This class is perception management class, which is used to turn on and turn off the obstacle avoidance switch, set the type of obstacle avoidance, set warning distance, braking distance and other functions. At the same time, you can call getRadarManager to get the information and data of the millimeter-wave radar accessories (if installed).
Turn on or turn off the the main switch of obstacle avoidance. MSDK will automatically turn on or turn off all the sub switch of obstacle avoidance at the same time.
Note: This interface has been deprecated since MSDK 5.1.0. Please call setObstacleAvoidanceType to set the obstacle avoidance type to BRAKE or CLOSE to turn on or turn off the obstacle avoidance switch. For mmWave radar accessories, you need to call setObstacleAvoidanceEnabled to turn on or turn off the obstacle avoidance switch.
Supported since MSDK 5.0.0
Input Parameters:
boolean isEnabled
true means turn on the main switch of obstacle avoidance.
Return whether to turn on the main switch of obstacle avoidance or not.
Note: This interface has been deprecated since MSDK 5.1.0. Please call getObstacleAvoidanceType to get whether the obstacle avoidance switch is enabled. For millimeter wave radar accessories, you need to call getObstacleAvoidanceEnabled to get whether the obstacle avoidance switch is enabled.
Turn on or turn off the sub switch of obstacle avoidance. Note: For aircraft that do not support BRAKE, such as Mini 3 and Mini 3 Pro, the obstacle avoidance sub switch cannot be turned on or off.
Supported since MSDK 5.0.0
Input Parameters:
boolean isEnabled
true means that turn on the sub switch of obstacle avoidance.
Open or close the vision positioning. Vision positioning system help aircraft hover and support landing protection when GPS signal is weak. Disable downward vision system will disable landing protection.
Open or close the precise landing. When the aircraft takes off vertically to a height of at least 7 m, it will automatically collect information for the area around the takeoff point. When the aircraft finishes collecting information, precise landing will be available during RTH.
Beaking. The aircraft will hover automatically when obstacles are detected.
Bypass. The aircraft will choose automatically to bypass the obstacles or to hover when obstacles are detected.
Close. horizontal, upward and downward obstacle avoidance are unavailable. Aircraft will not automatically brake and bypass when obstacles are detected.