DJI Mobile SDK Documentation
    • IUASRemoteIDManager

      RID management class of the drone system. In order to meet the increasingly standardized drone regulatory requirements around the world, The drone in flight should be able to broadcast the identification and location of the operator and the drone. <i>Supported since MSDK 5.0.0</i></code>

    class IUASRemoteIDManager

    interface IUASRemoteIDManager

    RID management class of the drone system. In order to meet the increasingly standardized drone regulatory requirements around the world, The drone in flight should be able to broadcast the identification and location of the operator and the drone.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Class Members:

    Area code

    method setAreaCode
    IDJIError setAreaCode(AreaCode areaCode)

    Set the area code of country or area. The UAS remote identification function supported by the country or area can only be used after the corresponding area code is set.

    Currently the supported country or area list and the supported function list is as follows:

  • USA: remote identification broadcast of drone
  • Japan: remote identification broadcast of drone, registration number of drone.
  • Frence: EID Switch

  • Note: This interface has been deprecated since MSDK 5.3.0. Please call setUASRemoteIDAreaStrategy instead of this function.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Input Parameters:
    AreaCode areaCodeArea code of country or area.
    IDJIErrorReturn the setting execution result of area code.

    Area strategy

    method setUASRemoteIDAreaStrategy
    IDJIError setUASRemoteIDAreaStrategy(AreaStrategy strategy)

    Set the area strategy, and the UAS remote identification function supported by the country or area can be used only after the corresponding area strategy is set. After MSDK obtains the area code of the current area, it will set the corresponding area strategy by default. If you need to set other area strategy for development, you can call this interface to set the corresponding area strategy to make it take effect.

    Currently the supported country or area list and the supported function list is as follows:

  • USA: remote identification broadcast of drone
  • Japan: remote identification broadcast of drone, registration number of drone.
  • European: remote identification broadcast of drone, registration number of operator.
  • China: remote identification broadcast of drone, real name.
  • Frence: EID Switch

  • Supported since MSDK 5.3.0

    Input Parameters:
    AreaStrategy strategyArea strategy
    IDJIErrorReturn the setting execution result of area strategy.

    Remote identification broadcast of the drone

    method getUASRemoteIDStatus
    UASRemoteIDStatus getUASRemoteIDStatus()

    Get the remote identification broadcast status of the drone system.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    UASRemoteIDStatusReturn the remote identification status of the drone system.
    method addUASRemoteIDStatusListener
    void addUASRemoteIDStatusListener(UASRemoteIDStatusListener listener)

    Add the remote identification broadcast status listener of the drone system.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Input Parameters:
    UASRemoteIDStatusListener listenerThe remote identification broadcast status listener of the drone system
    method removeUASRemoteIDStatusListener
    void removeUASRemoteIDStatusListener(UASRemoteIDStatusListener listener)

    Remove the remote identification broadcast status listener of the drone system.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Input Parameters:
    UASRemoteIDStatusListener listenerThe remote identification broadcast status listener of the drone system
    method clearUASRemoteIDStatusListener
    void clearUASRemoteIDStatusListener()

    Remove all the remote identification broadcast status listeners of the drone system.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    EID Switch

    method setElectronicIDEnabled
    void setElectronicIDEnabled(boolean isEnabled, @NonNull CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback callback)

    Enable or disable the EID function. After this function is enabled, the drone will broadcast the EID.
    EID is an electronic ID standard dedined by Frence. The value is the flight control SN of the drone. The prefix 1581F means it is a droen produced by DJI. For DJI flight control SN that is not starting with 1581F, 1581F should be added to the flight control SN. For example:

  • For M300 RTK, this value is 1581F + the flight control SN(KeySerialNumber)+ 0
  • for M350 RTK, M30 and M3E Series, this value is the flight control SN(KeySerialNumber)

  • Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Input Parameters:
    boolean isEnabledtrue means the EID function is enabled.
    @NonNull CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback callbackReturn the result of the execution result.
    method getElectronicIDEnabled
    void getElectronicIDEnabled(@NonNull CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<Boolean> callback)

    Get whether the EID is enabled.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Input Parameters:
    @NonNull CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<Boolean> callbackReturn the result of the execution result.
    method addElectronicIDStatusListener
    void addElectronicIDStatusListener(ElectronicIDStatusListener listener)

    Add the listener of EID status.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Input Parameters:
    ElectronicIDStatusListener listenerThe listener of EID status
    method removeElectronicIDStatusListener
    void removeElectronicIDStatusListener(ElectronicIDStatusListener listener)

    Remove the listener of EID status.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Input Parameters:
    ElectronicIDStatusListener listenerThe listener of EID status
    method clearAllElectronicIDStatusListener
    void clearAllElectronicIDStatusListener()

    Remove all the listeners of EID status.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Registration number of the drone

    method setUARegistrationNumber
    void setUARegistrationNumber(String number, @NonNull CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback callback)

    Set the registration number based on the drone management policies and regulations of different countries.

  • The drone registration number application entrance of Japan:,Format of drone registration code:{"registration_code":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","key_info":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","nonce_info":"xxxxxxxxxxxx"}, After setting the drone registration code, isBroadcastRemoteIdEnabled will be enabled.

  • Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Input Parameters:
    String numberThe information registration number of the drone
    @NonNull CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback callbackReturn the result of the execution result.
    method getUARegistrationNumber
    void getUARegistrationNumber(@NonNull CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<String> callback)

    Get the set drone registration number.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Input Parameters:
    @NonNull CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<String> callbackReturn the result of the execution result.
    method addUARegistrationNumberStatusListener
    void addUARegistrationNumberStatusListener(UARegistrationNumberStatusListener listener)

    Add the registration number status listener of the drone.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Input Parameters:
    UARegistrationNumberStatusListener listenerThe registration number status listener of the drone
    method removeUARegistrationNumberStatusListener
    void removeUARegistrationNumberStatusListener(UARegistrationNumberStatusListener listener)

    Remove the registration number status listener of the drone.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Input Parameters:
    UARegistrationNumberStatusListener listenerThe registration number status listener of the drone
    method clearAllUARegistrationNumberStatusListener
    void clearAllUARegistrationNumberStatusListener()

    Remove all the registration number status listeners of the drone.

    Supported since MSDK 5.0.0

    Registration number of the operator

    method setOperatorRegistrationNumber
    void setOperatorRegistrationNumber(String number,  @NonNull CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback callback)

    Set operator registration code. It needs to be applied and set up according to the drone control policies and regulations of each country.

  • EU operator registration code application portal: /en/domains/civil-drones/naa, after setting the operator registration code, isBroadcastRemoteIdEnabled will be enabled.

  • Supported since MSDK 5.8.0
    Input Parameters:
    String numberThe information registration number of the operator
    @NonNull CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback callbackReturn the result of the execution result.
    method getOperatorRegistrationNumber
    void getOperatorRegistrationNumber(@NonNull CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<String> callback)

    Get the set operator registration number.

    Supported since MSDK 5.8.0

    Input Parameters:
    @NonNull CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallbackWithParam<String> callbackReturn the result of the execution result.
    method addOperatorRegistrationNumberStatusListener
    void addOperatorRegistrationNumberStatusListener(OperatorRegistrationNumberStatusListener listener)

    Add the registration number status listener of the operator.

    Supported since MSDK 5.8.0

    Input Parameters:
    OperatorRegistrationNumberStatusListener listenerThe registration number status listener of the operator
    method removeOperatorRegistrationNumberStatusListener
    void removeOperatorRegistrationNumberStatusListener(OperatorRegistrationNumberStatusListener listener)

    Remove the registration number status listener of the opeartor.

    Supported since MSDK 5.8.0

    Input Parameters:
    OperatorRegistrationNumberStatusListener listenerThe registration number status listener of the operator
    method clearAllOperatorRegistrationNumberStatusListener
    void clearAllOperatorRegistrationNumberStatusListener()

    Remove all the registration number status listeners of the operator.

    Supported since MSDK 5.8.0

    Real name

    method addRealNameRegistrationStatusListener
    void addRealNameRegistrationStatusListener(RealNameRegistrationStatusListener listener)

    Add the real name status listener.

