java.lang.Object | |
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This class contains all the enums and setting classes for the DJI Camera.
Nested Classes | |||||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAntiFlicker | Camera anti-flicker values. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraAperture | Camera aperture values. | |||||||||
class | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraApertureRange | ||||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraContrast | Camera contrast. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraCustomSettings | Camera user settings. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraDeletePhotoOperation | Camera Delete Photo Operation Define (Support Lists: Inspire1) | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraDigitalFilter | Camera digital filters. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureCompensation | Camera exposure compensation values. | |||||||||
class | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureCompensationRange | ||||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureMode | Camera exposure modes. | |||||||||
class | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraExposureModeRange | ||||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraFileIndexMode | File index modes. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraISO | Camera ISO values. | |||||||||
class | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraISORange | ||||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusMode | Supported only by X5 Camera Camera focus mode. |
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensFocusStatus | Supported only by X5 Camera The focusing status of the camera's lens. |
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraLensType | Supported only by X5 Camera The enum type camera lens. |
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMediaFileDeleteStatus | The file deletion status when deleting a file as the camera is in Playback MODE. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMediaFileType | Showing media file types when the camera is in Playback mode. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMeteringMode | Camera exposure metering values. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraMode | Camera modes. | |||||||||
class | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraModeRange | ||||||||||
class | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraOpticalZoomSpec | Zoom lens profile. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraOrientation | Physical orientation of the camera. | |||||||||
class | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAEBParam | AEB continue capture parameter values. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoAspectRatio | Camera's photo ratios, where the first value is the width and the second value is the height. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoBurstCount | The amount of photos taken in one burst shot (shooting photo in burst mode). | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoFileFormat | Camera photo storage formats. | |||||||||
class | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoIntervalParam | Sets the number of pictures, and the time interval between pictures for the Interval capture shoot photo mode. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoQuality | Photo quality of the JPEG image. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPhotoTimeLapseFileFormat | File format for camera when it is in time-lapse mode. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraPlaybackMode | A playback mode represents a task that the Playback manager is executing. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraSSDVideoDigitalFilter | Camera digital filters for videos that will be stored in SSD with Apple ProRes codecs. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraSharpness | Camera sharpness values. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShootPhotoMode | The camera work mode for ShootPhoto has several modes within its definition. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShutterSpeed | Camera's shutter speed options. | |||||||||
class | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraShutterSpeedRange | ||||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalDigitalZoomScale | Supported only by thermal Camera The digital zoom. |
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalExternalParamProfile | User defined parameters. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalFFCMode | Supported only by thermal Camera The FFC mode. |
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalFrameRateUpperBound | Supported only by thermal Camera The frame rate upper bound. |
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalGainMode | Supported only by thermal Camera The gain mode. |
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalIsothermUnit | Supported only by thermal Camera The unit for Isotherm. |
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalLensFocalLength | Supported only by thermal Camera The lens model. |
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalPalette | Supported only by thermal imaging camera Different color palettes can be used to show different temperatures in the thermal image. |
class | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalProfile | Supported only by thermal Camera The profile of thermal imaging camera, which includes information about resolution, frame rate and focal length. |
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalROI | Supported only by thermal imaging camera Region of interest. |
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalResolution | Supported only by thermal Camera The resolution of thermal imaging camera. |
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraThermalScene | Supported only by thermal imaging camera Use the Scene option to instantly enhance your image. |
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFileFormat | Video storage formats. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFrameRate | Camera video frame rate values. | |||||||||
class | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoFrameRateRange | ||||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoPlaybackOperation | Camera Video Playback Operation Define (Support Lists: Inspire1) | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolution | Camera video resolution values. | |||||||||
class | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolutionAndFrameRateRange | ||||||||||
class | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoResolutionRange | ||||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraVideoStandard | Video standard values. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.CameraWhiteBalance | Camera white balance values. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.OpticalZoomDirection | The direction to adjust the camera zoom (camera focal length). | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.OpticalZoomSpeed | The speed of lens to zoom. | |||||||||
enum | DJICameraSettingsDef.VideoFileCompressionStandard | The compression standard used to store the video files. |
Public Constructors | |||||||||||
DJICameraSettingsDef() |
Inherited Methods | |||||||||||
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