DJI Mobile SDK Documentation

      class DJIValue

      interface DJIValue

      Base class for all Value classes supported by MSDK.

      Class Members:


      enum GimbalResetType
      enum GimbalResetType implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Gimbal reset mode.

      Enum Members:
      PITCH_YAWReset the pitch and yaw axes back to the center.
      ONLY_PITCHOnly reset the pitch axis back to the center.
      ONLY_YAWOnly reset the yaw axis back to the center.
      ONLY_ROLLOnly reset the roll axis back to the center.
      PITCH_UP_OR_DOWN_WITH_YAW_CENTERReset the pitch axis down or up and reset the yaw axis back to the center. Face up when the gimbal is down, face down when the gimbal is up.
      PITCH_UP_OR_DOWNOnly reset the pitch axis down or up. Face up when the gimbal is down, face down when the gimbal is up.
      Class Members:
      enum GimbalAngleRotationMode
      enum GimbalAngleRotationMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Gimbal angle rotation mode.

      Enum Members:
      RELATIVE_ANGLERelative angle mode. The rotation value set here is the angle value relative to the current angle of the gimbal. For example, the pitch rotation value is set to 30 degrees, then the gimbal will rotate upward by 30 degrees based on the current pitch angle.
      ABSOLUTE_ANGLEAbsolute angle mode. 0 degree is the current attitude angle of aircraft. For example, pitch rotation value is set to 30 degrees, then the gimbal will rotate upward by 30 degrees based on the current aircraft pitch angle.
      Class Members:
      enum GimbalCalibrationState
      enum GimbalCalibrationState implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Gimbal automatic calibration status.

      Enum Members:
      IDLECalibration not started or calibration completed.
      FAILEDCalibration failed.
      Class Members:
      enum GimbalMode
      enum GimbalMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Gimbal working mode.

      Enum Members:
      FREEGimbal free mode. In this mode, even if the aircraft attitude changes, the gimbal and camera attitude will remain the same.
      YAW_FOLLOWGimbal yaw following mode. In this mode, the yaw angle of the gimbal will change with the yaw angle of the aircraft, and the pitch and roll angles of the gimbal and camera are free to be controlled
      FPVGimbal FPV mode. In this mode, the yaw and roll angles of the gimbal will change with the yaw and roll angles of the aircraft.
      Class Members:
      enum LightGimbal
      enum LightGimbal implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Searchlight gimbal type.

      Enum Members:
      LEFTLeft gimbal.
      RIGHTRight gimbal.
      Class Members:


      Gain Mode
      enum ThermalGainMode
      enum ThermalGainMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Thermal gain mode.

      Enum Members:
      LOWLow gain mode.
      HIGHHigh gain mode.
      Class Members:
      Laser Measure State
      enum LaserMeasureState
      enum LaserMeasureState implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Laser measure state.

      Enum Members:
      NORMALThe laser sensor's measuring state is normal.
      TOO_CLOSEThe laser sensor is too close to the target object.
      TOO_FARThe laser sensor is too far away from the target object.
      NO_SIGNALThe laser sensor cannot provide location information, please make sure that the aircraft is used with a good GPS signal.
      Class Members:
      Display Mode
      enum ThermalDisplayMode
      enum ThermalDisplayMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Display mode of the infrared lens.

      Enum Members:
      THERMAL_ONLYInfrared explicit mode. Only the thermal image of the infrared camera is displayed.
      PIPSplit screen display mode. The images of the infrared camera and the zoom camera are displayed on a left-right split screen.
      Class Members:
      enum MultiSpectralDisplayMode
      enum MultiSpectralDisplayMode

      Display mode of the multispectral lens.

      Enum Members:
      NDVI_ONLYNDVI display mode. Only the NDVI image is displayed.
      PIPSplit screen display mode. The images of the NDVI lens and the RGB lens are displayed on a left-right split screen.
      Class Members:
      Night Scene Mode
      enum CameraNightSceneMode
      enum CameraNightSceneMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Night scene mode.

      Enum Members:
      DISABLEDisable night scene mode.
      ENABLEEnable night scene mode. Denoise level and IR cut functions are supported in this mode. If you enabled the denoise levle, you can further enhance the image quality, but it will further reduce the recording frame rate. Please use this function with caution in situations that have high requirements for real-time performance of the image. If IR cut is enabled, the zoom lens will remove the infrared filter to improve shooting results in low-light environments, and the camera only provides grayscale images.
      AUTOAutomatic night scene mode, the camera automatically turns on night scene mode in low-light environments.
      Class Members:
      Camera Mode
      enum CameraMode
      enum CameraMode

      Settable camera mode.

