Payload Info

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This is the header file for "psdk_product_info.c", defining the structure and (exported) function prototypes.


function PsdkProductInfo_SetAlias

Function: Set an aliasproduct:all

Set an alias that satisfies the condition for PSDK application or product. if the alias is exist, it will be displayed in DJI Pilot.


  • Still need to pass in correct PSDK APP name that is obtained from DJI SDK developer website to PsdkCore_Init() interface. The PSDK APP name will be used to bind or verification.
  • Alias will be effective after a while, and the max value is 1s.
T_PsdkReturnCode PsdkProductInfo_SetAlias(const char *productAlias);
productAlias:Pointer to product alias string, and alias end with '\0'. The max length of the string is 31. If length of alias string is greater than 31, alias string will be truncated and passed in.
The details for the return code please refer to:PsdkErrorCode
Last Updated: 8/23/2022, 8:30:21 AM
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