DJI Mobile SDK Documentation

      class IDataProtectionManager

      interface IDataProtectionManager

      DataProtectionManager class is used to protect user data. In order to complete the function logic or report event tracking data, DJI MSDK will send user data to the DJI server in the background. You can agree or disagree with DJI MSDK to report user data through this manager.

      Note: This manager only manage the user data reported by the DJI MSDK background, and does not manage the user data passed in by calling the interface.

      Supported since MSDK 5.6.0

      Class Members:
      method agreeToProductImprovement
      void agreeToProductImprovement(boolean isAgree)

      Agree or disagree with the product improvement project. Through this project, DJI MSDK will collect DJI device UUID, mobile device UUID and diagnostic and usage data for user behavior analysis. This analysis helps DJI improve products and services. DJI will take necessary data protection measures before data analysis.

      Supported since MSDK 5.6.0

      Input Parameters:
      boolean isAgreetrue to ageree product improvement project.
      method isAgreeToProductImprovement
      boolean isAgreeToProductImprovement()

      Gets whether to agree to the product improvement project.

      Supported since MSDK 5.6.0

      booleantrue if it is agreed to product improvement project.