      Enum Members:
      PHOTO_NORMALCamera mode is set to normal photo mode. The M30 camera will take two photos by default, a wide-angle photo and a zoom photo. The M30T camera will take three photos by default, namely wide-angle photos, zoom photos and infrared photos. You can choose to store the photos you need through KeyCaptureCameraStreamSettings.
      VIDEO_NORMALCamera mode is set to normal record mode. The M30 camera will record two videos by default, a wide-angle video and a zoom video. The M30T camera will shoot three videos by default, namely wide-angle video, zoom video and infrared video. You can choose to store the videos you need through KeyRecordCameraStreamSettings.
      PHOTO_HYPER_LIGHTCamera mode is set to intelligent photo mode. In a dimly lit environment, the camera will automatically simulate a long exposure for shooting, which can shoot the object more clearly. It only takes effect when the zoom lens is zoomed above 5x.
      PHOTO_AEBThe camera mode is set to AEB automatic exposure bracketing mode, which is a mode for obtaining correct exposure photos by taking multiple photos with different exposures of the same object and surrounding them together.
      PHOTO_BURSTThe camera mode is set to BURST mode, which is a mode to take multiple photos at once.
      PHOTO_HIGH_RESOLUTIONSets the camera to the high resolution mode. In this mode, the camera will take photos with a resolution of 48MP.
      PHOTO_INTERVALCamera mode is set to interval photo mode. Set the camera to take one at a set time interval. You can set the timed photo parameters through KeyPhotoIntervalShootSettings. setCount is used to set the total number of shots, setInterval is used to set the time interval for taking photos, since the camera needs a response time to take photos, the minimum photo interval needs to be set to more than 2 seconds. After setting this mode, you need to call KeyStartShootPhoto to take pictures regularly. During the timed photo shooting, you can call KeyStopShootPhoto to stop the timed photo shooting.
      PHOTO_SUPER_RESOLUTIONCamera mode is set to super resolution photo mode. In this mode, dragging to select an area in the wide-angle view, the gimbal will automatically move and take a series of 20MP photos of the selected area with the zoom camera at the current zoom ratio. All photos and generated HTML files will be saved in the same folder on the microSD card. To view the global photo and partial close-up photo, please open the HTML file with a browser on your PC for viewing. If you want to view the global photo and local close-up photo in the application, please use KeySuperResolutionCaptureArea to set the super resolution capture area. Use KeySuperResolutionInfo to monitor the camera state of super resolution shooting. After setting this mode, you need to call KeyStartShootPhoto to take a photo with the super resolution During the shooting process, you can call KeyStopShootPhoto to stop the timed super resolution photo shooting.
      PHOTO_PANORAMACamera mode is set to panoramic photo mode. The aircraft took a series of photos at different gimbal angles and aircraft headings. This set of photos can be stitched into panoramic photos using third-party libraries. The panorama photo mode can be set by KeyPhotoPanoramaMode, the panorama photo mode can be judged by KeyIsShootingPhotoPanorama, and the progress of panorama photo can be obtained by KeyPhotoPanoramaProgress. After setting this mode, you need to call KeyStartShootPhoto to take a panoramic photo. During the shooting process, you can call KeyStopShootPhoto to stop panorama shooting.
      Panoramic photo mode can only be activated after the aircraft takes off.
      Class Members:
      store information
      enum CameraStorageLocation
      enum CameraStorageLocation implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Camera store type.

      Enum Members:
      SDCARDSD Card.
      INTERNALOnboard memory.
      Class Members:
      Display Position
      enum ThermalPIPPosition
      enum ThermalPIPPosition implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Possible positions to place the window of the thermal camera video feed when the KeyThermalDisplayMode is PIP.

      Enum Members:
      SIDE_BY_SIDEPosition the thermal window on the right side of the main window (the visual camera video feed). Scale both windows with the same height.
      Class Members:
      Video Resolution
      enum VideoResolution
      enum VideoResolution implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Type of video resolution.

      Enum Members:
      RESOLUTION_640x512The video resolution is 640x512.
      RESOLUTION_1920x1080The video resolution is 1920x1080.
      RESOLUTION_3840x2160The video resolution is 3840x2160.
      Class Members:
      enum CameraThermalPalette
      enum CameraThermalPalette implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Thermal palette. Distinct colors are used to show temperature differences in the thermal image, which are related to grayscale intensity. The temperature range of the image is mapped to 256 colors and displayed in the 8-bit JPEG or MP4 format.

      Enum Members:
      WHITE_HOTWhite Hot. The most commonly used pseudo color, using white for high temperatures and black for low temperatures, which is a natural association for people.
      BLACK_HOTBlack Hot. The opposite to White Hot, using black for warmer objects and white for cooler objects. The heat distribution of high temperature targets can be better observed when outdoors.
      RED_HOTRed Hot. Use black and white for low temperature and eye-catching red for high temperature, which can quickly detect high temperature targets. Suitable for high-contrast environments, accurately and quickly find high-temperature targets at night. Appears as Tint in DJI Pilot.
      IRONBOW1Iron Red. This palette displays nuanced differences in heat signatures, quickly displaying anomalies and human bodies. Hotter objects appear as light warm colors and colder objects appear as dark cool colors.
      COLOR2Hot Iron. Red represents high temperatures, and cool colors represent low temperatures. It is able to identify hot targets quickly while showing the details of cool targets.
      ICE_FIREArctic. Uses the same palette as Medical, except switching the purple for a cool blue to better reflect temperature changes.
      GREEN_HOTGreen Hot. Use different colors to show small temperature differences, best suited for scenes with small heat changes. In low contrast conditions, objects and slight temperature changes can still be detected, and it is now commonly used in the medical field to better display the temperature distribution of the human body. Appears as Medical in DJI Pilot.
      COLOR1Fulgurite. Dark red represents low temperatures and white represents high temperatures. The warm tone of this palette aligns with people’s association with hot temperatures.
      RAINBOWRainbow 1. Similar to Medical, it reduces the warm color ratio and increases the cold color ratio for high temperature targets to better show the details of cool targets.
      RAINRainbow 2. The color transition is reduced, the warm and cold colors are moderately proportioned, which can show the details of high and low temperature targets at the same time.
      Class Members:
      LED Close
      enum AutoTurnOffLEDMode
      enum AutoTurnOffLEDMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The mode that automatically turns off LED when shooting photo and recording video.

      Enum Members:
      DISABLEDThe arm LED will not be automatically turned off when shooting photo and recording video.
      FRONT_LEDS_ONLYThe front LED and light LED will be automatically turned off when shooting photo and recording video.
      BACK_LEDS_ONLYThe back LED and light LED will be automatically turned off when shooting photo and recording video.
      ALL_LEDSThe front LED, back LED and night LED will be automaticallu turned off when shooting photo and recording video.
      Class Members:
      Denoise Level
      enum CameraDenoiseLevel
      enum CameraDenoiseLevel implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Denoise level settings.

      Enum Members:
      DISABLEDisable denoise level.
      STANDARDStandard level. Corresponding to the low level of DJI Pilot, the image transmission and video frame rate is 25fps.
      ENHANCEEnhance level. Corresponding to the mid-level DJI Pilot, the image transmission and video frame rate is 15fps.
      EXTRAExtra level, corresponding to the high level of DJI Pilot, with image transmission and video frame rate of 5fps.
      Class Members:
      Shutter Speed
      enum CameraShutterSpeed
      enum CameraShutterSpeed implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Shutter speed range.

