DJI Mobile SDK Documentation

      class IPayloadCenter

      interface IPayloadCenter

      The payload center class provides functions such as get the PayloadManager instance list of the payload supported by the aircraft. PayloadManager provides functions to get payload information, get and set widget information, and data receiving and sending.

      Supported since MSDK 5.2.0

      Class Members:
      method getPayloadManager
      Map<PayloadIndexType, IPayloadManager> getPayloadManager()

      Gets the PayloadManager instance list of the payload supported by the aircraft, which supports portside(main) payload, starboard payload, upper payload and extend(OSDK) payload.

      Supported since MSDK 5.2.0

      Map<PayloadIndexType, IPayloadManager>Returns the PayloadManager instance list of the payload supported by the aircraft.
      enum PayloadIndexType
      enum PayloadIndexType

      Payload index type。

      Supported since MSDK 5.2.0

      Enum Members:
      LEFT_OR_MAINThe payload is attached to the portside(main) position of the aircraft.
      RIGHTThe payload is attached to the starboard position of the aircraft.
      UPThe payload is attached to the upper position of the aircraft.
      EXTERNALThe payload is attached to the extend position of the aircraft. On the M300 RTK, this location is the OSDK extension location. On the M350 RTK, this location is the E-PORT location.
      Class Members: