- 0:Stable frequency data. Device will report in the frequency of 0.5HZ.
- 1:State data. It is reported when the statr changes.
- r:Property can only be read
- rw:Property can be read and written
Column | Name | Type | accessMode | pushMode | constraint | Description |
payloads | Payload state | array | r | 1 | {} | |
»[array_item] | Elements in array | struct | r | 1 | {} | {"size": ""} |
»»control_source | Payload control authority | text | ||||
»»payload_index | Payload index | text | Payload index. The format is {type-subtype-gimbalindex} | |||
»»firmware_version | Firmware version | text | ||||
»»sn | Payload serial number (SN) | text | ||||
mode_code | Aircraft state | enum_int | r | 0 | {"0":"Standby","1":"Takeoff preparation","2":"Takeoff preparation finished","3":"Manual flight","4":"Automatic takeoff","5":"Wayline flight","6":"Panoramic shooting","7":"Intelligent follow","8":"ADS-B Avoidance","9":"Automatic return","10":"Automatic landing","11":"Forced landing","12":"Three-bladed landing","13":"Upgrading","14":"No connection","15":"Advanced Pilot Assistance System - APAS","16":"Virtual Stick Mode","17":"Live Flight Controls"} | |
distance_limit_status | Distance restriction state of drone | struct | rw | 0 | ||
»state | Whether distance restriction is opened | enum_int | {"0":"Not set","1":"Have been set"} | |||
»distance_limit | Distance restriction | int | {"max":"8000","min":"15","step":"1","unit":"meter / m"} | |||
»is_near_distance_limit | Whether reach the setting distance restriction | enum_int | r | {"0":"Not reached","1":"Reached"} | ||
wpmz_version | WPMZ version of aircraft | text | r | 1 | If the firmware version is too low, the search result reports abnormal. The DJI Dock will push WPMZ of 1.0.2 version to cloud server. | |
rth_altitude | Return-to-home height | int | rw | 0 | {"max":500,"min":20,"unit":"meter / m"} | |
rc_lost_action | Remote controller out of control action | enum_int | rw | 0 | {"0":"Hovering","1":"Landing","2":"Returning to home"} | |
exit_wayline_when_rc_lost | [Deprecated] Wayline out of control action | enum_int | rw | 0 | {"0":"Continue to execute the wayline task","1":"Exit the wayline task, and execute the remote controller out of control action."} | |
cameras | Camera information of aircraft | array | r | 0 | {} | |
»[array_item] | Elements in array | struct | r | 0 | {} | {"size": ""} |
»»remain_photo_num | Remaining photo taking number | int | ||||
»»remain_record_duration | Remaining recording time | int | {"unit":"second / s"} | |||
»»record_time | Video recording time | int | {"unit":"second / s"} | |||
»»payload_index | Payload index | text | Camera enumeration. It is unofficial device_mode_key. The format is {type-subtype-gimbalindex}. Please read Product Supported | |||
»»camera_mode | Camera mode | enum_int | {"0":"Photo taking","1":"Video recording"} | |||
»»photo_state | Photo taking state | enum_int | {"0":"Idle","1":"Taking photo"} | |||
»»screen_split_enable | Whether enable the screen split | bool | {"true":"Enable","false":"Disable"} | |||
»»recording_state | Recording state | enum_int | {"0":"Idle","1":"Recording"} | |||
»»zoom_factor | Zoom factor | float | {"max":200,"min":2} | |||
»»ir_zoom_factor | Infrared zoom factor | float | {"max":20,"min":2} | |||
»»liveview_world_region | The region of Field of view (FOV) in liveview | struct | [{"accessMode":"r","dataType":{"max":1,"min":0,"type":"float"},"identifier":"left","name":"X axis starting point in the upper left corner","pushMode":0,"required":false},{"accessMode":"r","dataType":{"max":1,"min":0,"type":"float"},"identifier":"top","name":"Y axis starting point in the upper left corner","pushMode":0,"required":false},{"accessMode":"r","dataType":{"max":1,"min":0,"type":"float"},"identifier":"right","name":"X axis starting point in the lower right corner","pushMode":0,"required":false},{"accessMode":"r","dataType":{"max":1,"min":0,"type":"float"},"identifier":"bottom","name":"Y axis starting point in the lower right corner","pushMode":0,"required":false}] | The FOV of zoom camera is different from the FOV of wide camera and infrared camera in liveview. 坐标原点为镜头左上角。 | ||
{type-subtype-gimbalindex} | {{type-subtype-gimbalindex}_AEncSWZTyQ} | struct | r | 0 | {{type-subtype-gimbalindex}_XeIeqFlRLP} | |
»thermal_current_palette_style | Palette style | enum_int | rw | {"0":"WHITE_HOT","1":"BLACK_HOT","2":"RED_HOT","3":"GREEN_HOT","5":"RAINBOW","6":"IRONBOW1","8":"ICE_FIRE","11":"COLOR1","12":"COLOR2","13":"RAIN"} | The infrared camera provides various palette styles. Developers can select different colors according to different scenes for seeing the target more clearly. | |
»thermal_supported_palette_styles | Palette style set supported by device | array | {"item":{"specs":{"0":"WHITE_HOT","1":"BLACK_HOT","2":"RED_HOT","3":"GREEN_HOT","5":"RAINBOW","6":"IRONBOW1","8":"ICE_FIRE","11":"COLOR1","12":"COLOR2","13":"RAIN"},"type":"enum_int"}} | Different devices support different palette styles. | ||
»thermal_gain_mode | Gain mode | enum_int | rw | {"0":"Automatic","1":"Low gain. Measurement range is 0°C~500°C.","2":"High gain. Measurement range is -20°C~150°C."} | Low gaim provides larger thermal measurement range. High gain provides higher thermal measurement precision. | |
»thermal_isotherm_state | Whether open the isotherm | enum_int | rw | {"0":"Closed","1":"Opened"} | The isotherm allows developers to focus on the content of their interested thermal range. And the content of their interested thermal range is highlighted. | |
»thermal_isotherm_upper_limit | Upper limit of thermal measurement range | int | rw | {"unit":"Celsius / °C"} | Only take effect when the isotherm is opened | |
»thermal_isotherm_lower_limit | Lower limit of thermal measurement range | int | rw | {"unit":"Celsius / °C"} | Only take effect when the isotherm is opened | |
»thermal_global_temperature_min | The minimum temperature measured in global screen | float | r | {"unit":"Celsius / °C"} | ||
»thermal_global_temperature_max | The maximum temperature measured in global screen | float | r | {"unit":"Celsius / °C"} | ||
country | Country and area code | text | r | 0 | ||
rid_state | RID working state | bool | r | 0 | {"true":"Normal","false":"Abnormal"} | |
commander_mode_lost_action | [New] To-point flight mission out of control action | enum_int | rw | 1 | {"0":"Continue to execute the wayline task","1":"Exit the wayline task, and execute the remote controller out of control action."} | |
current_commander_flight_mode | [New] Current mode of to-point flight mission | enum | r | 1 | {"0":"Optimal height","1":"Preset height"} | |
commander_flight_height | [New] To-point flight mission height | float | rw | 1 | {"unit":"meter / m","min":2,"max":3000,"step":0.1} | Relative to (airport) takeoff point altitude. ALT. |
mode_code_reason | The reason why the drone enters current state | enum_int | r | 1 | {"0":"No meaning","1":"Low battery power (returning to home, landing)","2":"Low battery voltage (returning to home, landing)","3":"Serious low voltage (returning to home, landing)","4":"Request from remote controller button (taking off, returning to home, landing)","5":"App request (taking off, returning to home, landing)","6":"Remote controller signal is lost (returning to home, landing, hovering)","7":"Trrigered by external device like navigation and SDK (taking off, returning to home, landing)","8":"Enter the dock GEO zone (landing)","9":"Trrigered Return to Home but is too closed to the home point (landing)","10":"Trrigered Return to Home but is too far from the home point (landing)","11":"Executing waypoint mission (taking off)","12":"Arrive above the home point in the Return to Home period (landing)","13":"When the drone height is reaching 0.7m (second low limit of landing), the drone height continues to drop. (landing)","14":"Devices like App and SDK forcibly break the low limit protection (landing)","15":"There is plane passing by around the drone (returning, landing)","16":"Fail to control the height (returning, landing)","17":"Return to Home because of critically low battery (landing)","18":"AP control flight mode (manual flight)","19":"Hardware abnormal (returning, landing)","20":"Touching ground avoidance protection is finished (landing)","21":"Cancel the Return to Home (hovering)","22":"Obstacle appears when the drone is Return to Home (landing)","23":"High wind trigger in dock scenario (returning to home)"} | |
gear | Gear | enum_int | r | 0 | {"0":"A","1":"P","2":"NAV","3":"FPV","4":"FARM","5":"S","6":"F","7":"M","8":"G","9":"T"} | |
firmware_version | Firmware version | text | r | 1 | {"length":"64"} | |
compatible_status | Firmware compatible state | enum_int | r | 1 | {"0":"Don't need compatible upgrade","1":"Need compatible upgrade"} | Consistency Upgrade: Refers to a situation where the firmware versions of certain modules on the aircraft do not match the system's compatible version and require an upgrade. Common scenarios include, for example, when the aircraft and remote controller have already been upgraded to the latest version, but upon replacing the battery, it is found that the battery has not been upgraded. In such cases, a consistency upgrade prompt will appear. General Upgrade: Developers upgrade all modules of the aircraft to a specified firmware version. |
firmware_upgrade_status | Firmware upgrade state | enum_int | r | 1 | {"0":"Not upgraded","1":"Upgrading"} | |
horizontal_speed | Horizontal speed | float | r | 0 | {"unit":"mter per second / m/s"} | |
vertical_speed | Vertical speed | float | r | 0 | {"unit":"mter per second / m/s"} | |
longitude | Current longitude | float | r | 0 | ||
latitude | Current latitude | float | r | 0 | ||
height | Absolute height | float | r | 0 | Relative Ellipsoidal Height. Calculation method is relative Height from Takeoff Point + Takeoff Point's Ellipsoidal Height | |
elevation | Height relative to the takeoff point | float | r | 0 | ||
attitude_pitch | Pitch axis angle | float | r | 0 | ||
attitude_roll | Roll axis angle | float | r | 0 | ||
attitude_head | Head facing angle | int | r | 0 | The angle between the head facing angle and true north (longitude). The angle is positive from 0 to 6 o'clock, and is negative from 6 to 12 o'clock. | |
home_longitude | Longitude of Home point | float | r | 1 | ||
home_latitude | Latitude of Home point | float | r | 1 | ||
home_distance | Distance to Home point | float | r | 0 | ||
wind_speed | Wind speed | float | r | 0 | Wind speed estimation. The wind speed is estimated by the drone attitude. It can not be used as meteorological data because there might exist some errors. | |
wind_direction | Current wind direction | enum_int | r | 0 | {"1":"North","2":"Northeast","3":"East","4":"Southeast","5":"South","6":"Southwest","7":"West","8":"Northwest"} | |
control_source | Current control source | text | r | 1 | The source can be the device or browser. Device uses A/B to represent control A and control B. The browser uses uuid as identifier. | |
low_battery_warning_threshold | Low battery warning | int | r | 1 | User-set low battery warning percentage | |
serious_low_battery_warning_threshold | Serious low battery warning | int | r | 1 | User-set serious low battery warning percentage | |
total_flight_time | Total flight time of aircraft | int | r | 0 | {"unit":"second / s"} | |
total_flight_distance | Total flight distance of aircraft | float | r | 0 | {"unit":"meter / m"} | |
battery | Battery information of aircraft | struct | r | 0 | ||
»capacity_percent | Total remaining battery power | int | {"max":100,"min":0} | |||