      Enum Members:
      SHUTTER_SPEED_AUTOThe shutter speed of the camera is set to AUTO. Not available when the exposure mode is MANUAL.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_20000The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/20000 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_16000The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/16000 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_12800The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/12800 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_10000The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/10000 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_8000The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/8000 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_6400The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/6400 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_6000The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/6000 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_5000The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/5000 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_4000The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/4000 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_3200The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/3200 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_3000The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/3000 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_2500The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/2500 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_2000The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/2000 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_1600The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/1600 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_1500The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/1500 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_1250The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/1250 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_1000The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/1000 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_800The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/800 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_725The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/725 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_640The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/640 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_500The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/500 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_400The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/400 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_350The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/350 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_320The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/320 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_250The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/250 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_240The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/240 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_200The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/200 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_180The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/180 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_160The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/160 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_125The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/125 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_120The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/120 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_100The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/100 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_90The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/90 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_80The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/80 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_60The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/60 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_50The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/50 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_40The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/40 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_30The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/30 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_25The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/25 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_20The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/20 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_15The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/15 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_12DOT5The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/12.5 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_10The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/10 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_8The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/8秒。
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_6DOT25The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/6.25 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_5The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/5 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_4The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/4 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_3The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/3 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_2DOT5The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/2.5 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_2The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/2 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_1DOT67The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/1.67 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1_1DOT25The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1/1.25 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1DOT3The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1.3 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED1DOT6The shutter speed of the camera is set to 1.6 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED2The shutter speed of the camera is set to 2.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED2DOT5The shutter speed of the camera is set to 2.5 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED3The shutter speed of the camera is set to 3.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED3DOT2The shutter speed of the camera is set to 3.2 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED4The shutter speed of the camera is set to 4.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED5The shutter speed of the camera is set to 5.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED6The shutter speed of the camera is set to 6.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED7The shutter speed of the camera is set to 7.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED8The shutter speed of the camera is set to 8.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED9The shutter speed of the camera is set to 9.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED10The shutter speed of the camera is set to 10.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED11The shutter speed of the camera is set to 11.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED13The shutter speed of the camera is set to 13.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED15The shutter speed of the camera is set to 15.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED16The shutter speed of the camera is set to 16.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED20The shutter speed of the camera is set to 20.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED23The shutter speed of the camera is set to 23.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED25The shutter speed of the camera is set to 25.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED30The shutter speed of the camera is set to 30.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED40The shutter speed of the camera is set to 40.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED50The shutter speed of the camera is set to 50.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED60The shutter speed of the camera is set to 60.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED80The shutter speed of the camera is set to 80.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED100The shutter speed of the camera is set to 100.0 s.
      SHUTTER_SPEED120The shutter speed of the camera is set to 120.0 s.
      Class Members:
      hybrid Zoom
      Infrared Function
      enum ThermalScene
      enum ThermalScene implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Thermal scene.

      Enum Members:
      DEFAULTDefault scene. Automatically adjust DDE, ACE, SSO, Brightness and Contrast.
      MANUALCustomized scene. Allows manual setting of DDE, brightness and contrast.
      INSPECTIONInspection scene. Automatically adjust DDE, ACE, SSO, brightness and contrast, with presets optimized for inspection scenarios.
      Class Members:
      Photo Shooting and Video Recording Storage
      Super Resolutio Photo
      enum SuperResolutionState
      enum SuperResolutionState implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The status of super resolution photo.

      Enum Members:
      SELECTINGThe super resolution photo area is selecting. You can use KeySuperResolutionCaptureArea to set the super resolution photo area.
      IN_PROGRESSThe super resolution photo is shooting.
      FINISHThe super resolution photo shooting has ended.
      EXIT_OUT_OF_STORAGEStop shooting, because there is no more storage.
      EXIT_SHOOT_FAILStop shooting, because shooting is failed.
      EXIT_GIMBAL_BLOCKStop shooting, because the gimbal is stuck.
      EXIT_GIMBAL_ABNORMAL_MOVEStop shooting, because the gimbal cannot move or the gimbal is abnormal.
      TIP_GIMBAL_OUT_OF_RANGEStop shooting, because the gimbal angle exceeds the maximum limit.
      TIP_OUT_OF_ZOOMCamera zoom out of maximum range.
      Class Members:
      Media Type
      enum MediaFileType
      enum MediaFileType implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Type of media file.

      Enum Members:
      JPEGThe media file type is JPEG photo.
      DNGThe media file type is DNG photo.
      MOVThe media file type is MOV video.
      MP4The media file type is MP4 video.
      Class Members:
      Zoom Ratios
      Video Mime Type
      enum VideoMimeType
      enum VideoMimeType implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Camera video mime type.

      Enum Members:
      H264H264, with good compatibility.
      H265265, to save storage space. If the device does not support it, it may cause abnormal video playback or sharing.
      Class Members:
      enum VideoRecordPlan
      enum VideoRecordPlan implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Camera record mode.

      Enum Members:
      DEFAULTDefalt. Normal recording mode.
      PRE_RECORDPre-record mode.
      Class Members:
      enum VideoRecordingState
      enum VideoRecordingState implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Video recording state.

      Enum Members:
      IDLEIDLE, video not recorded.
      STARTINGStarting, video is starting recording.
      RECORDINGRecording, video is recording.
      STOPPINGStopping, Video is stopping recording
      PRE_RECORDINGPre-recording, video is pre-recording.
      Class Members:
      enum VideoPreRecordDuration
      enum VideoPreRecordDuration implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Pre-record duration.

      Enum Members:
      DURATION_5_SEC5 second.
      DURATION_10_SEC10 second.
      DURATION_15_SEC15 second.
      DURATION_30_SEC30 second.
      DURATION_60_SEC60 second.
      Class Members:
      Photo Format
      enum PhotoFileFormat
      enum PhotoFileFormat implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The type of photo format.

