Information Management

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This is the header file for "psdk_aircraft_info.c", defining the structure and (exported) function prototypes.



typedef enum E_PsdkAircraftInfoType

Aircraft's type

typedef enum {
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0,          Aircraft type is unknown.
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_TYPE_M200_V2 = 44,         Aircraft type is Matrice 200 V2. 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_TYPE_M210_V2 = 45,         Aircraft type is Matrice 210 V2. 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_TYPE_M210RTK_V2 = 46,      Aircraft type is Matrice 210 RTK V2. 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_TYPE_M300_RTK = 60,        Aircraft type is Matrice 300 RTK. 
} E_PsdkAircraftInfoType;

typedef enum E_PsdkAircraftInfoPsdkAdapterType

PSDK adapter's type, for details, please refer to hardware open in new window

typedef enum {
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_PSDK_ADAPTER_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0,         PSDK adapter type is unknown. 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_PSDK_ADAPTER_TYPE_SKYPORT_V2 = 1,      PSDK adapter type is Skyport V2. 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_PSDK_ADAPTER_TYPE_XPORT = 2,           PSDK adapter type is X-Port. 
} E_PsdkAircraftInfoPsdkAdapterType;

typedef enum E_PsdkAircraftInfoPayloadMountPosition

Payload mount position.

typedef enum {
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_PAYLOAD_MOUNT_POSITION_UNKNOWN = 0,     Payload mount position is unknown. 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_PAYLOAD_MOUNT_POSITION_NO1 = 1,         Payload is mounted on the first gimbal connector of 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_PAYLOAD_MOUNT_POSITION_NO2 = 2,         Payload is mounted on the second gimbal connector of 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_PAYLOAD_MOUNT_POSITION_NO3 = 3,         Payload is mounted on the third gimbal connector of 
} E_PsdkAircraftInfoPayloadMountPosition;

typedef enum E_PsdkAircraftInfoMobileAppLanguage

Mobile APP system language.

typedef enum {
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_MOBILE_APP_LANGUAGE_UNKNOWN = 0,         The system language of the mobile app is unknown 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_MOBILE_APP_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH = 1,         The system language of the mobile app is English 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_MOBILE_APP_LANGUAGE_CHINESE = 2,         The system language of the mobile app is Chinese 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_MOBILE_APP_LANGUAGE_JAPANESE = 3,        The system language of the mobile app is Japanese 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_MOBILE_APP_LANGUAGE_FRENCH = 4,          The system language of the mobile app is French 
} E_PsdkAircraftInfoMobileAppLanguage;

typedef enum E_PsdkAircraftInfoMobileAppScreenType

Mobile APP screen size type.

typedef enum {
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_MOBILE_APP_SCREEN_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0,            Mobile APP screen type is unknown. 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_MOBILE_APP_SCREEN_TYPE_BIG_SCREEN = 1,         The big screen of mobile device refers to a screen
                                                                      size greater than or equal to 6 inches. 
    PSDK_AIRCRAFT_INFO_MOBILE_APP_SCREEN_TYPE_LITTLE_SCREEN = 2,      The little screen of mobile device refers to a
                                                                      screen size less than 6 inches. 
} E_PsdkAircraftInfoMobileAppScreenType;


typedef struct T_PsdkAircraftInfoBaseInfo

Some base information of aircraft system, mainly including some constant parameters information of system.

typedef struct {
    E_PsdkAircraftInfoType aircraftType;                       Aircraft type. 
    E_PsdkAircraftInfoPsdkAdapterType psdkAdapterType;         PSDK adapter type. 
    E_PsdkAircraftInfoPayloadMountPosition payloadMountPosition;         Payload mount position. 
} T_PsdkAircraftInfoBaseInfo;

typedef struct T_PsdkAircraftInfoMobileAppInfo

Information related to mobile APP

typedef struct {
    E_PsdkAircraftInfoMobileAppLanguage appLanguage;             Mobile APP system language 
    E_PsdkAircraftInfoMobileAppScreenType appScreenType;         Mobile APP screen size type. 
} T_PsdkAircraftInfoMobileAppInfo;


function PsdkAircraftInfo_GetBaseInfo

Function:Get base information of aircraft system product:all

Get base information of aircraft system, including aircraft type and PSDK adapter type.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkAircraftInfo_GetBaseInfo(T_PsdkAircraftInfoBaseInfo *baseInfo);
baseInfo: pointer to memory space used to store base information of the aircraft system
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkAircraftInfo_GetMobileAppInfo

Function:Get information related to mobile APP product:all

Get information related to mobile APP.

NOTE The mobile APP language and screen type is unknown if RC or APP is not connected to the aircraft system.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkAircraftInfo_GetMobileAppInfo(T_PsdkAircraftInfoMobileAppInfo *mobileAppInfo);
mobileAppInfo: pointer to memory space used to store information related to mobile APP.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode
Last Updated: 8/23/2022, 8:30:21 AM
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