public class



Class Overview

Created by dji on 16/11/2.


Public Constructors
Public Methods
void getBatteryPairStatus(DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJIBatteryPairStatus> callback)
A battery's full charge capacity reduces a little every time it goes through a discharge and recharge cycle.
void setBatteryPairStatus(DJIBatteryPairStatus status, DJICommonCallbacks.DJICompletionCallback callback)
void setBatteryStateUpdateCallback(DJIBattery.DJIBatteryStateUpdateCallback callback)
Sets up the callback for updating the battery state.

Public Constructors

public DJIInspire2Battery ()

Public Methods

public void getBatteryPairStatus (DJICompletionCallbackWith<DJIBatteryPairStatus> callback)

A battery's full charge capacity reduces a little every time it goes through a discharge and recharge cycle. Therefore, older batteries that have gone through many cycles will have lower full charge capacity than newer batteries. When multiple batteries are used simultaneously in a product, the aggregate full charge capacity will be limited by the battery with lowest full charge capacity. To optimize the amount of energy delivered by a battery over its lifetime to a product, batteries should be matched or paired with other batteries of similar full charge capacity. The operational challenges of always using paired batteries can be alleviated using the battery pairing interfaces. This method can then be used to determine if the installed battery combination is a previously assigned pair or not. Only supported by Inspire 2.

callback Completion block that receives the getter execution result.

public void setBatteryPairStatus (DJIBatteryPairStatus status, DJICommonCallbacks.DJICompletionCallback callback)

public void setBatteryStateUpdateCallback (DJIBattery.DJIBatteryStateUpdateCallback callback)

Sets up the callback for updating the battery state.