      Enum Members:
      RAWPhoto format is set to RAW.
      JPEGPhoto format is set to JPEG.
      RAW_JPEGPhoto format is set to RAW+JPEG.
      Class Members:
      Dehaze Level
      enum DehazeLevel
      enum DehazeLevel implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Camera dehaze level.

      Enum Members:
      LEVEL_1Level 1. corresponds to the low level of DJI Pilot and the normal settings.
      LEVEL_2Level 2. Reserved level, currently not supported, setting is invalid.
      LEVEL_3Level 3. Corresponds to the high level of DJI Pilot.
      LEVEL_4Level 4. Reserved level, currently not supported, setting is invalid.
      Class Members:
      Dehaze Mode
      enum DehazeMode
      enum DehazeMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Camera dehaze mode.

      Enum Members:
      DISABLEDisable dehaze mode.
      ENABLEEnable dehaze mode.
      AUTODehaze mode will automaic turn on.
      Class Members:
      Video Source Type
      enum CameraVideoStreamSourceType
      enum CameraVideoStreamSourceType

      Video Source Type supported by the camera.

      Enum Members:
      DEFAULT_CAMERADefault. Single lens cameras use this lens type by default.
      RGB_CAMERAMultispectral RGB.
      NDVI_CAMERAMultispectral NDVI.
      MS_G_CAMERAMultispectral G.
      MS_R_CAMERAMultispectral R.
      MS_RE_CAMERAMultispectral RE.
      MS_NIR_CAMERAMultispectral NIR.
      POINT_CLOUD_CAMERAPoint Cloud. Only Supported by Zenmuse L2.
      VISION_CAMERAVisible light. Only supports Mavic 3E series and Mavic 3M.
      Class Members:
      enum ThermalROI
      enum ThermalROI implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Thermal ROI.

      Enum Members:
      FULLFull screen.
      SKY_EXCLUDED33The sky area is excluded (33%).
      SKY_EXCLUDED50The sky area is excluded (50%).
      Class Members:
      Temperature Measurement Mode
      enum ThermalTemperatureMeasureMode
      enum ThermalTemperatureMeasureMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Thermal temperature measurement mode.

      Enum Members:
      SPOTSpot measurement mode.
      REGIONRegion measurement mode.
      CENTRAL_POINT_METERINGCenter point measurement mode. As the camera picture changes, the temperature of the center point of the picture can be listen through KeyThermalSpotMetersureTemperature, which only supports H30 series cameras.
      Class Members:
      Multipectral Fusion Type
      enum MultiSpectralFusionType
      enum MultiSpectralFusionType implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Fusion types supported by multispectral cameras.

      Enum Members:
      NDVINDVI, displays the NVDI (normalized difference vegetation index) frames as video feed produced by the multispectral camera.
      GNDVIGNDVI, displays the GNVDI (green normalized difference vegetation index) frames as video feed produced by the multispectral camera.
      NDRENDRE, displays the NDRE (normalized difference red edge index) frames as video feed produced by the multispectral camera.
      Class Members:
      Laser Working Mode
      enum LaserWorkMode
      enum LaserWorkMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Laser working mode.

      Enum Members:
      OPEN_ON_DEMANDOpen the laser based on requirement. In this mode, the laser is only turned on when necessary, and the laser module can be turned on or off through KeyLaserMeasureEnabled. After the laser module is turned off, the laser-assisted focusing function is disabled, and the camera's focusing ability is weakened. When using the night vision module and the Tyndall phenomenon occurs, you can choose this mode to turn off the laser module. The laser module will revert to enhanced mode after restarting the camera.
      OPEN_ALWAYSEnhanced mode. The laser module will be turned on by default. In this mode, functions such as laser-assisted focusing, intelligent tracking, spot positioning, and laser ranging can be used normally.
      Class Members:
      Infinity Calibration
      enum InfinityCalibrationState
      enum InfinityCalibrationState implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Infinity calibration state.

      Enum Members:
      NOT_CALIBRATENot calibrated. If the camera lens is not calibrated, the cameara focus will be affected. Please call KeyStartInfinityCalibration for infinity calibration.
      WAITING_FOR_CALIBRATEWaiting for calibration.
      Class Members:
      enum InfinityCalibrationResult
      enum InfinityCalibrationResult implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Infinity calibration result.

      Enum Members:
      TOOCLOSECalibration failed. The calibrated object is too close to the aircraft.
      ERRORCalibration failed, the focus area is wrong or the calibration data is read and written incorrectly, please try again.
      Class Members:
      Camera Type
      enum CameraType
      enum CameraType

      Supported camera types.

      Enum Members:
      M3EM3E dual light camera.
      M3TM3T triple light camera.
      M3MM3 multispectral camera.
      M30M30 dual light camera.
      M30TM30T triple light camera.
      ZENMUSE_H30Zenmuse H30 dual light camera.
      ZENMUSE_H30TZenmuse H30T triple light camera.
      ZENMUSE_H20Zenmuse H20 dual light camera.
      ZENMUSE_H20TZenmuse H20T triple light camera.
      ZENMUSE_P1Zenmuse P1 camera.
      ZENMUSE_L1Zenmuse L1 camera.
      ZENMUSE_L2Zenmuse L2 camera.
      Class Members:
      Laser Measure Information
      Video Format
      enum VideoFileFormat
      enum VideoFileFormat implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Type of video format.

      Enum Members:
      MOVThe video format is MOV.
      MP4The video format is MP4.
      Class Members:
      Panoramic Photo
      enum PhotoPanoramaMode
      enum PhotoPanoramaMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Panoramic photo of camera.

