Custom Widget

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This is the header file for "psdk_widget.c", defining the structure and (exported) function prototypes.



The maximum length of a message that can be displayed by the mobile app floating window.



typedef enum E_PsdkWidgetType

Widget types

typedef enum {
    PSDK_WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON = 1,         button widget type 
    PSDK_WIDGET_TYPE_SWITCH = 2,         switch widget type 
    PSDK_WIDGET_TYPE_SCALE = 3,          scale widget type 
    PSDK_WIDGET_TYPE_LIST = 4,           list widget type 
    PSDK_WIDGET_TYPE_INT_INPUT_BOX = 5,  integer input box widget type 
} E_PsdkWidgetType;

typedef enum E_PsdkWidgetButtonState

Button widget state

typedef enum {
    PSDK_WIDGET_BUTTON_STATE_PRESS_DOWN = 1,        Button is pressed down 
    PSDK_WIDGET_BUTTON_STATE_RELEASE_UP = 0,        Button is released up 
} E_PsdkWidgetButtonState;

typedef enum E_PsdkWidgetSwitchState

witch widget state

typedef enum {
    PSDK_WIDGET_SWITCH_STATE_OFF = 0,        Switch is turned off 
    PSDK_WIDGET_SWITCH_STATE_ON = 1          Switch is turned on 
} E_PsdkWidgetSwitchState;


typedef struct T_PsdkWidgetFileBinaryArray

Widget file binary array

typedef struct {
    char *fileName;                   The file name of the widget file 
    uint32_t fileSize;                The file size of the widget file, uint : byte 
    const uint8_t *fileBinaryArray;   The binary C array of the widget file 
} T_PsdkWidgetFileBinaryArray;

typedef struct T_PsdkWidgetBinaryArrayConfig

Widget binary array config

typedef struct {
    uint16_t binaryArrayCount;                            Binary array count
    T_PsdkWidgetFileBinaryArray *fileBinaryArrayList;     Pointer to binary array list 
} T_PsdkWidgetBinaryArrayConfig;

typedef struct T_PsdkWidgetHandlerListItem

Widget handler item

typedef struct {
    uint32_t widgetIndex;              The index of widget, the index can be numbered 
                                       starting from 0 and cannot be repeated 
    E_PsdkWidgetType widgetType;       The type of widget, refer to ::E_PsdkWidgetType 

      @brief Prototype of callback function used to set widget value, the function will be call when the user triggers the widget.
      @param widgetType: the type of widget, refer to ::E_PsdkWidgetType.
      @param index:  the index of widget.
      @param value: the value of widget, need be set.
                 1. if the widget type is PSDK_WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON, the value is refer to ::E_PsdkWidgetButtonState;
                 2. if the widget type is PSDK_WIDGET_TYPE_SWITCH, the value is refer to ::E_PsdkWidgetSwitchState;
                 3. if the widget type is PSDK_WIDGET_TYPE_SCALE, the value is range from 0 to 100, which represents the percentage of the scale slider;
                 4. if the Widget type is PSDK_WIDGET_TYPE_LIST, the value is range from 0 to N-1 (N is the value of list item count), which represents which item is chosen;
      @param userData: The user data need used in callback
      @return Execution result.
    T_PsdkReturnCode (*SetWidgetValue)(E_PsdkWidgetType widgetType, uint32_t index, int32_t value, void *userData);

      @brief  Prototype of callback function used to get widget value.
      @param widgetType: the type of widget, refer to ::E_PsdkWidgetType.
      @param value: the value of widget.
                   1. If the widget type is PSDK_WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON, the value is refer to ::E_PsdkWidgetButtonState;
                   2. If the widget type is PSDK_WIDGET_TYPE_SWITCH, the value is refer to ::E_PsdkWidgetSwitchState;
                   3. If the widget type is PSDK_WIDGET_TYPE_SCALE, the value is range from 0 to 100, which represents the percentage of the scale slider;
                   4. If the Widget type is PSDK_WIDGET_TYPE_LIST, the value is range from 0 to N-1 (N is the value of list item count), which represents which item is chosen;
      @param userData: The user data need used in callback
      @return Execution result.
    T_PsdkReturnCode (*GetWidgetValue)(E_PsdkWidgetType widgetType, uint32_t index, int32_t *value, void *userData);

    void *userData;      The user data need used in SetWidgetValue and GetWidgetValue callback function. 
} T_PsdkWidgetHandlerListItem;


function PsdkWidget_Init

Function:Initialise widget module product:all

Initialise widget module, and user should call this function before using widget features.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkWidget_Init(void);


The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkWidget_RegDefaultUiConfigByDirPath

Function:Register default directory path.product:all

Register default widget UI configuration file directory path.


