (0-127) are mapped linearly to temperature. Then three bands 128-175, 176-223 and 224-255 can be mapped to user defined temperatures to highlight them to the user. Using some of the false colour palettes (like RainbowIso) results in a thermal image that is grey scale except for three specific bands highlighted by either reds, blues or greens.

enabled true if Isotherms are enabled, otherwise false.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalIsothermLowerValue (int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the lower threshold value for Isotherm. Temperature values between the lower and middle Isotherm threshold will be displayed with colors 128-175 from the palette.

value If the unit is percentage, the value falls in [0,100]. If the unit is Celsius, the value range is [-40, 550]. The value can only be equal or smaller than upper threshold.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalIsothermMiddleValue (int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the middle threshold value for Isotherm. Temperature values between the middle and upper Isotherm threshold will be displayed with colors 176-223 from the palette.

value If the unit is percentage, the value falls in [0,100]. If the unit is Celsius, the value range is [-40, 550]. The value can only be equal or larger than lower threshold and equal or smaller than upper threshold.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalIsothermUnit (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalIsothermUnit unit, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the unit of the Isotherm ranges to either Celsius or percent. Different units results in different value ranges for Isotherms.

unit An enum type of the CameraThermalIsothermUnit to be used. Please refer to CameraThermalIsothermUnit in DJICameraSettingsDef.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalIsothermUpperValue (int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the upper threshold value for Isotherm. All temperature values above this will use colors 224-255 from the palatte.

value If the unit is percentage, the allowed range is [0,100]. If the unit is Celsius, the allowed range is [-40, 550]. The value can only be equal or larger than middle Isotherm threshold.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalPalette (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalPalette palette, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the Palette. Each palette is a unique look-up table that maps 8-bit temperature values to different colors. Different palettes can be used to help the user better visualize temperature contrast or specific temperature bands.

palette An enum type of the CameraThermalPalette to be used. Please refer to CameraThermalPalette in DJICameraSettingsDef.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalROI (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalROI roi, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets Region of Interest (ROI). Used to manage color range distribution across the screen to maximize contrast for regions of highest interest.

roi An enum type of the Region of Interest to be used. Please refer to CameraThermalROI in DJICameraSettingsDef.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalSSO (int value, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the value of Smart Scene Optimization. When using non-linear histogram equalization to map the 14-bit sensor pixel values to 8-bit pixel values, it can become difficult to determine the difference in temperature of two objects from their different shades of gray. SSO allows a percentage of the 14-bit histogram to be mapped linearly to the 8-bit histogram, which will compromise local contrast, but allow for more accurate visual radiometric measurements. This is particularly useful for bi-modal scenes. It can be set manually only when the Scene mode is User1, User2 or User3.

value Percentage of histogram to map linearly [0, 100].
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalScene (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalScene scene, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Sets the scene to instantly enhance your image. In all modes except Manual and User modes, the DDE, ACE, SSO, brightness and contrast are set automatically to obtain the best result. In User modes, the DDE, brightness and contrast are set automatically to obtain the best results. Any settings that are made in these modes are retained if the scene is changed. In Manual mode, DDE, ACE, SSO, brightness and contrast are set manually.

scene An enum type of the CameraThermalScene to be used. Please refer to CameraThermalScene in DJICameraSettingsDef.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setThermalTemperatureDataEnabled (Boolean enabled, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by thermal imaging camera
Enable or disable the temperature measurement data callback ThermalCameraUpdateTemperatureDataCallback. For the XT, the measurement data is at the center of the image.

enabled true to start ThermalCameraUpdateTemperatureDataCallback, false to stop.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setTurnOffFanWhenPossible (boolean turnOffWhenPossible, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported Only by Osmo.
This method will turn off the camera's cooling fan whenever the camera is cool enough to do so. This allows better audio recording from the internal microphone in the camera.

turnOffWhenPossible true to turn fan off whenever possible.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setVideoCaptionEnabled (boolean enabled, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Enables recording position, time and camera information into a video caption file (.srt) saved on the SD card. The information is updated at 1Hz. Currently the .srt file can only be downloaded directly from the SD card.

enabled true to enable the video caption.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setVideoFileFormat (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFileFormat videoFileFormat, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's video storage format.

videoFileFormat Video storage format to be set for videos.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setVideoResolutionAndFrameRate (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolution videoResolution, DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFrameRate videoFrameRate, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera's video resolution and frame rate.
The supported resolutions and frame rates for the two different analog television standards PAL and NSTC are below:
1920x1080, 120fps (Slow Motion)

1920x1080, 120fps (Slow Motion)
* 1920x1080_60fps

videoResolution Resolution to be set for the video.
videoFrameRate Frame rate to be set for the video.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setVideoSlowMotionEnabled (boolean enabled, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Supported only by the Osmo with X3 and Phantom 4 camera
Sets whether Slow Motion mode is enabled or not.
When it is enabled, the resolution and frame rate will change to 1920x1080 120fps.
When it is disabled, the reolution and frame rate will recover to previous setting for Osmo. For Phantom 4 camera, the resolution will become Resolution_1920x1080 and the frame rate will become FrameRate_48fps.

enabled Enable or disable Slow Motion video.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setVideoStandard (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoStandard videoStandard, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Also supported by thermal imaging camera. Sets the camera's analog video standard. Setting the video standard to PAL or NTSC will limit the available resolutions and frame rates to those compatible with the chosen video standard.

videoStandard Video standard value to be set for the camera.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void setWhiteBalanceAndColorTemperature (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraWhiteBalance whiteBalance, int colorTemperature, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Sets the camera’s white balance (color temperature). When white balance is CustomColorTemperature, the colorTemperature argument is used. For all other values, the colorTemperature argument is ignored.

whiteBalance White balance preset
colorTemperature Color temperature value to be set in the range of [20, 100]. Real color temperature value(K) = value * 100. For example, 50 -> 5000K.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void startRecordVideo (DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Also supported by thermal imaging camera. Starts recording video.

Camera must be in RecordVideo mode. For thermal imaging camera, user can take Single photo when recording video.

callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void startShootPhoto (DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShootPhotoMode mode, DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Also supported by thermal imaging camera. Camera starts to take photo with one of the camera capture modes (shoot photo modes).Also,
1. Camera must be in ShootPhoto mode. Check the enum named CameraShootPhotoMode in DJICameraSettingsDef to find all possible camera capture modes.
For thermal imaging camera, Single photo can be taken while recording video. 2. The SD card state should be checked before this method is used to ensure sufficient space exists.
Post condition:
If the capture mode is either Burst or Interval, calling stopShootPhoto will be required for the camera to stop taking photos.

mode Capture mode for camera to start taking photos with.
callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void stopRecordVideo (DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Also supported by thermal imaging camera. Stops recording video.

The camera is recording currently.

callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.

public void stopShootPhoto (DJIBaseComponent.DJICompletionCallback callback)

Also supported by thermal imaging camera. Camera stops taking photos.

1. If the capture mode when the camera started taking photos was either Burst or Interval.
2. If the capture mode is set to Single, the camera will automatically stop taking the photo once the individual photo is taken.

callback The execution callback with the returned execution result.