      Enum Members:
      MODE_3x1The camera will take 1 column of 3 photos. Each photo uses the same aircraft heading angle and different gimbal angles to take photos.
      MODE_3x3The camera will take 9 pictures in 3 columns and 3 rows. The photos in each column were taken with different aircraft heading angles. Each row of photos is taken with different gimbal angles.
      MODE_SPHEREThe camera will take 24 photos in 8 columns, 3 rows and an additional photo with the gimbal facing down. The photos in each column were taken with different aircraft heading angles. Each row of photos is taken with different gimbal angles.
      Class Members:
      Multispectral Fusion Display Range
      Exposure Mode
      enum CameraExposureMode
      enum CameraExposureMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The type of exposure mode.

      Enum Members:
      MANUALExposure mode is set to manual exposure. In this mode the shutter can be adjusted manually, the aperture is fixed, and the ISO can be adjusted manually.
      PROGRAMExposure mode is set to auto exposure. In this mode, the shutter speed is automatically adjusted, the aperture is fixed, and the ISO is automatically adjusted.
      SHUTTER_PRIORITYExposure mode is set to shutter priority exposure.
      APERTURE_PRIORITYExposure mode is set to aperture priority exposure。
      Class Members:
      enum CameraISO
      enum CameraISO implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      ISO range.

      Enum Members:
      ISO_AUTOISO value is set to AUTO. Not available when the exposure mode is MANUAL.
      ISO_50ISO value is set to 50.
      ISO_100ISO value is set to 100.
      ISO_200ISO value is set to 200.
      ISO_400ISO value is set to 400.
      ISO_800ISO value is set to 800.
      ISO_1600ISO value is set to 1600.
      ISO_3200ISO value is set to 3200.
      ISO_6400ISO value is set to 6400.
      ISO_12800ISO value is set to 12800.
      ISO_25600ISO value is set to 25600.
      Class Members:
      Exposure Compensation
      enum CameraExposureCompensation
      enum CameraExposureCompensation implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The range of exposure compensation.

      Enum Members:
      NEG_5P0EVExposure compensation is set to -5.0ev.
      NEG_4P7EVExposure compensation is set to -4.7ev.
      NEG_4P3EVExposure compensation is set to -4.3ev.
      NEG_4P0EVExposure compensation is set to -4.0ev.
      NEG_3P7EVExposure compensation is set to -3.7ev.
      NEG_3P3EVExposure compensation is set to -3.3ev.
      NEG_3P0EVExposure compensation is set to -3.0ev.
      NEG_2P7EVExposure compensation is set to -2.7ev.
      NEG_2P3EVExposure compensation is set to -2.3ev.
      NEG_2P0EVExposure compensation is set to -2.0ev.
      NEG_1P7EVExposure compensation is set to -1.7ev.
      NEG_1P3EVExposure compensation is set to -1.3ev.
      NEG_1P0EVExposure compensation is set to -1.0ev.
      NEG_0P7EVExposure compensation is set to -0.7ev.
      NEG_0P3EVExposure compensation is set to -0.3ev.
      NEG_0EVExposure compensation is set to 0.0ev.
      POS_0P3EVExposure compensation is set to +0.3ev.
      POS_0P7EVExposure compensation is set to +0.7ev.
      POS_1P0EVExposure compensation is set to +1.0ev.
      POS_1P3EVExposure compensation is set to +1.3ev.
      POS_1P7EVExposure compensation is set to +1.7ev.
      POS_2P0EVExposure compensation is set to +2.0ev.
      POS_2P3EVExposure compensation is set to +2.3ev.
      POS_2P7EVExposure compensation is set to +2.7ev.
      POS_3P0EVExposure compensation is set to +3.0ev.
      POS_3P3EVExposure compensation is set to +3.3ev.
      POS_3P7EVExposure compensation is set to +3.7ev.
      POS_4P0EVExposure compensation is set to +4.0ev.
      POS_4P3EVExposure compensation is set to +4.3ev.
      POS_4P7EVExposure compensation is set to +4.7ev.
      POS_5P0EVExposure compensation is set to +5.0ev.
      FIXEDExposure compensation is set to FIXED. The exposure compensation of the camera lens is set by the camera to a fixed value.
      Class Members:
      White Balance
      enum CameraWhiteBalanceMode
      enum CameraWhiteBalanceMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      White balance mode.

      Enum Members:
      WATER_SURFACEWater surface.
      UNDERWATERUnder water.
      INDOOR_INCANDESCENTIndoor incandescent.
      INDOOR_FLUORESCENTIndoor fluorescent.
      Class Members:
      FFC Calibration Mode
      enum ThermalFFCMode
      enum ThermalFFCMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      FFC mode. Automatic or manual FFC calibration can be selected.

      Enum Members:
      AUTOAutomatic FFC calibration. When is set to automatic FFC calibration, the Infrared lens will be automatically calibrated at an interval time.
      MANUALManual FFC calibration. After setting to manual FFC calibration, KeyThermalTriggerFFC can be called to perform manual FFC calibration.
      Class Members:
      Anti Flicker
      enum CameraAntiFlicker
      enum CameraAntiFlicker implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Anti flicker setting type.

      Enum Members:
      ANTI_FLICKER_OFFTurn off anti flicker.
      Class Members:
      Photo and Video Storage
      Video Bitrate Mode
      enum VideoBitrateMode
      enum VideoBitrateMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Camera video bitrate mode.

      Enum Members:
      CBRCBR. Prioritizes keeping the video bitrate constant.
      VBRVBR. Dynamically compresses the video bit rate to save storage space.
      Class Members:
      custom name
      Storage Information
      enum SDCardLoadState
      enum SDCardLoadState implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The state of the SD Card was inserted.

      Enum Members:
      INSERTEDThe SD Card is inserted.
      NOT_INSERTEDThe SD Card is not inserted.
      Class Members:
      Video Frame Rate
      enum VideoFrameRate
      enum VideoFrameRate implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Video frame rate.

      Enum Members:
      RATE_30FPSThe video frame rate is 30fps.
      RATE_60FPSThe video frame rate is 60fps.
      Class Members:
      Regional Temperature Measurement
      Media File
      enum ThermalIsothermUnit
      enum ThermalIsothermUnit implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Unit of the isotherm.

