SDK Interconnection

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This is the header file for "psdk_mop_channel.c", defining the structure and (exported) function prototypes.

NOTE The payload which developed on the Linux support developer use SDK Interconnection.

Define and Enum

Mop Channel Handle

typedef void *T_PsdkMopChannelHandle;

typedef enum E_PsdkMopChannelTransType

Mop channel transmission type.

typedef enum {
    PSDK_MOP_CHANNEL_TRANS_RELIABLE = 0,  Reliable transmission
    PSDK_MOP_CHANNEL_TRANS_UNRELIABLE,    Unreliable transmission
} E_PsdkMopChannelTransType;


function PsdkMopChannel_Init

Function:Initialize product:all

Initialize the mop channel for operation about mop channel handle later.

NOTE This interface needs to be called before calling other mop channel interfaces. Please make sure the network port is connected properly before calling this interface. Mop channel feature currently only supports linux platform.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkMopChannel_Init(void);


The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkMopChannel_Create

Function:Specified transmission type product:all

Create the mop channel handle by specified transmission type.


  • When mop channel handle created successfully, you need bind channel id to this created mop channel handle and accept other client device connections, such as MSDK or OSDK device;
  • When mop channel accept successfully, you can use send or receive data interface to write or read data by accepted output channel handle;
  • When the mop channel handle do not used, you can use close or destroy interface to release the resource.
T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkMopChannel_Create(T_PsdkMopChannelHandle *channelHandle, E_PsdkMopChannelTransType transType);
channelHandle:pointer to the created mop channel.
transType:the transmission type for mop channel ::E_PsdkMopChannelTransType.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkMopChannel_Destroy

Function:Destroy the created channel product:all

Destroy the created mop channel and release the resource that referenced by the channel handle.

NOTE After calling this interface, we can not do any operation about this channel handle expect create channel handle.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkMopChannel_Destroy(T_PsdkMopChannelHandle channelHandle);
channelHandle:pointer to the created mop channel.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkMopChannel_Bind

Function:Bind the channel id product:all

Bind the channel id to the created mop channel handle.

NOTE When mop channel handle created successfully, you can bind channel id to this created mop handle and calling interface ::PsdkMopChannel_Accept, then other client device can use this binded channel id to connect created mop handle.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkMopChannel_Bind(T_PsdkMopChannelHandle channelHandle,
                                     uint16_t channelId);
channelHandle:pointer to the created mop channel handle.
channelId:the channel id of mop handle for accepting client device connection.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkMopChannel_Accept

Function:Accept the MOP connection product:all

Accept the connection by binded channel id for created mop channel.

NOTE The mop accept channel extracts the connection request on the queue of pennding connections for listening channel handle ::channelHandle. Create a new connected channel handle and return to user ::outChannelHandle by referrng to a new connection. Payload can be a server that allow multiple client connections by binded channel id.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkMopChannel_Accept(T_PsdkMopChannelHandle channelHandle,
                                       T_PsdkMopChannelHandle *outChannelHandle);
channelHandle:pointer to the created mop channel.
outChannelHandle:pointer to the accepted output mop channel.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkMopChannel_Close

Function:Close the created mop channelproduct:all

Close the created mop channel.

NOTE After calling this interface, we can not do any operation about this channel handle expect destroy channel handle.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkMopChannel_Close(T_PsdkMopChannelHandle channelHandle);
channelHandle:pointer to the created mop channel.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkMopChannel_SendData

Function:Send data product:all
Send data by the accepted output mop channel.

NOTE This interface should be called after successfully calling the interface ::PsdkMopChannel_Accept. It is recommended to send more bytes of data at a time to improve read and write efficiency. Need to determine whether the send is successful according to the return code and the actual sent data length.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkMopChannel_SendData(T_PsdkMopChannelHandle channelHandle,
                                         uint8_t *data,
                                         uint32_t len,
                                         uint32_t *realLen);
channelHandle:pointer to accepted output mop handle outChannelHandle by calling interface PsdkMopChannel_Accept.
data:pointer to data to be sent.
len:length of data to be sent via accepted output mop handle, unit: byte.
realLen:pointer to real length of data that already sent. Retuen The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkMopChannel_RecvData

Function:Receive dataproduct:all

Receive data from the accepted output mop channel.

NOTE This interface should be called after successfully calling the interface ::PsdkMopChannel_Accept. It is recommended to receive more bytes of data at a time to improve read and write efficiency. Need to determine whether the receive is successful according to the return code and the actual received data length.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkMopChannel_RecvData(T_PsdkMopChannelHandle channelHandle,
                                         uint8_t *data,
                                         uint32_t len,
                                         uint32_t *realLen);
channelHandle:pointer to accepted output mop handle outChannelHandle by calling interface PsdkMopChannel_Accept.
data:pointer to data to store the received data.
len:length of data to be received via accepted output mop handle, unit: byte.
realLen:pointer to real length of data that already received.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode
Last Updated: 8/23/2022, 8:30:21 AM
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