


SignalQualityUpdatedCallback Updated signal quality in percent for the wireless (from aircraft to remote controller). 


ChannelInterference The interference power of a LBAirLink channel. 
DJISignalInformation This class contains the signal status of a channel. 
FrequencyBandChannelRange Channels range for different frequency band. 
FrequencyInterference This class represents the power spectral density of a frequency slice. 
WifiChannelInterference The interference power of a WiFi channel. 


ChannelSelectionMode Downlink channel selection mode (manual or automatic) for the wireless link. 
DJIWiFiSignalQuality WiFi Signal Quality - as measuremed by Osmo, Phantom 3 4K and Phantom 3 Standard. 
LBAirLinkDataRate Wireless downlink data rate. 
LBAirLinkFPVVideoQualityLatency FPV (First-person view) video can prioritize either quality or latency. 
LBAirLinkFrequencyBand Frequency band for LB airlink. 
LBAirLinkPIPDisplay Defines the combination of video sources to form the secondary output video. 
LBAirLinkSecondaryVideoOutputPort Remote Controller port to send secondary video to (in addition to USB video sent to the Mobile Device). 
LBAirLinkUnit OSD data units. 
OcuSyncBandwidth The channel bandwidth for the OcuSync downlink (from the aircraft to the remote controller). 
OcuSyncWarningMessage OcuSync link warning messages. 
WifiAirLinkDataRate WiFi data rate. 
WiFiFrequencyBand WiFi frequency band. 
WorkingFrequence Created by petyrzhan on 9/25/16.