      Enum Members:
      Class Members:
      Focus Mode
      enum CameraFocusMode
      enum CameraFocusMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Camera focus mode.

      Enum Members:
      MANUALManual focus. In this mode, the user can adjust the focus by setting the focus ring value through KeyCameraFocusRingValue. The focus target is the center point of the screen.
      AFAuto focus. In this mode, the user can set the focus target through KeyCameraFocusTarget for auto focusing. Shown as AFS in Pilot.
      AFCContinuous auto focus. In this mode, the camera will focus on the center point of the screen. When the subject is moved, the auto focusing system can adjust the lens in real time according to the change of focus, so that the subject remains clear.
      Class Members:
      Metering Mode
      enum CameraMeteringMode
      enum CameraMeteringMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The metering mode of camera lens.

      Enum Members:
      CENTERCenter metering. In this mode, the camera will meter based on the light at the center of the screen.
      AVERAGEAverage metering. In this mode, the camera will meter based on average screen brightness.
      REGIONArea metering(including spot metering). In this mode, the camera will meter based on the area brightness set by the user.
      Class Members:
      Interval Shooting
      Photo Ratio
      enum PhotoRatio
      enum PhotoRatio implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Type of camera photo ratio.

      Enum Members:
      RATIO_4COLON3The photo ratio is set to 4:3.
      RATIO_16COLON9The photo ratio is set to 16:9.
      RATIO_3COLON2The photo ratio is set to 3:2.
      RATIO_SQUAREThe photo ratio is set to 1:1.
      RATIO_18COLON9The photo ratio is set to 18:9.
      Class Members:
      Super Resolution Photo
      Infrared Zoom
      enum ThermalDigitalZoomFactor
      enum ThermalDigitalZoomFactor implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      IR zoom magnification.

      Enum Members:
      Class Members:
      Photo Size
      enum PhotoSize
      enum PhotoSize implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The type of photo size.

      Enum Members:
      SIZE_DEFAULTThe default size type corresponds to 4K on the Pilot.
      SIZE_LARGEThe large size type corresponds to 4K on the Pilot.
      Class Members:


      Time Data
      Rectangle Data
      Screen Location
      enum ControlLocation
      enum ControlLocation implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Screen location.

      Enum Members:
      LEFT_TOPUpper left.
      LEFT_BOTTOMLower left.
      RIGHT_TOPUpper right.
      RIGHT_BOTTOMLower right.
      Class Members:
      Three dimensional velocity.
      Range of Int Value
      Attitude Data
      Length Unit
      enum LengthUnit
      enum LengthUnit implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Display unit of height and length.

      Enum Members:
      METERMetric units: Meter.
      FOOTImperial units: foot.
      Class Members:
      Range of Float Value
      Three dimensional position coordinates.
      Format of Latitude and Longitude.
      enum LonLatFormat
      enum LonLatFormat implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Display format of latitude and longitude.

      Enum Members:
      DECIMAL_DEGREEDegree format. dd.ddddd°.
      DEGREES_DECIMAL_MINUTESDegree and minute format.dd°mm.mmm'.
      SEXAGESIMAL_DEGREE度分秒格式Degree, minute and second format. dd°mm'ss''.
      Class Members:
      Two Dimensional Float Data
      2D Position Coordinates


      enum ProductType
      enum ProductType implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Product type.

      Enum Members:
      DJI_MAVIC_3_ENTERPRISE_SERIESM3 Enterprise Series.
      M30_SERIESM30 Series.
      M300_RTKM300 RTK.
      M350_RTKM350 RTK.
      DJI_MINI_3DJI Mini 3.
      DJI_MINI_3_PRODJI Mini 3 Pro.
      Class Members:

      Remote Controller

      enum MultiControlAuthorityType
      enum MultiControlAuthorityType implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Available control types, including flight control and gimbal control.

      Enum Members:
      GIMBAL_LEFT_CONTROL_AUTHORITYLeft gimbal control. If there is only one gimbal, this type is the main gimbal control.
      GIMBAL_RIGHT_CONTROL_AUTHORITYRight gimbal control.
      Class Members:
      enum RcFirmwareType
      enum RcFirmwareType implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Remote controller firmware type.

      Enum Members:
      M300_RTKM300 RTK.
      M350_RTKM350 RTK.
      M30_SERIESM30 Series.
      DJI_MINI_3_PRODJI Mini 3 Pro.
      DJI_MINI_3DJI Mini 3.
      Class Members:
      enum MultiControlChannel
      enum MultiControlChannel implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      This class is used to define remote controller muti-control channel. If dual control needs to be realized, the different remote controllers should be set to a different channels, and then pair frequency with the aircraft.
      NOTICE: If remote controller A is already set to A control, and then remote controller B is set to A control to link with the aircraft, the remote controller A will be disconnected from the aircraft and it needs to link again.

      Enum Members:
      CHANNEL_AA control.
      CHANNEL_BB control.
      Class Members:
      enum RemoteControllerType
      enum RemoteControllerType implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Remote controller type.

      Enum Members:
      DJI_RC_PLUSDJI RC PLUS remote controller. It adopts O3 Pro high-definition image transmission technology, which can be used with aircraft that support this image transmission technology, and transmits high-definition images in real time. With the complete function buttons of the remote control, the operation and setting of the aircraft and the camera can be completed. Support M30 series aircraft.
      M300_RTK_RCM300 RTK remote controller.
      Class Members:
      enum ControlMode
      enum ControlMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Remote controller control mode.

      Enum Members:
      JPJapanese mode.
      USAAmerican mode.
      CHChinese mode.
      Class Members:
      enum PairingState
      enum PairingState implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Remote controller frequency pairing status.

      Enum Members:
      UNPAIREDRemote controller is not pairing frequency.
      PAIRINGRemote controller is pairing frequency.
      PAIREDRemote controller pairs frequency successfully.
      Class Members:


      IMU Calibration
      enum IMUCalibrationOrientation
      enum IMUCalibrationOrientation implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The different orientations of the aircraft needs for a multi-orientation IMU calibration. The following illustration takes M30 as an example.