»remain_flight_time | Remaining flight time | int | {"unit":"second / s"} | |||
»return_home_power | Percentage of battery required for return | int | {"max":100,"min":0} | |||
»landing_power | Percentage of battery of forced landing | int | {"max":100,"min":0} | |||
»batteries | Detailed information of battery | array | {} | |||
»»[array_item] | Elements in array | struct | {} | {"size": ""} | ||
»»»capacity_percent | Remaining battery power | int | {"max":100,"min":0} | |||
»»»index | Battery index | int | {"min":"0"} | |||
»»»sn | Battery serial number (SN) | text | ||||
»»»type | Battery type | enum_int | {} | |||
»»»sub_type | Battery sub type | enum_int | {} | |||
»»»firmware_version | Firmware version | text | ||||
»»»loop_times | Loop times of battery | int | ||||
»»»voltage | voltage | int | {"unit":"millivolt / mV"} | |||
»»»temperature | Temperature | float | {"unit":"Celsius / °C"} | 保留小数点后一位 | ||
»»»high_voltage_storage_days | Storage days of high voltage | int | {"unit":"day / d"} | |||
storage | Storage capacity | struct | r | 0 | kb | |
»total | Total capacity | int | {"unit":"Kilobyte / KB"} | |||
»used | Used capacity | int | {"unit":"Kilobyte / KB"} | |||
position_state | Star search state | struct | r | 0 | ||
»is_fixed | Whether is fixed | enum_int | {"0":"Not start","1":"fixing","2":"fix successfully","3":"fix failed"} | |||
»quality | Star search gear | enum_int | {"0":"0","1":"1","2":"2","3":"3","4":"4","5":"5","10":"RTK is being usd"} | |||
»gps_number | GPS star search number | int | ||||
»rtk_number | RTK star search number | int | ||||
track_id | Track ID | text | r | 0 | {"length":"64"} | |
{type-subtype-gimbalindex} | {{type-subtype-gimbalindex}_XXGoBhzNpQ} | struct | r | 0 | {{type-subtype-gimbalindex}_jwYOqxlOgI} | |
»gimbal_pitch | Pitch axis angle of gimbal | double | r | {"max":"180","min":"-180","step":0.1,"unit":"degree / °"} | ||
»gimbal_roll | Roll axis angle of gimbal | double | r | {"max":"180","min":"-180","step":0.1,"unit":"degree / °"} | ||
»gimbal_yaw | Yaw axis angle of gimbal | double | r | {"max":"180","min":"-180","step":0.1,"unit":"degree / °"} | ||
»measure_target_longitude | Target longitude of laser measurement | double | r | {"max":"180","min":"-180","unit":"degree / °"} | ||
»measure_target_latitude | Target latitude of laser measurement | double | r | {"max":"90","min":"-90","unit":"degree / °"} | ||
»measure_target_altitude | Target altitude of laser measurement | double | r | {"unit":"meter / m"} | ||
»measure_target_distance | Measurement distance | double | r | {"unit":"meter / m"} | ||
»measure_target_error_state | Measurement state | enum_int | r | {"0":"NORMAL","1":"TOO_CLOSE","2":"TOO_FAR","3":"NO_SIGNAL"} | ||
»payload_index | Payload index | text | r | Payload index. The format is {type-subtype-gimbalindex} | ||
»smart_track_point | Smart Track point information | array | r | {} | ||
»»[array_item] | Elements in array | struct | {} | {"size": ""} | ||
»»»track_target_mode | Track mode | enum_int | {"1":"Normal tracking","2":"Normal tracking, but low credibility","3":"Target is GPS point, or target is lost but predicted"} | |||
»»»track_latitude | Target latitude | double | {"max":"90","min":"-90","unit":"degree / °"} | |||
»»»track_longitude | Target longitude | double | {"max":"180","min":"-180","unit":"degree / °"} | |||
»»»track_altitude | Target altitude | double | {"unit":"meter / m"} | |||
»zoom_factor | Zoom factor | double | r | |||
total_flight_sorties | Total flight sorties of aircraft | int | r | 0 | ||
maintain_status | Maintenance information | struct | r | 0 | ||
»maintain_status_array | Maintenance information array | array | {} | |||
»»[array_item] | Elements in array | struct | {} | {"size": ""} | ||
»»»state | Maintenance state | enum_int | {"0":"No maintenance","1":"Under maintenance"} | |||
»»»last_maintain_type | Last maintenance type | enum_int | {"0":"No maintenance","1":"Drone basic maintenance","2":"Drone routine maintenance","3":"Drone deep maintenance","17":"Dock maintenance"} | |||
»»»last_maintain_time | Last maintenance time | date | {"unit":"second / s"} | |||
»»»last_maintain_flight_time | Last maintenance flight time | int | {"unit":"小时 / h"} | |||
»»»last_maintain_flight_sorties | Last maintenance flight sorties | int | {"max":"2147483647","min":"0","step":"1"} | |||
activation_time | Activation time of drone (unix timestamp) | int | r | 0 | {"unit":"second / s"} | |
night_lights_state | Night light state of aircraft | enum_int | rw | 0 | {"0":"Close","1":"Open"} | |
height_limit | Height restriction state of aircraft | int | rw | 0 | {"max":"1500","min":"20","step":"1","unit":"meter / m"} | |
is_near_height_limit | Whether approach the setting height restriction | enum_int | r | 0 | {"0":"Not reached","1":"Reached"} | |
is_near_area_limit | Whether approach the GEO zone | enum_int | r | 0 | {"0":"Not reached","1":"Reached"} | |
obstacle_avoidance | Obstacle sensing state of aircraft | struct | rw | 0 | ||
»horizon | Horizontal obstacle sensing state | enum_int | {"0":"Close","1":"Open"} | |||
»upside | Upward obstacle sensing state | enum_int | {"0":"Close","1":"Open"} | |||
»downside | Downward obstacle sensing state | enum_int | {"0":"Close","1":"Open"} | |||
rth_mode | RTH height mode | enum_int | r | 1 | {"0":"Optimal height","1":"Preset height"} | Under optimal RTH mode, aircraft will automatically plan the optimal return altitude. Currently, the DJI dock does not support setting the return altitude mode. You can only choose the 'Preset height' mode. When the environment and lighting do not meet the requirements of the visual system (such as direct sunlight in the evening or no light at night), the aircraft will perform a straight-line return at the altitude you have set. |
current_rth_mode | Current RTH height mode | enum_int | r | 1 | {"0":"Optimal height","1":"Preset height"} | Currently dock only supports preset height mode. |
psdk_ui_resource | psdk ui resource package | array | r | 1 | {} | |
»[array_item] | Elements in array | struct | r | 1 | {} | {"size": ""} |
»»psdk_index | psdk payload device index | int | {"min":0} | |||
»»psdk_ready | psdk readiness state | enum_int | {"0":"Not ready","1":"Ready"} | |||
»»object_key | oss object | text | ||||
psdk_widget_values | psdk payload device property | array | r | 1 | {} | |
»[array_item] | Elements in array | struct | r | 1 | {} | {"size": ""} |
»»psdk_index | psdk payload device index | int | {"min":0} | |||
»»psdk_name | Device name | text | ||||
»»psdk_sn | Device sequence number | text | ||||
»»psdk_version | Device firmware version | text | ||||
»»psdk_lib_version | psdk lib version | text | ||||
»»speaker | Speaker state | struct | [{"identifier":"work_mode","name":"Speaker working mode","pushMode":1,"accessMode":"r","dataType":{"type":"enum_int","specs":{"0":"TTS payload mode","1":"Record and speak"}}},{"identifier":"play_mode","name":"Speaker play mode","pushMode":1,"accessMode":"r","dataType":{"type":"enum_int","specs":{"0":"Single play","1":"Circle play(one song)"}}},{"identifier":"play_volume","name":"Speaker volume","pushMode":1,"accessMode":"r","dataType":{"type":"int","specs":{"min":0,"max":100,"step":1}}},{"identifier":"system_state","name":"Speaker state","pushMode":1,"accessMode":"r","dataType":{"type":"enum_int","specs":{"0":"Idle","1":"Transmitting (from dock to aircraft)","2":"Playing","3":"under mistake","4":"TTS text transferring","99":"Downloading(from cloud server by dock)"}}},{"identifier":"play_file_name","name":"Last played file name by speaker","pushMode":1,"accessMode":"r","dataType":{"type":"text","specs":{"length":128,"unit":"Byte / B"}}},{"identifier":"play_file_md5","name":"Last played file md5 checksum by speaker","pushMode":1,"accessMode":"r","dataType":{"type":"text"}}] |