Payload Collaboration

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This is the header file for "psdk_payload_collaboration.c", defining the structure and (exported) function prototypes.


typedef enum E_PsdkPayloadCollaborationCameraType

The camera's type

typedef enum {
    PSDK_PAYLOAD_COLLABORATION_CAMERA_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0,        Camera type is unknown. 
    PSDK_PAYLOAD_COLLABORATION_CAMERA_TYPE_XT = 7,             Camera type is XT. 
    PSDK_PAYLOAD_COLLABORATION_CAMERA_TYPE_X4S = 14,           Camera type is X4S. 
    PSDK_PAYLOAD_COLLABORATION_CAMERA_TYPE_X5S = 15,           Camera type is X5S. 
    PSDK_PAYLOAD_COLLABORATION_CAMERA_TYPE_X7 = 17,            Camera type is X7. 
    PSDK_PAYLOAD_COLLABORATION_CAMERA_TYPE_Z30 = 20,           Camera type is Z30. 
    PSDK_PAYLOAD_COLLABORATION_CAMERA_TYPE_XT2 = 26,           Camera type is XT2. 
    PSDK_PAYLOAD_COLLABORATION_CAMERA_TYPE_PSDK = 31,          Camera type is third party camera based on Payload SDK. 
    PSDK_PAYLOAD_COLLABORATION_CAMERA_TYPE_XTS = 41,           Camera type is XT S. 
    PSDK_PAYLOAD_COLLABORATION_CAMERA_TYPE_H20 = 42,           Camera type is H20. 
    PSDK_PAYLOAD_COLLABORATION_CAMERA_TYPE_H20T = 43,          Camera type is H20T. 

} E_PsdkPayloadCollaborationCameraType;


function PsdkPayloadCollaboration_Init

brief :Initialise payload collaboration module product:all

Initialise payload collaboration module. User should call this function before using this module.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkPayloadCollaboration_Init(void);


The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkPayloadCollaboration_GetCameraTypeOfPayload

Function:Get the type of the camera Product:all

Get camera's type of other payloads mounted on aircraft.

NOTE If there is empty in requested position or payload do not have camera type, the interface will return error.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkPayloadCollaboration_GetCameraTypeOfPayload(E_PsdkAircraftInfoPayloadMountPosition payloadPosition,
                                                                 E_PsdkPayloadCollaborationCameraType *cameraType);
payloadPosition:position where payload mounted on.
cameraType:Pointer to camera type of payload.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkPayloadCollaboration_GetCameraOpticalZoomSpecOfPayload

Function:Get optical zoom specification of other camera payloads mounted on aircraft. product:all

Get optical zoom specification of other camera payloads mounted on aircraft.

NOTE If there is empty in requested position or payload do not have related information, the interface will return error.

PsdkPayloadCollaboration_GetCameraOpticalZoomSpecOfPayload(E_PsdkAircraftInfoPayloadMountPosition payloadPosition,
                                                           T_PsdkCameraOpticalZoomSpec *opticalZoomSpec);
payloadPosition:position where payload mounted on.
opticalZoomSpec:pointer to optical zoom specification
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkPayloadCollaboration_GetCameraHybridZoomFocalLengthOfPayload

Function: Get hybrid zoom focal lengthproduct:all

Get hybrid zoom focal length of other camera payloads mounted on aircraf.

NOTE If there is empty in requested position or payload do not have related information, the interface will return error.

PsdkPayloadCollaboration_GetCameraHybridZoomFocalLengthOfPayload(E_PsdkAircraftInfoPayloadMountPosition payloadPosition,
                                                                 uint16_t *focalLength);
payloadPosition:position where payload mounted on.
focalLength:Pointer to optical focal length, unit: 0.1mm.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode
Last Updated: 8/23/2022, 8:30:21 AM
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