      Enum Members:
      NOSE_DOWNThe front/nose of the aircraft should be pointed down.
      TAIL_DOWNThe back/tail of the aircraft should be pointed down.
      RIGHT_DOWNThe right/starboard side of the aircraft should be pointed down.
      LEFT_DOWNThe left/port side of the aircraft should be pointed down.
      BOTTOM_DOWNThe bottom/underbelly of the aircraft should be pointed down.
      TOP_DOWNThe top of the aircraft should be pointed down.
      Class Members:
      enum IMUCalibrationState
      enum IMUCalibrationState implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      IMU calibraion state.

      Enum Members:
      CALIBRATINGIMU calibration is in progress.
      SUCCESSFULIMU calibraion is successful.
      FAILEDIMU calibraion is falied.
      Class Members:
      enum IMUOrientationCalibrationState
      enum IMUOrientationCalibrationState implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      IMU calibration status for the current aircraft orientation.

      Enum Members:
      CALIBRATINGIMU calibration of current aircraft orientation is in progress.
      SUCCESSFULIMU calibration of current aircraft orientation is successul.
      Class Members:
      Look At Mode
      enum LookAtMode
      enum LookAtMode

      Look at mode.

      Enum Members:
      LOOK_AT_GIMBAL_FREEGimbal free mode, only control the gimbal to look at the target, it will automatically exit after completion.
      LOOK_AT_GIMBAL_FOLLOWINGGimbal following mode, control gimbal and aircraft to look at the target, it will automatically exit after completion.
      Class Members:
      Smart low battery return-to-home
      enum LowBatteryRTHState
      enum LowBatteryRTHState implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Status of smart low battery return-to-home.

      Enum Members:
      IDLESmart low battery return-to-home is not triggered. The status will be reset to this status after the aircraft returns and lands.
      COUNTING_DOWNThe smart low battery return-to-home is triggered, and the aircraft is counting down. If the cancellation of request to return-to-home is not received from the user in 10 seconds, the aircraft will perform the return-to-home operation, and the status will change to EXECUTED. If the user cancels the request to return-to-home, the status will change to CANCELLED.
      EXECUTEDExceed the smart low battery return-to-home. The status will not be reset until the aircraft returned and landed or the return-to-home was canceled midway.
      CANCELLEDThe smart low battery return-to-home is canceled. This status will not be reset until the aircraft lands.
      Class Members:
      Compass Calibration
      enum CompassCalibrationState
      enum CompassCalibrationState implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The calibration status of the compass.

      Enum Members:
      IDLENormal status. The compass is not calibrated.
      HORIZONTALThe horizontal calibration of the compass. The user should horizontally hold the aircraft and rotate it 360 degrees.
      VERTICALThe compass vertical calibration. The user should vertically hold the aircraft and rotate it 360 degrees.
      SUCCEEDEDCompass calibration success.
      FAILEDCompass calibration is failed. The user should make sure there are no magnets or metal objects near the aircraft and retry.
      Class Members:
      Smart Return to Home
      enum GoHomeState
      enum GoHomeState

      Smart return-to-home status.

      Enum Members:
      IDLESmart return-to-home is not triggered. The state of the aircraft will also be reset to this state after returning home and landing.
      RETURNING_TO_HOMEReturning to home.
      COMPLETEDReturn-to-home is complete.
      Class Members:
      enum GoHomeNeedConfirmType
      enum GoHomeNeedConfirmType implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Return-to-home confirm status.

      Enum Members:
      NONENoneed to confirm.
      NORMALThe aircraft detected a complex environment during the Return-to-home process and required user confirmation before continuing the Return-to-home.
      Class Members:
      enum NavigationSatelliteSystem
      enum NavigationSatelliteSystem implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The type of GNSS that can be set.

      Enum Members:
      BEIDOUOnly use the Beidou system.
      Class Members:
      Flight Coordinate System
      enum FlightCoordinateSystem
      enum FlightCoordinateSystem implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The flight coordinate system of the aircraft. For a detailed definition of the coordinate system, please refer to Coordinate System

      Enum Members:
      GROUNDGround coordinate system.
      BODYBody coordinate system.
      Class Members:
      GPS Signal Level
      enum GPSSignalLevel
      enum GPSSignalLevel implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      GPS signal level.

      Enum Members:
      LEVEL_0Level 0. There is almost no GPS signal.
      LEVEL_1Level 1. GPS signal is weak.
      LEVEL_2Level 2. GPS signal is weak. From this level, the return-to-home function of the aircraft can work.
      LEVEL_3Level 3. GPS signal is good. From this level, the aircraft can hover in the air.
      LEVEL_4Level 4. GPS signal is very good. From this level, the aircraft can record the home point.
      LEVEL_5Level 5. GPS signal is strong.
      LEVEL_10Level 10. GPS is combined with RTK information.
      This enumeration is deprecated starting from MSDK 5.10.0 version. Please use the call getPositioningSolution to obtain the RTK status.
      LEVEL_NONEThere is no GPS signal.
      Class Members:
      enum RemoteControllerFlightMode
      enum RemoteControllerFlightMode implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The flight mode of the aircraft.

      Enum Members:
      FFunction mode, which is referred to as "F mode". F mode behaves the same as in P mode and enables smart functions like Mission and Smart Directional Control.
      AAttitude mode, which is referred to as "A mode". In this mode, the aircraft only provides attitude stabilization, and GPS module and vision system are not used for positioning. In real operation, aircraft will drift noticeably and can not hover, which needs the pilot to correct the position of the aircraft instantly through the remote controller. Attitude mode tests the pilot's handling ability of the aircraft. In some emergency situations, the aircraft needs to switch attitude mode.
      SSport mode, which is referred to as "S mode". The GPS module and vision system are used to achieve precise hovering. In this mode, the gain value of the aircraft is appropriately increased, so be sure to fly with extreme caution. The maximum horizontal speed of the aircraft can reach 20 m/s.
      PPosition mode, which is referred to as "P mode"("N mode").GPS module and vision system (if available) will be used for aircraft positioning. For products without F mode, smart functions such as mission and smart directional control can be performed in P mode.
      MManual mode, which is referred to as "M mode". In this mode, All actions of the aircraft, including stable attitude and stable altitude, need to be controlled by the pilot through the remote controller. It is dangerous for beginner to operate.
      TTripod mode, which is referred to as "T mode".In this mode, the flight speed and rotation sensitivity of the aircraft will be significantly reduced, allowing more precise control of the screen and more stable shooting results.
      Class Members:
      enum FlightMode
      enum FlightMode

      The flight mode of the aircraft.

