


DJIBatteryAggregationState Provides a real time summary of the aggregated battery system. 
DJIBatteryCell Class that contains battery cell voltage data. 
DJIBatteryOverview Provides an overview of a battery - used when multiple batteries are deployed on one product. 
DJIBatteryState DJIBatteryState is used to keep track of the real-time state of the battery. 
DJIBatteryWarningInformation This class is used to keep a record of any unusual status for the battery in the past 30 discharge. 


DJIBatteryLowCellVoltageOperation Defines aircraft operation when the cell voltage is low. 
DJIBatteryPairStatus Battery pairing state for batteries that can be paired. 
DJIBatteryStatus Created by petyrzhan on 6/28/16.