- 0:Stable frequency data. Device will report in the frequency of 0.5HZ.
- 1:State data. It is reported when the statr changes.
- r:Property can only be read
- rw:Property can be read and written
Column | Name | Type | accessMode | pushMode | constraint | Description |
longitude | Longitude | double | r | 0 | {"min":"0","max":"180","step":"0.01"} | Longitude of gateway device |
latitude | Latitude | double | r | 0 | {"min":"0","max":"180","step":"0.01"} | Latitude of gateway device |
firmware_version | Firmware version | text | r | 1 | {"length":"64"} | Firmware version of gateway device |
firmware_upgrade_status | Upgrade state of firmware | enum | r | 1 | {"0":"Not upgrade","1":"Upgrading"} | |
mode_code | Dock state | enum | r | 0 | {"0":"Idle","1":"On-site debugging","2":"Remote debugging","3":"Firmware upgrading","4":"Working"} | |
flighttask_step_code | Task state of dock | enum | r | 0 | {"0":"Task preparing","1":"Task operating","2":"State recovering","3":"Custom flight area updating","4":"Terrain obstacles updating","5":"Idle","256":"Unknown"} | |
sub_device | State of sub-device | struct | r | 0 | ||
»device_sn | Serial number (SN) of sub-device | text | ||||
»product_type | Enumeration value of sub-device | text | The format is {domain-type-subtype} | |||
»device_online_status | Whether the aircraft on dock landing pod is turning on | enum | {"0":"Turn Off","1":"Turn On"} | |||
»device_paired | Whether the aircraft on dock landing pod is paired with the dock | enum | {"0":"Not paired","1":"Paired"} | |||
cover_state | Cover state | enum | r | 1 | {"0":"Closed","1":"Opened","2":"Half-open","3":"Cover state is abnormal"} | |
putter_state | Putter state | enum | r | 1 | {"0":"Closed","1":"Opened","2":"Half-open","3":"Putter state is abnormal"} | |
supplement_light_state | Supplement light state | enum | r | 1 | {"0":"Closed","1":"Opened"} | |
network_state | Internet state | struct | r | 0 | KB/s | |
»type | Internet type | enum | {"1":"4G","2":"Ethernet"} | |||
»quality | Network quality | enum_int | {"0":"No signal","1":"Poor","2":"Poor","3":"Moderate","4":"Better","5":"Good"} | |||
»rate | Internet rate | int | {} | KB/s | ||
drone_in_dock | Whether the aircraft is in the dock | enum | r | 0 | {"0":"Out of the dock","1":"In the dock"} | |
job_number | Accelerated times of dock jobs | int | r | 0 | {"min":"0","max":"4294967295","unit":"t","unitName":"times","step":"1"} | |
media_file_detail | Uploading details of media file | struct | r | 0 | ||
»remain_upload | Amount to be uploaded | int | {} | |||
wireless_link | Image transmission link | struct | r | 0 | ||
»dongle_number | The number of Dongles on the aircraft | int | {} | |||
»4g_link_state | Connection state of 4G link | enum | {"0":"Disconnected","1":"Connected"} | |||
»sdr_link_state | Connection state of SDR link | enum | {"0":"Disconnected","1":"Connected"} | |||
»link_workmode | Image transmission link mode of dock | enum | {"0":"SDR mode","1":"4G fusion mode"} | |||
»sdr_quality | SDR signal quality | int | {"min":"0","max":"5","step":"1"} | |||
»4g_quality | Total quality of 4G signal | int | {"min":"0","max":"5","step":"1"} | |||
»4g_uav_quality | 4G signal quality of the drone side | int | {"min":"0","max":"5","step":"1"} | Signal quality between the drone side and 4G Server | ||
»4g_gnd_quality | 4G signal quality of the ground side | int | {"min":"0","max":"5","step":"1"} | Signal quality between the ground side (Remote controller, DJI dock, and so on) and 4G Server | ||
»sdr_freq_band | SDR frequency band | float | {} | |||
»4g_freq_band | 4G frequency band | float | {} | |||
live_status | Current overall live stream state pushing of the gateway | array | r | 1 | {} | |
»[array_item] | Elements in array | struct | r | 1 | {} | {"size": ""} |
»»video_id | Identifier of the live stream | text | The format is {sn}/{camera_index}/{video_index}. The {sn} is the serial number of video source device. The {camera_index} is camera index, which is in the format of {type-subtype-gimbalindex}. The {video_index} is available code stream index of the camera video source. | |||
»»video_type | Video type | text | {"length":"24"} | The lens type of video. For example, normal, wide, zoom, IR, and so on | ||
»»video_quality | Livestream quality | enum | {"0":"Custom","1":"Smooth","2":"Standard Definition(SD)","3":"High Definition(HD)","4":"Ultra High Definition(UHD)"} | The resolutions and bitrates for different video quality are as follows: Smooth: 960 * 540, 512Kbps; Standard Definition: 1280 * 720, 1Mbps; High Definition: 1280 * 720, 1.5Mbps; Ultra High Definition: 1920 * 1080, 3Mbps. | ||
»»status | Live stream state | enum | {"0":"not live streaming","1":"Live streaming"} | |||
»»error_status | Error code | int | {"length":6} | |||
live_capacity | Live stream capacity of gateway | struct | r | 1 | Push current live stream capacity of gateway device | |
»available_video_number | The number of available code streams for pushing | int | ||||
»coexist_video_number_max | The maximum number of code streams that can be pushed simultaneously | int | ||||
»device_list | Available video device source (for example, the aircraft) | array | {} | |||
»»[array_item] | Elements in array | struct | {} | {"size": ""} | ||
»»»sn | Serial Number (SN) | text | ||||
»»»available_video_number | The number of available code streams for the device source with this SN | int | ||||
»»»coexist_video_number_max | The maximum number of code streams that can be pushed simultaneously for the device source with this SN | int | ||||
»»»camera_list | The camera list on this device source with this SN | array | {"item":{"type":"struct","specs":[{"identifier":"camera_index","name":"Gimbal index. The format is {type-subtype-gimbalindex}","dataType":{"type":"text"}},{"identifier":"available_video_number","name":"Available code stream number can be pushed of this camera","dataType":{"type":"int"}},{"identifier":"coexist_video_number_max","name":"Coexist code stream number can be pushed of this camera","dataType":{"type":"int"}},{"identifier":"video_list","name":"Available code stream list of this camera","dataType":{"type":"array","specs":{"item":{"type":"struct","specs":[{"identifier":"video_index","name":"Available code stream index of this camera","dataType":{"type":"text"}},{"identifier":"video_type","name":"Available code stream type of this camera","dataType":{"type":"text"}},{"identifier":"switchable_video_types","name":"Available list of the video lens type: normal, wide, zoom, ir","dataType":{"type":"array","specs":{"type":"text","length":"24"}}}]}}}}]}} | |||
rainfall | Rainfall | enum | r | 0 | {"0":"No rain","1":"Light rain","2":"Moderate rain","3":"Heavy rain"} | |
wind_speed | Wind speed | float | r | 0 | {"min":"-1.4E-45","max":"3.4028235E38","unit":"m/s","unitName":"m/s","step":"0.1"} | |
environment_temperature | Environment temperature | float | r | 0 | {"min":"-1.4E-45","max":"3.4028235E38","unit":"°C","unitName":"Celsius","step":"0.1"} | |
temperature | Temperature inside the dock | float | r | 0 | {"min":"-1.4E-45","max":"3.4028235E38","unit":"°C","unitName":"Celsius","step":"0.1"} | |
humidity | Humidity inside the dock | float | r | 0 | {"min":"0","max":"100","unit":"%RH","unitName":"Relative humidity","step":"0.1"} | |
electric_supply_voltage | Electric supply voltage | int | r | 0 | {"min":"-2147483648","max":"2147483647","unit":"V","unitName":"V","step":"1"} | |
working_voltage | Working voltage | int | r | 0 | {"min":"-2147483648","max":"2147483647","unit":"mV","unitName":"mV","step":"1"} | |
working_current | Working current | float | r | 0 | {"min":"-1.4E-45","max":"3.4028235E38","unit":"mA","unitName":"mA","step":"0.1"} | |
storage | Storage capacity | struct | r | 0 | kb | |
»total | Total capacity | int | {"min":"-2147483648","max":"2147483647","unit":"KB","unitName":"KB","step":"1"} | |||
»used | Used capacity | int | {"min":"-2147483648","max":"2147483647","unit":"KB","unitName":"KB","step":"1"} | |||
first_power_on | Time of the first power-on | int | r | 0 | {"min":"-2147483648","max":"2147483647","unit":"ms","unitName":"ms","step":"1"} | |
acc_time | Accelerated running time of dock | int | r | 1 | {"min":"-2147483648","max":"2147483647","unit":"s","unitName":"s","step":"1"} | |
compatible_status | Firmware compatible state | enum | r | 1 | {"0":"Compatible","1":"Not compatible"} | |
alternate_land_point | Alternative landing point | struct | r | 0 | ||
»longitude | Longitude | float | {"min":"-1.4E-45","max":"3.4028235E38","step":"0.1"} | |||
»latitude | Latitude | float | {"min":"-1.4E-45","max":"3.4028235E38","step":"0.1"} | |||
»safe_land_height | Safe height | float | {"min":"-1.4E-45","max":"3.4028235E38","step":"0.1"} | |||
»is_configured | Whether alternative landing point is configured | enum | {"0":"Not configured","1":"Have configured"} | |||
height | Ellipsoid height | double | r | 0 | {"min":"-4.9E-324","max":"1.7976931348623157E308","unit":"m","unitName":"m","step":"0.01"} | |
activation_time | Activation time of dock (unix timestamp) | int | r | 0 | {"min":"0","max":"2147483647","unit":"s","unitName":"s","step":"1"} | |
air_conditioner | Air conditioner working state information of dock | struct | r | 0 | ||
»air_conditioner_state | Air conditioner state of dock | (int型)enum | {"0":"Idle mode (No cooling, heating, and dehumidification)","1":"Cooling mode","2":"Heating mode","3":"Dehumidification mode","4":"Cooling exit mode","5":"Heating exit mode","6":"Dehumidification exit mode","7":"Cooling preparation mode","8":"Heating preparation mode","9":"Dehumidification preparation mode"} | Air conditioner working state information of dock. Only one working mode exits in one moment. | ||
»switch_time | The remaining switchable time to wait | int | {"unit":"s"} | The mode switching order is preparation mode, working mode (cooling, heating, dehumidification), exit mode, and idle mode. This property will report how long it takes to switch to another mode. For example, if the dock air conditioner is in cooling mode, it must be cooled for 5 minutes before the cooling mode can be exited. This property will report how long it will take to exit the cooling mode. 0 means it can be exited at any time. | ||
battery_store_mode | Battery charging mode | enum | r | 0 | {"1":"Schedule mode","2":"Standby mode"} | Schedule mode is suitable for performing regular tasks. Battery will be charged to between 55% and 60% when no task distributed. Standby mode is suitable for performing urgent tasks. Battery will be charged to between 90% and 95% when no task distributed but battery lifespan will be shorter. |
alarm_state | Sound and light alarm state of dock | enum | r | 0 | {"0":"Closed","1":"Opened"} | |
drone_battery_maintenance_info | Maintenance information of aircraft battery | struct | 0 | |||
»maintenance_state | Maintenance state | enum | {"0":"No need to maintenance","1":"Need maintenance","2":"Under maintenance"} | |||
»maintenance_time_left | Remaining time of battery maintenance | int | {"unit":"hour"} | Round down | ||
»heat_state | The heating state or insulation state of battery | (int型)enum | {"0":"Battery is not in heating or insulation","1":"Battery is in heating","2":"Battery is in insulation"} | When the drone is powered off in the dock, this property will report the heating and insulation information of the drone battery. | ||
»batteries | Specific information of battery | array | {} | When the drone is powered off in the dock, the property will report the drone battery information. The basic data is consistent with the battery information in the aircraft thing model. | ||
»»[array_item] | Elements in array | struct | {} | {"size": ""} | ||
»»»capacity_percent | Remaining power of battery | int | {"min":0,"max":100} | One digit after the decimal point is reserved. The normal range is 0~100. The abnormal value of which the device cannot obtain data is 32767. | ||
»»»index | Battery index | (int型)enum | {"0":"Left battery","1":"Right battery"} | |||
»»»voltage | Voltage | int | {"unit":"mV"} | The normal range is 0~28000mV. The abnormal value of which the device cannot obtain data is 32767. | ||
»»»temperature | Temperature | float | {"unit":"Celsius"} | One digit after the decimal point is reserved. The normal range is -40~150 ℃. The abnormal value of which the device cannot obtain data is 32767. | ||
backup_battery | Backup battery information of dock | struct | r | 0 | ||
»switch | Switch of backup battery | enum | {"0":"Closed","1":"Opened"} | |||
»voltage | Voltage of backup battery | int | {"unit":"mV","min":"0","max":"30000","step":"1"} | When the backup battery is closed, the voltage is 0. | ||
»temperature | Temperature of backup battery | float | {"unit":"Celsius","step":"0.1"} | Reserve one decimal place | ||
drone_charge_state | Drone charge state | struct | r | 0 | ||
»capacity_percent | Capacity percent | int | {"min":"0","max":"100"} | |||
»state | Drone charge state | enum | {"0":"not charging","1":"charging"} | |||
emergency_stop_state | State of emergency stop button | enum | r | 0 | {"0":"Closed","1":"Opened"} | |
position_state | Star search state | struct | r | 0 | ||
»is_calibration | Whether is calibrated | enum | {"0":"Not calibrated","1":"Calibrated"} | |||
»is_fixed | Whether is fixed | enum | {"0":"Not start","1":"fixing","2":"fix successfully","3":"fix failed"} | |||
»quality | Star search gear | enum | {"1":"1","2":"2","3":"3","4":"4","5":"5"} | |||
»gps_number | GPS star search number | int | ||||
»rtk_number | RTK star search number | int | ||||
maintain_status | Maintenance information | struct | r | 0 | ||
»maintain_status_array | Maintenance information array | array | {} | |||
»»[array_item] | Elements in array | struct | {} | {"size": ""} | ||
»»»state | Maintenance state | enum | {"0":"No maintenance","1":"Under maintenance"} | |||
»»»last_maintain_type | Type of last maintenance | enum_int | {"0":"No maintenance","17":"Dock basic maintenance","18":"Dock deep maintenance"} | |||
»»»last_maintain_time | Time of last maintenance | date | {"unit":"utc second timestamp"} | |||
»»»last_maintain_work_sorties | Work sorties of last maintenance | int | {"unit":"times","step":"1"} | |||
wpmz_version | WPMZ version of dock | text | r | 1 | {} | |
drc_state | State of DRC link | enum | r | 0 | {"0":"Disconnected","1":"Connecting","2":"Connected"} |