      Enum Members:
      MANUALManual mode, which is referred to as "M mode". In this mode, All actions of the aircraft, including stable attitude and stable altitude, need to be controlled by the pilot through the remote controller. It is dangerous for beginner to operate.
      ATTIAttitude mode, which is referred to as "A mode". In this mode, the aircraft only provides attitude stabilization, and GPS module and vision system are not used for positioning. In real operation, aircraft will drift noticeably and can not hover, which needs the pilot to correct the position of the aircraft instantly through the remote controller. Attitude mode tests the pilot's handling ability of the aircraft. In some emergency situations, the aircraft needs to switch attitude mode.
      GPS_NORMALGPS normal mode, which is referred to as "N mode"("P mode").GPS module and vision system (if available) will be used for aircraft positioning.
      GPS_SPORTGPS sport mode, which is referred to as "S mode". The GPS module and vision system are used to achieve precise hovering. In this mode, the gain value of the aircraft is appropriately increased, so be sure to fly with extreme caution. The maximum horizontal speed of the aircraft can reach 20 m/s.
      GPS_TRIPODGPS tripod mode, which is referred to as "T mode".In this mode, the flight speed and rotation sensitivity of the aircraft will be significantly reduced, allowing more precise control of the screen and more stable shooting results.
      MOTOR_STARTMotro start.
      TAKE_OFF_READYTake off ready.
      AUTO_TAKE_OFFAuto take off.
      AUTO_LANDINGAuto landing.
      FORCE_LANDINGForce landing.
      GO_HOMEGo home.
      VIRTUAL_STICKVirtual stick.
      SMART_FLYSmart fly.
      POIPoint of interest(POI).
      AUTO_AVOIDANCEAuto avoidance.
      APASAdvanced pilot assistance systems(APAS).
      Class Members:
      Wind Speed
      enum WindWarning
      enum WindWarning implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The wind speed of the environment that the aircraft stay in.

      Enum Members:
      LEVEL_0Level 0, which means there is currently no wind.
      LEVEL_1Level 1, which means the wind speed is fast. Please flight the aircraft carefully and ensure the aircraft in sight.
      LEVEL_2Level 2, which means the wind speed is very fast. Please flight the aircraft carefully and ensure the aircraft in sight.
      Class Members:
      Wind Direction
      enum WindDirection
      enum WindDirection implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The wind direction of the environment that the aircraft stays in. It's using the world coordinate system.

      Enum Members:
      WINDLESSCurrently no wind.
      NORTHNorth wind.
      NORTH_EASTNortheast wind.
      EASTEast wind.
      SOUTH_EASTSoutheast wind.
      SOUTHSouth wind.
      SOUTH_WESTSouthwest wind.
      WESTWest wind.
      NORTH_WESTNorthwest wind.
      Class Members:
      RC Signal Lost Protection
      enum FailsafeAction
      enum FailsafeAction implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      RC signal lost behavior type of the aircraft.

      Enum Members:
      HOVERHover. When the remote controller and aircraft lose connection, the aircraft will hover.
      LANDINGLand. When the remote controller and aircraft lose connection, the aircraft will land in place.
      GOHOMEReturn-to-Home. If the aircraft has successfully recorded the home point (KeyHomeLocation) and the GPS signal is good, the aircraft will automatically return to the home point and land to prevent an accident when the remote controller and aircraft lose the connection signal. During the return-to-home process, if the forward vision system is opened and the environment condition is good, the aircraft will automatically climb up to avoid obstacles when the head of the aircraft encounter obstacles. To ensure the orientation of the aircraft head, the user can not adjust the orientation of the aircraft head and can not control the aircraft to fly left and right.
      Class Members:
      enum AccessLockerStorageType
      enum AccessLockerStorageType implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Storage type.

      Enum Members:
      SD_CARDSD card.
      Class Members:
      enum AccessLockerDeviceType
      enum AccessLockerDeviceType implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Device type.

      Enum Members:
      MASTERMaster device, usually the aircraft.
      SLAVE_1Slave device 1, usually the portside (master) payload of the aircraft.
      SLAVE_2Slave device 2, usually the starboard payload of the aircraft.
      SLAVE_3Slave device 3, usually the upper side payload of the aircraft.
      Class Members:
      Warning Level
      enum AirSenseWarningLevel
      enum AirSenseWarningLevel implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The warning level determined by the DJI AirSense system. The warning level is based on the distance between the airplane and the DJI aircraft, and the heading of the airplane.

      Enum Members:
      LEVEL_0The system detects the airplane but the DJI aircraft is either far away from the airplane or is in the opposite direction of the airplane's heading.
      LEVEL_1The system detects the airplane. The probability that it will pass through the location of the DJI aircraft is considered low.
      LEVEL_2The system detects the airplane. The probability that it will pass through the location of the DJI aircraft is considered medium.
      LEVEL_3The system detects the airplane. The probability that it will pass through the location of the DJI aircraft is considered high.
      LEVEL_4The system detects the airplane. The probability that it will pass through the location of the DJI aircraft is very high.
      Class Members:
      enum AirSenseDirection
      enum AirSenseDirection implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The direction of the airplane relative to the DJI aircraft.

      Enum Members:
      Class Members:


      Battery LED


      enum AudioStorageLocation
      enum AudioStorageLocation implements JNIProguardKeepTag


      Enum Members:
      Class Members: