DJI Mobile SDK Documentation

      class IPipelineManager

      interface IPipelineManager

      Class to manage SDK interconnection pipeline. pipeline can be used to establish a connection between MSDK and PSDK devices, and is used to transmit data between MSDK and PSDK devices.

      Supported since MSDK 5.3.0

      Class Members:
      method addPipelineConnectionListener
      void addPipelineConnectionListener(PipelineConnectionListener listener)

      Sets the pipeline connection listener. You need to call connectPipeline to connect the pipeline. When the pipeline is successfully connected, the connection event can be obtained through this listener.

      Supported since MSDK 5.3.0

      Input Parameters:
      PipelineConnectionListener listenerListener of pipline connection.
      method removePipelineConnectionListener
      void removePipelineConnectionListener(PipelineConnectionListener listener)

      Remove the listener of the pipline connection.

      Supported since MSDK 5.3.0

      Input Parameters:
      PipelineConnectionListener listenerListener of pipline connection.
      method clearAllPipelineConnectionListener
      void clearAllPipelineConnectionListener()

      Remove all the listener of the pipline connection.

      Supported since MSDK 5.3.0

      method getPipelines
      Map<Integer, Pipeline> getPipelines()

      Retrieves instances of the products's pipelines. The key of the map table refers to the pipeline ID that connected with the payload device, and the value refers to the pipeline instance object. When the pipeline connection is established successfully, a pipeline object is created and placed in the map table. When disconnectPipeline is invoked, the expired pipeline will be removed from the pipelins map table.

      Supported since MSDK 5.3.0

      Map<Integer, Pipeline>The Pipeline Map object.
      method connectPipeline
      IDJIError connectPipeline(int pipelineId, PipelineDeviceType deviceType, TransmissionControlType transmissionControlType)

      Establishes the pipeline connection with the pipeline's ID. Returns an instance of the pipeline when it is connected successfully, otherwise, error information will be returned. After a successful connection, the pipeline instance can be obtained by adding the addPipelineConnectionListener listener. You can also call getPipelines to get a list of all connected pipelines synchronously.

      Supported since MSDK 5.3.0

      Input Parameters:
      int pipelineIdPipeline ID, this ID needs to be negotiated with the PSDK payload developer.
      PipelineDeviceType deviceTypeDevice type, you can set ONBOARD or PAYLOAD type.
      TransmissionControlType transmissionControlTypeTransmission control type, you can set reliable transmission type or unreliable transmission type.
      IDJIErrorReturns NULL if connecting the pipe successfully, and returns the corresponding error code if connecting the pipe fails.
      method disconnectPipeline
      IDJIError disconnectPipeline(int pipelineId, PipelineDeviceType deviceType, TransmissionControlType transmissionControlType)

      Disconnect from the PSDK device through the pipeline ID, and clear the cached data in the pipeline list. If the connection is successfully disconnected, the pipe instance will be deleted from the pipe mapping table, otherwise an error message will be returned.

      Supported since MSDK 5.3.0

      Input Parameters:
      int pipelineIdPipeline ID, obtained from the connected pipeline instance.
      PipelineDeviceType deviceTypeDevice type, obtained from the connected pipelne instance.
      TransmissionControlType transmissionControlTypeTransport control type, obtained from the connected pipeline instance.
      IDJIErrorReturns NULL if disconnecting the pipe successfully, and returns the corresponding error code if disconnecting the pipe fails.
      enum PipelineState
      enum PipelineState implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The state of pipeline connection.

      Supported since MSDK 5.3.0

      Enum Members:
      CONNECTEDThe pipeline is connected.
      DISCONNECTEDThe pipeline is disconnected.
      Class Members:
      enum PipelineDeviceType
      enum PipelineDeviceType implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      The device type of pipeline.

      Supported since MSDK 5.3.0

      Enum Members:
      ONBOARDOnboard type.
      PAYLOADPayload type.
      Class Members:
      enum TransmissionControlType
      enum TransmissionControlType implements JNIProguardKeepTag

      Transmission control type.

      Supported since MSDK 5.3.0

      Enum Members:
      STABLEStable transmission control type. Packets will be transmitted in the order they were sent, similar to the TCP transmission protocol.
      UNRELIABLEUnreliable transmission control type. Packets can be corrupted or lost in transit, similar to the UDP transmission protocol.
      Class Members: