DJI Mobile SDK Documentation

      class CameraStreamSettingsInfo

      class CameraStreamSettingsInfo extends MSDKDJIValue
      Inherits From:MSDKDJIValue

      Storage settings for taking pictures or recording videos. You can choose the lens you need to take pictures, record and store.

      Class Members:


      method getRequestCurrentScreen
      boolean getRequestCurrentScreen()

      true means to store the media files generated by the current live video stream when taking pictures or recording videos. You can get the video source type of the current live video stream through KeyCameraVideoStreamSource.
      If it is in the camera mode, the stored photo is the photo of the video source of the current lens, but in the split-screen mode PIP of the infrared lens, it is a screenshot of the image transmission.
      If it is in recording mode, the stored video is the image transmitted by the current lens, not a high-definition video.

      booleantrue means to store the media files generated by the current live video stream when taking pictures or recording videos.
      method setRequestCurrentScreen
      CameraStreamSettingsInfo setRequestCurrentScreen(boolean requestCurrentScreen)

      To set whether to store the media file generated by the current live video stream when taking a picture or recording a video. You can get the video source type of the current live video stream through KeyCameraVideoStreamSource. Notice:
      If it is in the camera mode, the stored photo is the photo of the video source of the current lens, but in the split-screen mode PIP of the infrared lens, it is a screenshot of the image transmission.
      If it is in recording mode, the stored video is the image transmitted by the current lens, not a high-definition video.

      Input Parameters:
      boolean requestCurrentScreentrue means to store the media file generated by the current live video stream when taking a picture or recording a video.
      CameraStreamSettingsInfoReturn this.
      method getCameraVideoStreamSources
      List<CameraVideoStreamSourceType> getCameraVideoStreamSources()

      To get the list of shooting video source types that need to store media files.

      List<CameraVideoStreamSourceType>Return the list of shooting video source types that need to store media files.
      method setCameraVideoStreamSources
      CameraStreamSettingsInfo setCameraVideoStreamSources(List<CameraVideoStreamSourceType> cameraVideoStreamSources)

      To set lens video source type that needs to store media files. It can be set to store multiple lens video sources.

      Input Parameters:
      List<CameraVideoStreamSourceType> cameraVideoStreamSourcesLens video source type that needs to store media files.
      CameraStreamSettingsInfoReturn this.