In addition to using the MQTT protocol in the Cloud API, some functions also require communication with the server via HTTP. As the tripartite business application has various scenarios, it is necessary to open a certain degree of freedom to combine business based on PILOT. So DJI Pilot 2.0 has an embedded Webview component, which can directly access the H5 webpage of the tripartite cloud platform by configuring the HTTP request URL link. On this web page, after logging in through the developer's custom account, you can exchange the token, MQTT gateway address and other information for HTTP communication access. After the Webview component gets this information, it is passed to Pilot application layer and device layer through the JSBridge interface, the application layer needs to bring the token for application business communication, and the device layer carries out MQTT authentication connection.

Interface Format
- URI-scheme: enforces the use of secure https
- Endpoint: service domain or ip
- module : function module
- api_version: api version number, used to manage api versions
- resource_path: resource path
- query_string: query parameter, not require
Request Method
The following request methods are supported.
The Content-Type
of the request should be application/json
Any interface can include the following parameter in the header:
Parameter | Type | Position | Required | Description |
X-Auth-Token | String | header | Yes | token, access_token |
X-Device-ID | String | header | No | Device ID number, used for sometimes the server needs to determine the model to do the corresponding processing. There is no need to use it for now. |
X-Firmware-Version | String | Header | No | Firmware version of the aircraft |
X-Request-ID | String | Header | No | Uuid, Identifies an HTTP request |
Parameter specification:
: Parameter in queryPOST
: The parameter is in the header, in json format.
Response Specification
"data": {},
Error Code
- 2xx: Success, the operation was successfully received and processed
- 200: The request was successful. Generally used for GET and POST requests
- 201: Created. Successfully requested and created a new resource
- 3xx: Redirect, further action required to complete request
- 301: Move permanently. The requested resource has been permanently moved to the new URI, the returned information will include the new URI, and the browser will be automatically directed to the new URI. Any new requests in the future should use the new URI instead
- 304: Not modified. The requested resource has not been modified, and no resource will be returned when the server returns this status code. Clients typically cache visited resources, by providing a header indicating that the client wishes to return only resources modified after a specified date
- 4xx: Client error, the request contained a syntax error or the request could not be completed
- 400: The syntax of the client request is incorrect and the server cannot understand it
- 401: The request requires user authentication
- 403: The server understands the request of the requesting client, but refuses to execute the request
- 404: The server cannot find the resource (web page) according to the client's request. With this code, web designers can set up a personalized page that says "the resource you requested could not be found"
- 410: The resource requested by the client no longer exists. 410 is different from 404. If the resource has been permanently deleted before, the 410 code can be used, and the website designer can specify the new location of the resource through the 301 code.
- 5xx: server error, the server encountered an error while processing the request
- 500: Internal server error, unable to complete the request
Corresponding error code behavior of DJI Pilot 2:
Status code | App behavior (on the image transmission page) | App behavior (not on the image transmission page) |
2xx | Normal Flow | Normal Flow |
3xx | Normal Flow | Normal Flow |
400 | toast prompts "parameter error, please try again, or contact the administrator" | toast prompts "parameter error, please try again, or contact the administrator" |
401 | 1. The toast prompts "The login to the cloud platform is invalid, please log in again" 2. The cloud platform does the cloud withdrawal processing | 1. The cloud platform does the cloud withdrawal processing 2. The pop-up box prompts, go to login |
403 | toast prompts "You do not have permission to operate, please try again, or contact the administrator" | toast prompts "You do not have permission to operate, please try again, or contact the administrator" |
404 | toast prompts "the resource does not exist, please try again, or contact the administrator" | toast prompts "the resource does not exist, please try again, or contact the administrator" |
5xx | toast prompts "server exception, please try again later (resp.code )" | toast prompts "server exception, please try again later (resp.code )" |
Unknown | toast prompts "The network request is abnormal, please try again later (resp.code )" | toast prompts "The network request is abnormal, please try again later (resp.code )" |