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Airsense warning

Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/events

Direction: up

Method: airsense_warning


icaoICAO aircraft addresstextICAO civil aviation aircraft address
warning_levelWarning levelenum_int{"0":"No danger","1":"Level one","2":"Level two","3":"Level three","4":"Level four"}The higher the danger level, the more dangerous it is. For levels greater than or equal to 3, it is recommended for aircraft to take evasive action.
latitudeLatitudefloat{"max":90,"min":-90}The latitude of aircraft location is angular values. Negative values for south latitude and positive values for north latitude. It is accurate to six decimal places.
longitudeLongitudefloat{"max":180,"min":-180}The longitude of aircraft location is angular values. Negative values for west latitude and positive values for east latitude. It is accurate to six decimal places.
altitudeAbsolute heightintAbsolute height of flight. Unit: meter
altitude_typeAbsolute height typeenum_int{"0":"Ellipsoid height","1":"altitude"}
headingHeadingfloatThe angle of heading is angular values. 0 is north. 90 is east. It is accurate to one decimal places.
relative_altitudeRelative height to aircraftintRelative height of flight to aircraft. Unit: meter
vert_trendRelative height change trendenum_int{"0":"Relative height unchanged","1":"Relative height increase","2":"Relative height decrease"}
distanceHorizontal distance to aircraftint{"unit":"meter / m"}


	"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
	"data": [
			"icao": "B-5931",
			"warning_level": 3,
			"latitude": 12.23,
			"longitude": 12.23,
			"altitude": 100,
			"altitude_type": 1,
			"heading": 89.1,
			"relative_altitude": 80,
			"vert_trend": 0,
			"distance": 100
	"need_reply": 1,
	"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
	"timestamp": 16540709686556
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