Development Platform

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Please select the operating system and development platform for developing the payload device according to the difference in the support of the PSDK function between the operating system and the development platform, the resource occupancy of the payload device program, and the toolchain supported by the PSDK.

Select Flight Platform

Aircraft Type Function Difference

Note: For commonly used static libraries, please refer to the shared linkopen in new window. PSDK Interfaces includes one top-mounted gimbal port and two bottom-mounted gimbal ports. For details, please refer to Device Connectionopen in new window.

PortMavic 3E/3T E-PortMatrice 30/30T E-PortM300 RTK PSDK PortM300 RTK OSDK PortM350 RTK PSDK PortM350 RTK E-PortFlyCart 30 E-Port LiteMatrice 3D/3TD E-Port PortMatrice 3D/3TD E-Port Lite PortMatrice 4E/4T E-Port PortMatrice 4E/4T E-Port Lite PortMatrice 4D/4TD E-Port PortMatrice 4D/4TD E-Port Lite Port
Log Management-
Data Subscription
Basic Camera Function--------
Basic Camera Management--------
Gimbal Function-------
Gimbal Management-------
Power Management----
Flight Control-------
Custom Widget
Custom HMS
HMS Manager-----
Time Synchronization------
Low-speed Data Transmission
Camera Video Stream---------
Playback Download-----------
X-Port Function-----------
Camera Stream Liveview--------
Local Upgrade------
High-speed Data Transmission------------
SDK Interconnection-------
Waypoint Mission-------

Choose an Operating System

Platform Function Differences

Log Management
Information Management
Basic Camera Function
Basic Camera Management
Gimbal Function
Gimbal Management
Power Management
Flight Control
Custom Widget
HMS Function
Time Synchronization
Low-speed Data Transmission
Camera Video Stream
Playback Download-
X-Port Function
Camera Liveview Stream-
Local Upgrade
High-speed Data Transmission-
SDK Interconnection-
Waypoint Mission

Resource Usage


Use Manifold 2-C to run PSDK sample program on the Linux platform. Resource usage of the program is as follows:

  • Stack: 12288 bytes
  • Heap: 40960 bytes
  • Text: 755359 bytes
  • Data: 3872 bytes
  • Bss: 23848 bytes
  • CPU: 7.2%


Using RTOS on the STM32F407IGH6-EVAL, the resource usage of the payload is as follows:

  • Text: 353620 bytes
  • Data: 1836 bytes
  • Bss: 85620 bytes
  • CPU: 30%

Select development platform

PSDK supports the use of the following tools to compile load devices developed based on PSDK. Please select the correct toolchain according to the selected development platform.

Note: For common toolchain static library, refer to PSDK platform static libraryopen in new window. For the detailed description of cross-platform porting, please refer to Cross-platform portingopen in new window.

toolchain nametarget platformtypical chip typerecommended development platform
aarch64-linux-gnu-gccaarch64-linux-gnuNVIDIA Jetson TX2、Rockchip RK3399 proManifold2-G、Rock chip Toybrick board
x86_64-linux-gnu-gccx86_64-linux-gnu64位intel cpu,such as Intel Core i7-8550UManifold2-C
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gccarm-linux-gnueabihfProcessors that support hardware floating-point operations, such as OK5718-C, etc.-
armcc-cortex-m4Cortex M4/M4F系列MCUSTM32F407IGT6、STM32F405RGT6STM32F407-Eval、STM32F407 Discovery Board

Note: The developer needs to select the static library of the specified compilation chain according to the development platform used. If there is no static library of the required compilation chain in the development package, please provide the development platform model, compiler chain model and compiler chain installation package used to develop the payload device and send it to SDK technical support team, we will prepare the static library for you.

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