Time Synchronization

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This is the header file for "psdk_time_sync.c", defining the structure and (exported) function prototypes.

Structure and Enum

typedef struct T_PsdkTimeSyncAircraftTime

The structure of the time system in the drone.

typedef struct {
    uint16_t year;          Specifies year.
    uint8_t month;          Specifies month, range from 1 to 12.
    uint8_t day;            Specifies day, range from 1 to 31.
    uint8_t hour;           Specifies hour, range from 0 to 23.
    uint8_t minute;         Specifies minute, range from 0 to 59.
    uint8_t second;         Specifies second, range from 0 to 59.
    uint32_t microsecond;   Specifies microsecond, range from 0 to 999999.

typedef function GetNewestPpsTriggerLocalTimeUsCallback

Function:Get the newest PPS triggered timestamp product:all

Prototype of callback function used to get the newest PPS triggered timestamp.

NOTE Developer can not execute blocking style operations or functions in callback function, because that will block PSDK root thread, causing problems such as slow system response, payload disconnection or infinite loop.

typedef T_PsdkReturnCode (*GetNewestPpsTriggerLocalTimeUsCallback)(uint64_t *localTimeUs);
localTimeUs:pointer to memory space used to store PPS triggered timestamp
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode


function PsdkTimeSync_Init

Function:Initialise time synchronization module product:all

Initialise time synchronization module in blocking mode. User should call this function before all other time synchronization operations, just like transferring time.


  • Max execution time of this function is slightly larger than 2000ms.
  • This function have to be called in user task, rather than main() function, and after scheduler being started.
T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkTimeSync_Init(void);


The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkTimeSync_RegGetNewestPpsTriggerTimeCallback

Function:Get the newest timestamp product:all

Register callback function used to get the newest timestamp in local time system when PPS rising edge signal is detected.

NOTE PSDK uses the timestamp information to synchronise time of local time system and RTK navigation and positioning system.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkTimeSync_RegGetNewestPpsTriggerTimeCallback(GetNewestPpsTriggerLocalTimeUsCallback callback);
callback:pointer to the callback function.


The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkTimeSync_TransferToAircraftTime

Function:Time transfer product:all

Transfer local time to time in aircraft time system.

NOTE Before calling the interface, users must call PsdkTimeSync_RegGetNewestPpsTriggerTimeCallback() to register callback function used to report the latest triggered time of PPS signal.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkTimeSync_TransferToAircraftTime(uint64_t localTimeUs, T_PsdkTimeSyncAircraftTime *aircraftTime);
localTimeUs:local time, unit: microsecond.
aircraftTime:pointer to memory space used to store time in aircraft time system.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode
Last Updated: 8/23/2022, 8:30:21 AM
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