Mobile and Onboard SDK APIs


Onboard computer to Mobile Device (Mobile APIs)

The following code snippet shows you how to receive the data on different mobile platforms including iOS and Android.

  • iOS

Please implement the following delegate method of DJIFlightControllerDelegate:

- (void)flightController:(DJIFlightController *_Nonnull)fc didReceiveDataFromOnboardSDKDevice:(NSData *_Nonnull)data;

For more details, please check DJIFlightController.h file in the iOS SDK.

  • Android

Please implement the setOnboardSDKDeviceDataCallback callback function as shown below:

Aircraft mAircraft = (Aircraft)DJISDKManager.getInstance().getProduct();
FlightController mFlightController = mAircraft.getFlightController();
mFlightController.setOnboardSDKDeviceDataCallback(new FlightController.OnboardSDKDeviceDataCallback() {
public void onReceive(byte[] bytes) {


For more details, please check the FlightController class in the Android SDK.

Mobile Device to Onboard computer (Mobile APIs)

The following SDK interface can help you understand how to communicate with Onboard SDK Device on different mobile platforms including iOS and Android.

  • iOS

Please use the following method of DJIFlightController:

- (void)sendDataToOnboardSDKDevice:(NSData *_Nonnull)data withCompletion:(DJICompletionBlock)completion;

For more details, please check DJIFlightController.h file in the iOS SDK.

  • Android

Please implement the sendDataToOnboardSDKDevice method of DJIFlightController as shown below:

Aircraft mAircraft = (Aircraft)DJISDKManager.getInstance().getProduct();
FlightController mFlightController = mAircraft.getFlightController();
mFlightController.sendDataToOnboardSDKDevice(data, new CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback() {
public void onResult(DJIError error) {


For more details, please check the FlightController class in the Android SDK.