    Supported since MSDK 5.8.0

    Input Parameters:
    RealNameRegistrationStatusListener listenerReal name status listener
    method removeRealNameRegistrationStatusListener
    void removeRealNameRegistrationStatusListener(RealNameRegistrationStatusListener listener)

    Remove the real name status listener.

    Supported since MSDK 5.8.0

    Input Parameters:
    RealNameRegistrationStatusListener listenerReal name status listener
    method clearAllRealNameRegistrationStatusListener
    void clearAllRealNameRegistrationStatusListener()

    Remove all the real name status listener.

    Supported since MSDK 5.8.0

    method updateRealNameRegistrationStateFromUOM
    void updateRealNameRegistrationStateFromUOM( CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback callback)

    Update the real name system status to the aircraft from the China UOM system. In accordance with the requirements of mainland China's unmanned aircraft flight management regulations, starting from January 1, 2024, any flying drone purchased and activated after this date to fly in mainland China will need to register with a real name on the UOM system, and You need to be connected to the Internet to update the real name registration information to the aircraft, otherwise the aircraft will not be able to take off normally.

  • Real name registration portal:, After the real name registration is implemented, you can call this interface to update the real name status to the aircraft.

  • Supported since MSDK 5.8.0
    Input Parameters:
    CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback callbackReturn the result of the execution result.

    enum AreaStrategy
    enum AreaStrategy

    The remote identification area strategy.

    Supported since MSDK 5.3.0

    Enum Members:
    US_STRATEGYAmerica strategy.
    FRANCE_STRATEGYFrance strategy.
    JAPAN_STRATEGYJapan strategy.
    EUROPEAN_STRATEGYEuropean strategy.
    Class Members:
    enum RemoteIdWorkingState
    enum RemoteIdWorkingState

    The remote identification working status of the drone.

    Supported since MSDK 5.1.0

    Enum Members:
    IDLEIdle, initialization state.
    WORKINGWorking, it indicates that Remote ID is broadcasting.
    OPERATOR_LOCATION_LOST_ERRORNot working, because the operator's position is lost, resulting in the Remote ID not being broadcast.
    FIRMWARE_ERRORNot working, because the firmware error, resulting in the Remote ID not being broadcast.
    NO_BROADCASTNot broadcast.
    NOT_SUPPORTEDNot supported.
    NOT_SUPPORTEDNot working, because the unknown error, resulting in the Remote ID not being broadcast.
    Class Members:
    enum RealNameRegistrationState
    enum RealNameRegistrationState implements JNIProguardKeepTag

    Real name registration status of aircraft.

    Supported since MSDK 5.8.0

    Enum Members:
    NOT_AUTHNOT AUTH, the aircraft will not be able to take off. In accordance with the requirements of mainland China's unmanned aircraft flight management regulations, if you need to fly in mainland China, please register with your real name on the UOM system.
  • Real name registration portal:, After the real name registration is implemented, you can call this interface to update the real name status to the aircraft.
  • VAILD_AUTHVAILD AUTH, the aircraft can take off normally.
    CANCELLEDCANCELLED, the registration information on the UOM system has been canceled and the aircraft will not be able to take off. In accordance with the requirements of mainland China's unmanned aircraft flight management regulations, if you need to fly in mainland China, please register with your real name on the UOM system.
  • Real name registration portal:, After the real name registration is implemented, you can call this interface to update the real name status to the aircraft.
  • NETWORK_ERRORNETWORK ERROR, lease make sure the network is normal and try again
    VERIFIED_AND_CANCLLEDVERIFIED AND CANCLLED, after the aircraft has been authenticated, the status on the UOM system has been canceled. In accordance with the requirements of mainland China's unmanned aircraft flight management regulations, if you need to fly in mainland China, please register with your real name on the UOM system.
  • Real name registration portal:, After the real name registration is implemented, you can call this interface to update the real name status to the aircraft.
  • UNSUPPORTEDThe aircraft does not support the real name function.
    NOT_ACTIVE_YETThe aircraft has not been activated. Please activate it with the DJI official APP first.
    DONT_NEED_CHECK_REALNAMEThe aircraft does not need the real name function.
    DONT_IN_CHINA_MAINLANDThe aircraft is not in mainland China.
    Class Members: