Class that is used to manage virtual stick. It is used to enable/disable the virtual stick mode. It also provides the ability to listen the virtual stick values.
Open the virtual stick mode. Note: 1. For flight safety, when the aircraft is close(about 30 meters) to the restricted flight zone or restricted distance, the remote controller will get the control of the aircraft, and the virtual stick cannot be used. 2. The virtual stick normal mode supports obstacle avoidance by default. 3. In the virtual stick advanced mode, obstacle avoidance is supported only when the vertical control Mode is velocity mode, the yaw control mode is angular velocity mode, and the roll pitch control mode is velocity mode. 4. Currently, only M300 RTK, M350 RTK, M30 series, Mavic 3E series and Mavic 3M aircraft support obstacle avoidance in virtual joystick mode. 5. For aircraft models Mavic 3E series, and Mavic 3M, if the firmware version is below V7.01.10.03, obstacle sensing will be disabled when virtual stick mode is activated. We recommend updating the aircraft to the latest firmware version for optimal functionality.
Enable virtual stick advanced mode. In advanced mode, the control data of left stick getLeftStick and right stick getLeftStick will no longer take effect, you can call sendVirtualStickAdvancedParam to set more advanced control parameters for use with more complex application scenarios, such as using a virtual stick to implement waypoint-related functions.
Developers can send control parameters at a specific frequency according to their own needs. The recommended sending frequency is between 5Hz and 25Hz.
For detailed usage of advanced control parameters, please refer to Virtual stick
For advanced control parameter ranges, please refer to: VirtualStickRange.