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public class


extends DJIParamCapability
   ↳ dji.common.util.DJIParamCapability
     ↳ dji.sdk.util.DJIParamMinMaxCapability

Class Overview

DJIParamCapabilityMinMax adds the maximum and minimum possible values of the parameter to the base class property of whether the parameter is supported by the component or product.


Public Constructors
DJIParamMinMaxCapability(boolean isSuppported, Number min, Number max)
Public Methods
Number getMax()
return the maximum possible value of the parameter.
Number getMin()
return the minimum possible value of the parameter.
Inherited Methods
From class dji.common.util.DJIParamCapability
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public DJIParamMinMaxCapability (boolean isSuppported, Number min, Number max)

Public Methods

public Number getMax ()

return the maximum possible value of the parameter.

public Number getMin ()

return the minimum possible value of the parameter.