  • Under Linux system, there are two functions to set the custom widget configuration directory path, function PsdkWidget_RegDefaultConfigByDirPath and PsdkWidget_RegUiConfigByDirPath.
  • When you don't need multi-language and multi-screen size support, you can just use PsdkWidget_RegDefaultUiConfigByDirPath function set widget UI config directory path.
  • If you need support multi-language and multi-screen size support, you can use function PsdkWidget_RegUiConfigByDirPath to specify widget configuration.
  • When the language and screen size is not cover in your setting by PsdkWidget_RegUiConfigByDirPath, the widget UI configuration uses setting by PsdkWiget_RegDefaultUiConfigByDirPath function.
T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkWidget_RegDefaultUiConfigByDirPath(const char *widgetConfigDirPath);
widgetConfigDirPath:the widget UI configuration directory path.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkWidget_RegUiConfigByDirPath

Function:Register configuration product:all

Register widget UI configuration file directory path.

NOTE Different widget UI configurations for several language and screen size require the same widget type, index and count.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkWidget_RegUiConfigByDirPath(E_PsdkAircraftInfoMobileAppLanguage appLanguage,
                                                 E_PsdkAircraftInfoMobileAppScreenType appScreenType,
                                                 const char *widgetConfigDirPath);
appLanguage:mobile app language type.
appScreenType:mobile app screen type.
widgetConfigDirPath:the widget UI configuration directory path.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkWidget_RegDefaultUiConfigByBinaryArray

Function:Register default widget UI config product:all

Register default widget UI config by binary array configuration.

NOTE In RTOS, most likely there is no file system. The widget config file content can use C array express. Use this function and PsdkWidget_RegDefaultUiConfigBinaryArray set widget UI configuration. When the language and screen size is not cover in your setting by PsdkWidget_RegUiConfigByBinaryArray, the widget UI configuration uses setting by this function.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkWidget_RegDefaultUiConfigByBinaryArray(const T_PsdkWidgetBinaryArrayConfig *binaryArrayConfig);
binaryArrayConfig: the binary array config for widget UI configuration.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkWidget_RegUiConfigByBinaryArray

Function:Register widget UI config(binary array) product:all

Register widget UI config by binary array configuration.

NOTE Different widget UI configurations for several language and screen size require the same widget type, index and count.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkWidget_RegUiConfigByBinaryArray(E_PsdkAircraftInfoMobileAPPLanguage APPLanguage,
                                                     E_PsdkAircraftInfoMobileAPPScreenType screenType,
                                                     const T_PsdkWidgetBinaryArrayConfig *binaryArrayConfig);
appLanguage:mobile app language type.
screenType:mobile app screen type.
binaryArrayConfig:the binary array config for widget UI configuration.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkWidget_RegHandlerList

Function:Register handler list product:all

Register handler list for widgets.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkWidget_RegHandlerList(const T_PsdkWidgetHandlerListItem *widgetHandlerList, uint32_t itemCount);
widgetHandlerList:widget handler list for widgets.
itemCount:the item count of widget handler list.
The details for the return code please refer toPsdkErrorCode

function PsdkWidgetFloatingWindow_ShowMessage

Function:Send message to floating window. product:all

Send message to mobile app floating window.


  • The message length can't more than PSDK_WIDGET_FLOATING_WINDOW_MSG_MAX_LEN.
  • The max data bandwidth of floating windows message is 2KB/s.
T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkWidgetFloatingWindow_ShowMessage(const char *str);
str:pointer to message string.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode

function PsdkWidgetFloatingWindow_GetChannelState

Function:pointer to floating window channel state. product:all

Get data transmission state of floating window channel. User can use the state as base for controlling floating windows message send.

T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkWidgetFloatingWindow_GetChannelState(T_PsdkDataChannelState *state);
state:pointer to floating window channel state.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode
Last Updated: 8/23/2022, 8:30:21 AM
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