Pull widget information from the payload. After the aircraft is successfully connected to the payload, the MSDK will pull the widget information from the payload once by default. You can call the addPayloadWidgetInfoListener to get the widget information. If the listener does not have any callback information, you can try to call this interface to retrieve the widget information from the payload.
voidsendDataToPayload(byte[] data, @NonNull final CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback callback)
Send command data to the payload. The maximum bandwidth of this channel is 3KBytes/s. Note: M300 RTK can only send a maximum of 100 bytes at a time. Other supported aircraft can send a maximum of 255 bytes at a time.
Button widget, usually the default value is 0. When the button is pressed, the widget value will change to 1.
Switch widget, when the switch status is "ON", the widget value will be 1, when the switch status is "OFF", the widget value will change to 0.
Range widget, which can return widget value in the range of [0,100].
List widget, which can return an int value in the range of [0, N]. N is determined by the firmware of the third-party payload device manufacturer. The number of sub items returned by the getSubItems method in PayloadWidget will be N+1.
Input widget,which can be set to any int value, and the default value is determined by the firmware of the payload equipment manufacturer.