Integrate OSDK


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OSDK provides lots of modules that developers could use, the specific architecture is as follows:

Figure 1. Overview


Integrate OSDK

The application developed based on the OSDK use the Vehicle to call the interface or executed functions, so the developers need integrate the OSDK in their objects, as shown in Figure 1.

  • Integrate OSDK Header Files
    After integrate the OSDK header file into the program using the following statement.
    #include <dji_vehicle.hpp>

  • Integrate OSDK Help File
    After integrated the OSDK help file in the program using the following statement, the application which developed based on the OSDK could read the user's configuration file and activate DJI's drone.
    #include <dji_linux_helpers.hpp>

Figure 2. Integrate OSDK


NOTE L17 ~ 19 is written by the developer.

Configure Dependencies

Using CMake:

  1. The minimum version: version 2.8
  2. The project name
  3. Configure compilation options (optional) set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS" $ {CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=C++11 -pthread -g -O0")
  4. The path containing the required header files
  5. Generate and link executable files

Figure 3. Cmake Lists


Call The Interfaces

OSDK provides developers with interfaces for synchronous and asynchronous:

  • Synchronous
    When the developer calls the interface, the interface will obtain the corresponding return value according to the actual situation of the application. The caller needs to wait for the called interface to send the return value, so this calling method It also becomes a blocking call.
  • Asynchronous
    When the developer calls the interface, the interface will get the corresponding return value according to the actual situation of the application, but the developer may not get the corresponding result immediately. When the called interface gets the result After that, the interface will inform the developer of the result through status or notification. The developer can process the result of the call through the callback function, so the calling method also becomes a non-blocking call.


When the developer calls the interface, the interface will obtain the corresponding return value according to the actual situation of the application. The caller needs to wait for the called interface to send the return value.

Set the camera mode by the synchronous:

 ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType retCode;
CameraManager *pm = vehicle->cameraManager;
/*set camera work mode as SHOOT_PHOTO*/
DSTATUS("set camera work mode as SHOOT_PHOTO");
retCode == pm->setModeSync(index, camreamodule::WorkMode::SHOOT_PHOTO, 3);
if (retCode != ErrorCode::SysCommonErr::Success){
DERROR("Set camera as SHOOT_PHOTO fail. Error code : 0x%lX", retCode);
return retCode;


Asynchronous interface call, when the developer calls the interface, the interface will get the corresponding return value according to the actual situation of the application, but the developer may not get the corresponding result immediately. When the calling interface gets the result , The interface will inform the developer of the result through status or notification, and the developer can process the result of the call through the callback function. Set the camera mode by the asynchronous:

  • Construct Callback Function
   /*set camera work mode as RECORD_VIDEO*/
DSTATUS("set camera mode to RECORD_VIDEO");
pm->setModeAsync(index, camreamodule::WorkMode::RECORD_VIDEO,
setCameraModeForRecordVideoCb, &udata);

void CameraManagerAsyncSample::setCameraModeForRecordVideoCb(
ErrorCode ::ErrCodeType retCode, UserData userData){
AsyncSampleData *uData = (AsyncSampleData *)userData;

DSTATUS("retCode : 0x%lX", retCode);
if (!uData) {
DERROR("User data is a null value.");
if (retCode == ErrorCode::SysCommonErr::Success) {
DSTATUS("set camera work mode successfully");
if (uData->pm) {
uData->pm->startRecordVideoAsync) {
(void(*)ErrprCode::ErrorCodeType, UserData))uData->userCallBack,
uData-> userData);
} else {
DERROR("start to record video error. Error code : 0x%lX", retCode);
if (uData->userCallBack) {
void (*cb)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType, UserData);
cb = (void (*)(ErrorCode::ErrorCodeType, UserData))uData->userCallBack;
cb(retCode, uData->userData);
  • Register Callback Function
    After call the asynchronous interface in the OSDK, the corresponding data will be received, and the developer needs to register a callback function to handle the received data.
    Subscribe the data in the drone by registering the callback function:
void NMEA Callback(Vehicle* vehiclePtr, RecvContainer recvFrame, UserData userdata)
int length =recvFrame.recvinfo.len-OpenProtocol::PackageMin-4;
uint8_t rawBuf[length];
memcpy(rawBuf, recvFrame.recvData.raw_ack_array, length);
DSTATUS("&s/n",std string((char*)rawBuf, length).c_str())

class Vehicle

1. vehicle Instantiation

When using OSDK to develop the application, the application need to read the environment configuration parameters, initialize the drone, and create an instance object vehicle.

  1. Read the environment configuration parameters (Userconfig.txt)
    When compiling the sample code provided by OSDK, the application developed based on OSDK need to read environment configuration parameters such as third-party libraries, baud rate, and driver permissions.
  LinuxSetup linuxEnvironment (argc, argv);
  1. Create an instance object vehicle
    Create an instance object vehicle and complete initialization.
Vehicle *vehicle = linuxEnvironment.getVehicle(); 
if (vehicle == NULL) {
std::cout << "Vehicle not initialized, exiting. \n";
return -1;
std::string sampleCase = linuxEnvironment.getEnvironment()->getSampleCase();

2. Function Module Instantiation

After the vehicle is instantiated, the developer can instantiate the function module. The following code takes the example of instantiating the camera module and initializing PAYLOAD_INDEX_0 andPAYLOAD_INDEX_1.

ret = vehicle->cameraManager->initCameraModule(PAYLOAD_INDEX_0,"Sample_camera_1");
if (ret != ErrorCode::SysCommonErr::Success) {
DERROR("Init Camera module Sample_camera_1 failed.");
ret = vehicle->cameraManager->initCameraModule(PAYLOAD_INDEX_1,"Sample_camera_2");
if (ret != ErrorCode::SysCommonErr::Success) {
DERROR("Init Camera module Sample_camera_2 failed.");